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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔alter〕be altered out of all recognition 改头换面以致完全无法辨认英汉大词典〔altruistic〕motives and ambitions that are not entirely altruistic并非完全无私的动机和抱负外研社新世纪〔awake〕to be half/fully awake 半睡半醒;睡意全无牛津高阶〔beyond〕a sick person beyond all hope of recovery 完全无望复元的重病人英汉大词典〔breach〕violation is an infraction committed willfully and with complete lack of regard for legal, moral, or ethical considerations: violation 是故意地破坏,完全无视法律、道德或伦理: 美国传统〔feeling〕feet numbed beyond feeling 麻木得全无知觉的双脚英汉大词典〔fiercely〕a fiercely partisan/independent voter 有强烈党派倾向/全无党派倾向的选民韦氏高阶〔futile〕an utterly futile struggle for justice 一场完全无望的争取正义的斗争牛津搭配〔hit-or-miss〕a chancy and hit-or-miss person 一味碰运气而做事全无章程的人英汉大词典〔impossible〕the sheer impossibility of providing enough food for everyone 完全无法给每个人提供足够的食物牛津高阶〔lack〕comments based on a total lack of information 全无根据的评论朗文当代〔needle〕be lost like a needle in a bottle of hay 失落后全无踪影英汉大词典〔odourless〕a completely odourless, colourless, transparent liquid. 完全无味、无色、透明的液体柯林斯高阶〔odourless〕a completely odourless, colourless, transparent liquid一种完全无味、无色、透明的液体外研社新世纪〔piecemeal〕a piecemeal approach to dealing with the problem 全无章法的解决问题的方式牛津高阶〔portrait〕a markedly intemperate portrait of a teenager 对一名10多岁少年全无节制的失实描写英汉大词典〔quantal〕a quantal reaction. 全部或全无的反应美国传统〔retreat〕a retreat to total anarchy 退向完全无政府状态 英汉大词典〔root〕a statement with no root in possibility 全无可能性的陈述 英汉大词典〔sense〕be lost to all sense of shame 全无羞耻心英汉大词典〔simply〕behave simply toward sb. 全无心计地同某人打交道英汉大词典〔uncoordinated〕late, uncoordinated and piecemeal enemy responses. 敌方拖沓迟缓、组织乏力、全无章法的反应柯林斯高阶〔uncoordinated〕late, uncoordinated and piecemeal enemy responses敌方拖沓迟缓、组织乏力、全无章法的反应外研社新世纪〔unfeeling〕an unfeeling corpse 一具全无感觉的尸体英汉大词典〔unnecessary〕be free from unnecessary care 全无不必要的忧虑 英汉大词典〔unnecessary〕the possession of items strictly unnecessary to survival 拥有对生存来说完全无关紧要的东西牛津搭配〔unreadable〕completely unreadable handwriting 完全无从辨认的笔迹剑桥高阶〔unrelenting〕be buffeted by unrelenting inflation 受到全无缓解的通货膨胀的冲击 英汉大词典〔unwarranted〕a wholly unwarranted smear campaign 完全无中生有的诽谤风潮牛津搭配〔wide〕be broke to the wide 分文全无英汉大词典〔zero〕a social zero 全无社会地位的无名小卒英汉大词典




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