

单词 军法
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔closed-door〕This court martial had been so closed-door, so hush-hush, so big-brass.这次军法审判对外十分保密,毫不声张,只有高级军官参加。英汉大词典〔court-martial〕A military or naval court of officers appointed by a commander to try persons for offenses under military law.军事法庭:由指挥官指定的官员组成的军事或海军法庭以对违反军事法的人进行审判美国传统〔court-martial〕He was court-martialled for desertion.他因擅离职守受到了军法审判。牛津高阶〔court-martial〕His traitorous activity got him court-martialed.他的叛变活动使他受到军法审判。21世纪英汉〔court-martial〕I was court-martialled and sentenced to six months in a military prison.我受到军法审判, 被判在军事监狱中服刑6个月。外研社新世纪〔court-martial〕The drill instructor was court-martialed for having sex with a trainee.军训教官因为和一名受训学员发生性关系而受到军法审判。朗文当代〔court-martial〕The remark got him court-martial(l)ed for insubordination.这句话使他以不服从命令的罪名受到军法审判。英汉大词典〔drumhead court-martial〕A court-martial held for the summary trial of an offense committed during military operations.战地军法审判:对军事行动中的犯罪行为进行审判的军事法庭审判美国传统〔extra-〕The report says torture was widespread, as were extra-judicial executions by government troops.报告说酷刑普遍存在,政府军法外行刑也屡见不鲜。柯林斯高阶〔hesitant〕The general is hesitant to court-martial him.将军对是否将他交付军法审判还犹豫不决。英汉大词典〔judge advocate general〕Abbr. J.A.G.,JAGThe chief legal officer of a branch of the U.S. armed forces.缩写 J.A.G.,JAG军法署署长:美国武装部队中一个部门的最高法律官员美国传统〔judge advocate〕A commissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Navy assigned to the Judge Advocate General's Corps.军事检察官:美国陆军、空军、或海军的现役军官,被委派到军法署署长所在的部队美国传统〔judge advocate〕An officer acting as prosecutor at a court-martial.军法官:担任军事法庭检察官的官员美国传统〔military law〕The statutes, codes, and common traditions relating to and executed by military courts for the discipline, trial, and punishment of military personnel.军法:军事法庭为惩戒、审问或处罚军人而援引或使用的法律、法规或一般惯例美国传统He was tried by court-martial. 他受到军法审判。译典通She is likely to be court-martialled for disobeying her commanding officer.她可能因违抗指挥官而受到军法审判。剑桥国际




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