

单词 凶猛
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIT〕He is a good boxer, a powerful puncher who has knocked out 18 of his 20 opponents to date. 他是个优秀的拳手,出拳凶猛,至今出战20场,18次击倒对手获胜。朗文写作活用〔Tartar〕Often tartar A person regarded as ferocious or violent. 常作 tartar 被认为是残酷和凶猛的人美国传统〔VIOLENT〕Defence lawyers claimed that the shooting was a spontaneous reaction, ferocious, but not part of a plan. 辩方律师声称,开枪是自然反应,动作凶猛但不是有预谋的。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕Rottweilers are vicious dogs, far too dangerous to have as pets. 罗威纳狗是一种凶猛的动物,当宠物养太危险了。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕Swans are always fierce in defence of their young. 天鹅在保护幼雏的时候总是表现得很凶猛。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕The dog was standing at the gate, looking fierce and growling. 那条狗站在大门口,看上去很凶猛,而且狂吠不已。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕The female spider often reacts fiercely to the male's advances. 对于公蜘蛛的求爱,母蜘蛛常有凶猛的反应。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕The tiger is a ferocious beast which has already killed ten villagers. 这只老虎非常凶猛,已经咬死了十个村民。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕These bears look ferocious, but attacks by them are extremely rare. 这些熊看似凶猛,但是极少有熊袭击人的事件发生。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕They caught the monkey, but it was so savage that no one could get near enough to feed it. 他们抓住了猴子,但它非常凶猛,没人能走近喂它吃的。朗文写作活用〔attack〕The team is strong inattack but useless in defence.这支球队攻势凶猛,但防守不堪一击。剑桥高阶〔bloodhound〕Informal A relentless pursuer.【非正式用语】 侦探,凶猛追踪者美国传统〔cardinal〕The cardinal rule in working with large powerful animals is never to take any risks.对待大而凶猛的动物的重要规则是永远不要冒险。麦克米伦高阶〔consternate〕When he saw the mountain torrents rushing down with a devastating force, he was consternated.看到山洪来势凶猛时,他惊慌失色。21世纪英汉〔ferity〕The state of being savage; ferocity.野蛮,凶残:处于野蛮的状态;凶猛美国传统〔ferocity〕It attacks its prey with great ferocity.它非常凶猛地攻击猎物。牛津搭配〔ferocity〕The state or quality of being ferocious; fierceness.凶恶,残忍:凶恶的状态或特点;凶猛美国传统〔fierce〕The dog looked very fierce.这条狗看起来很凶猛外研社新世纪〔fight〕She'll fight like a tiger to protect her children.她会像老虎一样凶猛地保护自己的孩子。牛津搭配〔ground〕The troops managed to hold their ground despite a fierce enemy attack.尽管敌人进攻凶猛,部队还是成功守住了阵地。韦氏高阶〔halt〕Severe flooding has brought trains to a halt (= prevented them from moving) on several lines in Scotland.凶猛的洪水使苏格兰几条铁路线上的火车停驶。剑桥高阶〔hard-nose(d)〕He plays hard-nose(d) football.他足球踢得凶猛顽强。英汉大词典〔hold up〕The finals of the football was held up by a heavy storm.由于一场凶猛的暴风雨,那场足球决赛被迫停赛了。21世纪英汉〔howl〕The dog let out a savage howl and, wheeling round, flew at him.那只狗发出一声凶猛的狂吠,突然转身向他扑去。柯林斯高阶〔humdinger〕The last storm was a real humdinger! 上一场暴风雨真是凶猛异常!韦氏高阶〔kelpie〕A malevolent water spirit of Scottish legend, usually having the shape of a horse and rejoicing in or causing drownings.水妖:苏格兰传说中的一个凶猛水妖,通常具有马形,喜欢或让人溺水美国传统〔know〕This species is not known to be vicious.据说这一物种并不凶猛。朗文当代〔life〕He has risked life and limb (=has done very dangerous things) to photograph some of the world's most dangerous animals.他冒着生命危险拍摄了一些世界上最凶猛的动物。朗文当代〔muzzle〕Dangerous dogs should be muzzled.凶猛的狗应该套上口套。剑桥高阶〔outgun〕First Airborne Division was heavily outgunned by German forces.第一空降师完全被德军的凶猛火力压住了。柯林斯高阶〔outgun〕First Airborne Division was heavily outgunned by German forces.第一空降师被德军的凶猛火力压制住了。外研社新世纪〔rip〕He was ripped apart by savage beasts in the forest.他在森林里被凶猛的野兽撕碎了。朗文当代〔rogue〕A rogue wave flipped the boat over.一个凶猛的浪头把小船掀翻了。韦氏高阶〔rogue〕A vicious and solitary animal, especially an elephant that has separated itself from its herd.凶猛的离群野兽:尤指从象群中分离的凶猛的离群象美国传统〔savagely〕She was savagely attacked by the dog.她遭到了那只狗的凶猛袭击。韦氏高阶〔savage〕He was savaged by wild animals.他受到野兽凶猛的袭击。英汉大词典〔savage〕To assault ferociously.凶猛地攻击美国传统〔sharply〕The wind was not as sharp and cruel as it had been.风不像刚才那么凛冽和凶猛了。柯林斯高阶〔smite〕To drive or strike (a weapon, for example) forcefully onto or into something else.猛击:凶猛地指向或打向或打进别的物体,例如使用武器美国传统〔snarl〕To growl viciously while baring the teeth.狂吠,嗥叫:露出牙齿凶猛地咆哮美国传统〔something〕The dog was something fierce.那条狗极为凶猛。文馨英汉〔strike ... out〕If you can hit him on his eye he will strike out wildly,which would exhaust his strength.如果你能击中他的眼睛,他就会凶猛地进行反扑,这样就会耗尽他的体力。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕A rogue wave swamped the boat.凶猛的海浪淹没了船只。柯林斯高阶〔top〕Hail came on top of a violent thunderstorm.一阵凶猛的雷雨后,紧接着下起了冰雹美国传统〔torrent〕The trip involved crossing a raging torrent.旅途中要穿过一条水势凶猛的急流。柯林斯高阶〔truculence〕Ferociously cruel actions or behavior.凶猛,残忍:狂暴残酷的行径美国传统〔vengeance〕The disease came back with a vengeance.这种疾病又爆发了,来势凶猛。麦克米伦高阶〔vicious〕Keep away from that dog, he can be vicious.离那只狗远点,它有时很凶猛。朗文当代〔vicious〕Marked by an aggressive disposition; savage. Used chiefly of animals.凶猛的:以侵略性为特点的;野蛮的。主要用于动物美国传统〔wallop〕A hard or severe blow.痛击:强烈的凶猛的一击美国传统〔wicked〕He has a wicked punch.他出拳凶猛。牛津高阶〔wolfish〕Fierce or rapacious.贪婪的:凶猛的或强取的美国传统〔wolf〕One that is regarded as predatory, rapacious, and fierce.暴徒:被看作抢劫的、掠夺的和凶猛的人美国传统Having a fierce dog dispenses with the need for (= makes unnecessary) a burglar alarm.有只凶猛的狗就不必用报警器了。剑桥国际He was savaged by wild animals. 他遭到野兽的凶猛袭击。译典通I dreamt of grizzly bears crashing through the undergrowth.我梦到凶猛的灰熊闯过林下的灌木丛。剑桥国际It was a particularly brutal and savage attack.这是特别蛮横而凶猛的攻击。剑桥国际Owners of fierce dogs are often just following a fashion (= doing what is popular at the time).养凶猛的狗的人常常只是追随潮流。剑桥国际The cats lived wild and had become very fierce.这些猫过着野生的生活,已经变得非常凶猛。剑桥国际The tiger pounced savagely on the goat. 老虎凶猛地扑向山羊。译典通




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