

单词 信任的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FEEL〕We're trying to create an atmosphere of trust between management and staff. 我们正努力在管理层与员工之间制造一种相互信任的气氛。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕There's something I don't trust about him. He makes me feel very uneasy. 我对他有不信任的地方,他让我感到非常不安。朗文写作活用〔ONLY〕She was the one friend that I could trust. 她是我唯一一个可以信任的朋友。朗文写作活用〔SITUATION〕The revelations of corruption have led to a climate of distrust in the capital. 腐败行为的披露在首都形成了一种不信任的气氛。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕The talks took place in an atmosphere of hostility and distrust. 会谈在充满敌意和不信任的气氛中进行。朗文写作活用〔air〕My friends are people I trust, and I don't have to put on airs with them.我的朋友是我信任的人,我用不着对他们装腔作势。麦克米伦高阶〔alliance〕It was an alliance of convenience, not of conviction.这是一个基于利益而非信任的联盟。牛津搭配〔ancient〕History, ancient and modern, has taught these people an intense distrust of their neighbours.古今历史都让这些人对邻国产生了极度不信任的思想。剑桥高阶〔atmosphere〕There was an atmosphere of mutual trust between them.他们之间以前有一种相互信任的气氛。牛津高阶〔blood brother〕One of two individuals who vow mutual fidelity and trust by a ceremony involving the mingling of each other's blood.歃血为盟的兄弟:通过喝了彼此鲜血的混合血的仪式而发誓相互忠实和信任的人美国传统〔build on sth〕A good relationship is built on trust.良好的关系建立在信任的基础上。剑桥高阶〔build〕Our relationship is built on trust.我们的关系建立在互相信任的基础上。朗文当代〔climate〕The election is being organized in a climate of fear and mistrust.选举是在充满担心和不信任的气氛中进行的。麦克米伦高阶〔come from〕This information comes from a person I trust.这个情报来自一个我信任的人。韦氏高阶〔concerned〕He was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers were leaving.听到他信任的两名工人要走,他感到担忧。剑桥高阶〔confidence〕It seemed like a betrayal of confidence.这好像是对信任的背叛。外研社新世纪〔confidence〕She has done little to gain/earn their confidence.她没做过什么能赢得他们信任的事。韦氏高阶〔confidential〕He spoke in a confidential tone.他用信任的口吻说话。英汉大词典〔confiding〕Having a tendency to confide; trusting.轻信的:有信赖倾向的;信任的美国传统〔confiding〕They've developed a very confiding relationship over the years.多年来,他们建立了非常信任的关系。韦氏高阶〔consign〕The discredited politician was consigned to a remote post.那个失去信任的政治家被打发到遥远的岗位上。英汉大词典〔credible〕Worthy of confidence; reliable.值得信任的;可信赖的美国传统〔credit〕Influence based on the good opinion or confidence of others.信誉:对他人有好感或信任的基础上所受到的影响美国传统〔cutout〕Slang A mutually trusted intermediary who handles communications between espionage agents.【俚语】 联络人:彼此信任的中介人,处理间谍之间的通讯美国传统〔dishonorable〕Characterized by or causing dishonor or discredit.不名誉的,可耻的:以不诚实或不信任为特征的;或引起不诚实或不信任的美国传统〔distrustful〕Feeling or showing doubt.不信任的,怀疑的:感到或表示怀疑的美国传统〔distrust〕Local people regard the police with suspicion and distrust.当地人对警察持怀疑、不信任的态度。朗文当代〔distrust〕The two groups have existed in a state of mutual distrust for centuries.几个世纪以来这两个群体一直处于互不信任的状态之中。剑桥高阶〔edifice〕All these helped to crack the edifice of confidence and trust.这一切促使信心和信任的大厦崩塌。英汉大词典〔faithless〕Unworthy of faith or trust; unreliable.靠不住的:不值得信赖或信任的;不可靠的美国传统〔few〕He is among the few people I can trust.他是为数不多的几个我能信任的人之一。剑桥高阶〔fiducial〕Based on or relating to faith or trust.基于信仰的:基于信仰或信任的,与信仰或信任有关的美国传统〔found〕A good relationship has to be founded on trust.良好的关系必须建立在信任的基础上。麦克米伦高阶〔friend〕People he had trusted turned out to be only fair-weather friends.他所信任的人最终证明都是不能共患难的朋友。牛津搭配〔from〕From what I hear, Mr Marlow is not a man to be trusted.根据我所听到的情况,马洛先生不是一个值得信任的人。麦克米伦高阶〔gal Friday〕A girl Friday.能干的女助手,极受信任的女秘书美国传统〔guru〕A trusted counselor and adviser; a mentor.指导者:受信任的顾问参谋;指导者美国传统〔henchman〕A loyal and trusted follower or subordinate.亲信:忠心而受信任的随从或部属美国传统〔him〕God will help you if you turn to Him in humility and trust.如果你怀着一颗谦恭而信任的心向上帝求助,上帝会帮助你。柯林斯高阶〔implant〕He is implanting an element of distrust in the community.他正在向社区注入一种不信任的情绪。外研社新世纪〔insinuating〕Artfully contrived to gain favor or confidence; ingratiating.谄媚的:巧妙地设法取得好感或信任的;讨好的美国传统〔jolt〕She was jolted by the betrayal of her trusted friend.她被信任的朋友出卖,感到大为震惊美国传统〔limited〕She kept the plans carefully limited to a circle of a few trusted friends.她很小心,只让几位可信任的朋友知道计划内容。牛津搭配〔manipulate〕He felt that he had been manipulated by the people he trusted most.他觉得自己被最信任的人给操控了。韦氏高阶〔mask〕He let the mask slip a little as his trust grew.随着信任的增加,他脸上的伪装消失了一些。麦克米伦高阶〔melt〕Her trusting smile melted his heart.她那信任的微笑使他的心变软了。牛津高阶〔mistrust〕Corruption creates a climate of mistrust towards / toward authority.腐败造成了一种对当局不信任的氛围。牛津搭配〔mutual〕European nations can live together in a spirit of mutual trust.欧洲国家能以相互信任的态度共处。朗文当代〔mutual〕Our relationship was based on mutual distrust.我们的关系是建立在相互不信任的基础之上。麦克米伦高阶〔officer〕One who holds an office of authority or trust in an organization, such as a corporation or government.公司中的高级职员:在一机构中,如公司或政府拥有权力职位或被信任的人美国传统〔one〕Claire is the one person I can trust.克莱尔是我唯一能信任的人。朗文当代〔only〕You're the only person I trust.你是我唯一信任的人。韦氏高阶〔ought〕Perhaps we ought to have trusted people more.也许我们本当对人多一些信任的。外研社新世纪〔ought〕Perhaps we ought to have trusted people more.也许我们本当对人多一些信任的。柯林斯高阶〔pardonable〕He had made the pardonable mistake of trusting the wrong person.他信任了不该信任的人,这样的错误可以原谅。朗文当代〔relationship〕They established a relationship of trust.他们建立了相互信任的关系。牛津搭配〔ride〕I found out I'd been taken for a ride by someone I really trusted.我发现一个自己很信任的人欺骗了我。麦克米伦高阶〔ride〕It's not a pleasant feeling to discover you've been taken for a ride by someone you trusted.发现被你信任的人骗了,心里很不是滋味。牛津高阶〔ruggedly〕A look of pure disbelief crossed Shankly's rugged face.尚克利粗犷的脸上掠过一丝完全不信任的表情。柯林斯高阶〔rugged〕A look of pure disbelief crossed Shankly's rugged face.尚克利粗犷的脸上掠过一丝完全不信任的表情。外研社新世纪〔share〕It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust.向自己信任的人倾诉感情是很有益处的。柯林斯高阶〔share〕It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust.向自己的信任的人倾诉感情是很有益处的。外研社新世纪〔share〕Scarce water resources are shared between states who cannot trust each other.稀有的水资源被两个互不信任的国家所共享。柯林斯高阶〔shifty〕Having, displaying, or suggestive of deceitful character; evasive or untrustworthy.不值得信任的:有,显现出或让人想到不诚实的性格的;躲躲闪闪的或不值得信任的美国传统〔soldier〕A trusted follower of an organized crime leader.亲信:犯罪集团头目的受信任的追随者美国传统〔sound〕Worthy of confidence; trustworthy.值得信任的;值得信赖的美国传统〔spread〕A look of disbelief spread across/over their faces.他们的脸上露出不信任的神色。韦氏高阶〔that〕It's you (that) I trust.我信任的是你。文馨英汉〔traitor〕One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason.卖国者,叛徒:背叛某人的祖国、事业或辜负信任的人,尤指犯叛国罪的人美国传统〔treacherous〕Not to be relied on; not dependable or trustworthy.不可靠的:不能依靠的;靠不住的或不可信任的美国传统〔treason〕A betrayal of trust or confidence.背信:对信赖或信任的背叛美国传统〔tried〕Thoroughly tested and proved to be good or trustworthy.可靠的,可信赖的:经过完全的考验而证明是好的或值得信任的美国传统〔trusted〕After speaking to a group of her most trusted advisers, she turned her anger into action.在和一群她最信任的顾问交谈之后, 她把愤怒转化成了行动。外研社新世纪〔trusted〕She was organizing and running a large household, a position of trust which was generously paid.她正操持管理着一个大家庭,这是一个需要充分信任的高薪职位。柯林斯高阶〔trusted〕There's a feeling of warmth and trust here.这里有一种温暖和信任的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔trusting〕The child gave a warm, trusting smile.那个孩子露出可爱而充满信任的微笑。剑桥高阶〔trusty〕A trusted person.受信任的人美国传统〔trust〕If you have a problem, tell your parent, teacher, or someone else you trust.你如果有麻烦,就告诉父母、老师或其他你信任的人。韦氏高阶〔trust〕Our relationship is founded on mutual love and trust.我们的关系是建立在相互的爱和信任的基础上的。韦氏高阶〔trust〕There's a feeling of warmth and trust here.这里有一种温暖和信任的感觉。外研社新世纪〔unsure〕Precarious; unstable; unreliable.不稳定的,不固定的;不可信任的;不可靠的美国传统〔unsuspecting〕Not suspicious; trusting.没有疑心的;信任的美国传统〔whether〕We are not investigating the question of whether he is trustworthy.我们并非在调查他是否值得信任的问题。英汉大词典〔writ〕Mistrust was writ large on her face.她脸上明显流露出不信任的神情。牛津高阶He was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers were leaving.听到他信任的两名工人要走,他很忧虑。剑桥国际I wouldn't tell any secrets to Rachel if I were you -- she's not very trustworthy.如果我是你,我决不会告诉拉歇尔任何秘密----她是不值得信任的。剑桥国际She spoke in a confidential tone of voice. 她用信任的口吻说。译典通The child gave a trusting smile.那个孩子投以信任的微笑。剑桥国际The person he had trusted turned out to be a twister. 他起先信任的人原来是个骗子。译典通Their distrust is firmly rooted in (= caused by) fear and ignorance.他们缺乏信任的牢固根源是恐惧与无知。剑桥国际They asked a trustworthy friend of theirs to be the executor. 他们让一个值得信任的朋友当遗嘱执行人。译典通They're the last people to trust with a job as important as this.干这么重要的工作,他们是最不该信任的人。剑桥国际




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