

单词 全然
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DETAIL〕The lawyer had concocted an elaborate defence that gave a totally false impression of what happened. 该律师编出一篇周密的辩护辞,让人对发生的事有全然错误的印象。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕What the teacher was saying went against everything his parents had taught him. 老师的话跟他父母教导他的全然不同。朗文写作活用〔DISAGREE〕Both these ways of looking at the world are valid but utterly irreconcilable with each other. 这两种看待世界的方法都合理可取,却全然不能相容。朗文写作活用〔DISOBEY〕You have shown a total disregard for the law and for public safety. 你全然无视法律及公众安全。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕According to my understanding of the letter, it means something quite different. 根据我对这封信的理解,它具有全然不同的含义。朗文写作活用〔MISTAKE〕Some drivers admit they goofed. Others blame anyone except themselves. 有些驾车者会承认自己犯错,另一些人则全然责怪别朗文写作活用〔STAND〕We regard the idea of being able to choose the sex of your baby as wholly unacceptable. 我们认为可以选择胎儿性别这个想法是全然不能接受的。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕After a good vacation, you'll have a completely different outlook. 度过一个愉快的假期之后,你对人生就会有全然不同的看法。朗文写作活用〔affair〕Breakfast will be a cheerless affair for the Prime Minister this morning.今天的早餐会让首相感觉全然无味。柯林斯高阶〔anathema〕His political views were anathema to me.我对他的政治观点全然反感朗文当代〔bewilder〕She was totally bewildered by his sudden change of mood.他的情绪突变搞得她全然不知所措。牛津高阶〔blasé〕He remained totally blasé about the alarming news.他对于这项令人惊恐的消息全然无动于衷。英汉大词典〔blithely〕Your editorial blithely ignores the hard facts.你的社论全然无视铁一般的事实。柯林斯高阶〔blithe〕He showed blithe disregard for the rights of others.他全然不顾他人的权利。韦氏高阶〔brush aside〕She brushed his protests aside.她对他的抗议全然不顾。外研社新世纪〔contemptuous〕He was utterly contemptuous of her efforts.他全然蔑视她的努力。牛津搭配〔contempt〕He showed a complete contempt for other people's feelings.他全然不顾其他人的感受。麦克米伦高阶〔dark〕Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.工人全然不知出售公司的计划。牛津高阶〔dead〕She crumpled to the floor in a dead faint(= completely unconscious).她倒在地上全然不省人事。牛津高阶〔different〕That's a different issue altogether.全然独特的论点美国传统〔different〕They decided to try a radically different approach.他们决定试一试全然不同的办法。朗文当代〔disapprove〕I have heard everything, and entirely disapprove.所有的说法我都听到了,我全然反对。英汉大词典〔disbelief〕She looked at him in disbelief.她全然不信地看着他。柯林斯高阶〔dissent from〕I dissent altogether from such an unwise idea.我对这种不明智的意见全然持异议。21世纪英汉〔filter out〕The child was able to filter out the noises surrounding him, as he was so busy in his play.这个小孩一个劲地玩耍,全然没有注意周围的闹声。21世纪英汉〔fubar〕Utterly botched or confused.全然不知或混淆的美国传统〔fucked-up〕Completely messed up or mishandled; botched.混淆的:一团糟的或混乱的;全然无知的美国传统〔gaiety〕The party had none of the gaiety we've seen in past years.这次晚会全然没有我们前几年体验到的欢乐气氛。韦氏高阶〔go by sth〕If past experience is anything to go by, he'll completely ignore our suggestions and then change his mind at the last minute.根据以往的经验来看,他肯定会把我们的建议全然置之脑后,在最后一刻改变主意。剑桥高阶〔guesswork〕This is pure guesswork at this stage, of course.当然,在现阶段这全然是猜测。英汉大词典〔helplessness〕A feeling of utter helplessness washed over him.一种全然无助的感觉涌上他的心头。牛津搭配〔ignorance〕This showed a profound ignorance of local customs.这表明对当地风俗全然无知。牛津搭配〔ignorant〕She was ignorant about these people round her husband.她对丈夫周围的这些人全然不了解。英汉大词典〔ignore〕It would be foolish to ignore them completely.如果对他们全然不顾就是愚蠢的。牛津搭配〔ignore〕The government has simply ignored the problem altogether.政府对这个问题全然置之不理。牛津搭配〔incomprehension〕She stared at him in total incomprehension.她全然不解地看着他。剑桥高阶〔indifferent〕I am absolutely indifferent to this talk.我对这番讲话全然不感兴趣。英汉大词典〔insensitive〕She's completely insensitive to my feelings.她全然不顾我的感情。牛津高阶〔judge〕He is no judge of music.他全然不会鉴赏音乐。英汉大词典〔judge〕It would appear that my sister is a poor judge of masculine charm.看来我妹妹全然不懂得欣赏男性的魅力。柯林斯高阶〔later〕Later on in the hearings, Darnell told an entirely different story.后来在听证会上达内尔讲述了全然不同的情况。麦克米伦高阶〔lose your way〕Some say that the political party has lost its way and really doesn't know how to connect with voters anymore.有人说这个政党迷失了方向,全然不知如何继续与选民建立良好关系。韦氏高阶〔loss〕I was at a complete loss as to how I could lay my hands on the money.至于怎么弄到钱,我心里全然没谱。英汉大词典〔melodrama〕There was no melodrama, no histrionics, no tears, nothing like that.没有煽情的言行, 没有矫揉造作, 没有眼泪, 与那些全然不同。外研社新世纪〔naked〕Standing in front on his first day of teaching, Brad felt completely naked .执教的第一天站在学生面前,布拉德觉得心里全然没底。朗文当代〔oblivious〕He seemed oblivious to the fact that he had hurt her.他对伤害了她的事实似乎全然没有觉察。朗文当代〔oblivious〕His own arrogance made him oblivious to the criticisms of others.他的傲慢使他全然不顾忌别人的批评。牛津搭配〔opposite〕You'd never know they're sisters - they're completely opposite to each other in every way.你怎么也不会知道她们是姐妹——她们各方面都全然不同。剑桥高阶〔phrase〕I would have phrased it quite differently.我本可以把它表述得全然不同。柯林斯高阶〔plaque〕A clear, often round patch of lysed cells in an otherwise opaque layer of a bacteria or cell culture.空斑:一种透明的,常为圆形裂解细胞的斑,位于细菌或细胞培养物中全然不同且不透明的层中美国传统〔plausible〕There was no way the story could be made to sound even remotely plausible.这话再怎么说都全然说不通。牛津搭配〔point〕You've all missed the point entirely.你们都全然没有明白要领。外研社新世纪〔poisoned〕The whole atmosphere has really been poisoned.整个气氛已全然遭到破坏。柯林斯高阶〔pompous〕The article was pompous and dismissed completely everybody else's opinions.这篇文章夸大其词, 对别人的观点全然不予理会。外研社新世纪〔pure〕It's laziness, pure and simple.这全然是懒惰。牛津高阶〔rap〕The Chairman's opinion isn't worth a rap; the council votes as it pleases.主席的意见全然无关紧要,市政会总是按自己意愿投票的。英汉大词典〔reckless disregard for〕He showed a reckless disregard for the safety of others.他全然不顾别人的安危。韦氏高阶〔reckless〕He showed a reckless disregard for his own safety.他对个人安危全然无所顾忌。牛津高阶〔resume〕After saying that, Tom resumed his work and ignored us completely.说完那事后,汤姆继续工作,全然不再理会我们。麦克米伦高阶〔sea〕I'm all at sea with these new regulations.我全然不懂这些新的规章。牛津高阶〔shameless〕She is completely shameless about her ambition.她对自己的野心全然不知羞耻。剑桥高阶〔sheer〕Completely; altogether.完全地;全然美国传统〔side〕I tried to give him some advice, but he brushed all my suggestions to one side.我试图向他进言,但他对我的意见全然置之不理。英汉大词典〔slewed〕By this time I was totally slewed and could scarcely stand up! 这时我已经全然醉了,几乎站不起来!剑桥高阶〔solid〕One of the riders sat squat, riding solid like a Napoleon.其中一个骑手全然像拿破仑那样蹲坐在马背上。英汉大词典〔spin〕This report puts a different spin on the issue.这篇报道对这个问题作出了全然不同的倾向性描述。剑桥高阶〔susceptibility〕It was all carried out without any consideration for the susceptibilities of the bereaved family.这样做全然没有考虑到死者家人的感受。牛津高阶〔sweep〕He swept aside all her objections.他全然不顾她的反对意见。麦克米伦高阶〔talk around〕They talked around the idea of moving house quite forgetting they hadn't enough money.他们空谈搬家, 全然忘了他们没有足够的钱。外研社新世纪〔thorough〕It's a thorough waste of time.这全然是浪费时间。英汉大词典〔totally〕I have totally forgot about it.我把它全然给忘了。文馨英汉〔totally〕I totally disagree.我全然不同意。英汉大词典〔total〕He looked at her with a total lack of comprehension.他全然不解地望着她。朗文当代〔total〕The terrorists showed a total disregard for human life.恐怖分子对人命全然不顾。外研社新世纪〔turn〕She did not turn a finger to escape the fate.她全然被动地听凭命运的摆布。英汉大词典〔unconcerned〕He seems totally unconcerned by real dangers.他对于实实在在的危险似乎全然不在乎。外研社新世纪〔unconcerned〕He seems totally unconcerned by real dangers.他对于真实的危险似乎全然不在乎。柯林斯高阶〔unconsciously〕He himself seemed totally unconscious of his failure.他本人似乎对自己的失败全然不知。柯林斯高阶〔unconscious〕He himself seemed totally unconscious of his failure.他本人似乎对自己的失败全然不知。外研社新世纪〔unsympathetic〕Mary had been utterly unsympathetic when she heard about it.玛丽听到这件事时全然无动于衷。英汉大词典〔utterly〕Completely; absolutely; entirely.全然;完全地;彻底地美国传统〔utterly〕They seem utterly unaware of what may happen.他们似乎全然不知将会发生什么事。英汉大词典〔utter〕She gazed at me in utter confusion.她全然不知所措地注视着我。麦克米伦高阶〔wave aside〕Rachel waved aside the explanation.雷切尔全然不听解释。柯林斯高阶〔which〕It's essential to know which is which as treatments will be quite different.由于治疗的方法将会全然不同,因此弄清楚哪个是哪个很重要。柯林斯高阶〔wise〕What it was, whether bear or man or monkey, I could in no wise tell.究竟那东西是熊是人抑或是猴,我全然无法分辨。英汉大词典〔wit〕At the limit of one's mental resources; utterly at a loss.智穷计尽;全然不知所措美国传统〔wit〕I'm at my wit's end with this problem.我对这个问题全然束手无策了。英汉大词典David and Kay were locked in a tight clinch, unaware of the world around them.戴维和凯紧紧拥抱在一起,全然不顾他们周围的世界。剑桥国际He is very pleasant to deal with, but his brother is a man of another kidney. 他很好相处,可他兄弟则全然不同。译典通He wants the job purely for reasons of vanity and ambition, without regard for how it might affect his family.他要那份工作纯粹是为了虚荣和野心,全然没有考虑会给家庭带来什么影响。剑桥国际I heard them shouting for help but there was absolutely nothing I could do for them.我听见他们呼喊求助,但我全然是爱莫能助。剑桥国际I'm no judge of art.我全然不会鉴赏艺术。剑桥国际She is quite shameless about her ambition.她对她的野心全然不知羞耻。剑桥国际Some people have no respect for the speed limit and consequently are punished. 有些人全然不顾速限规定,结果受到处罚。译典通The smell was utterly irresistible.那气味全然无法抵挡。剑桥国际Those accusations are (absolute/complete/mere/utter) nonsense.那些指责(绝对/完全/只不过/全然)是胡说八道。剑桥国际We oppose these proposals totally.我们全然反对这些提议。剑桥国际When Bernard listens to music he becomes completely lost to the world.伯纳德一欣赏音乐便全然忘了外界。剑桥国际You'd never know they're sisters--they're completely opposite to each other in every way.你决不会知道她们是姐妹----她们在各方面都全然不同。剑桥国际




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