

单词 击倒
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIGHT〕He knocked out his opponent only five minutes into the fight. 拳赛开始才五分钟他就击倒了对手。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕He is a good boxer, a powerful puncher who has knocked out 18 of his 20 opponents to date. 他是个优秀的拳手,出拳凶猛,至今出战20场,18次击倒对手获胜。朗文写作活用〔KO〕A knockout, as in boxing.击倒对手的一击,如在拳击等比赛中美国传统〔KO〕He was KO'd in the second round.他在第二轮被击倒。韦氏高阶〔KO〕To knock out, as in boxing.击倒,如在拳击比赛中美国传统〔SEE〕He gunned down a man in broad daylight and got away. 他在光天化日之下开枪击倒一名男子后逃之天天。朗文写作活用〔SHOOT〕Two men dragged him out of his home, and gunned him down in the street. 两名男子把他从家中拖出来,开枪把他击倒在街上。朗文写作活用〔aim〕Aim low and bring your target down.向低处瞄准, 击倒目标。外研社新世纪〔belt ... out〕The boxer belted his opponent out.这名拳击运动员把他的对手击倒了。21世纪英汉〔bomb〕He was bombed out early in the second game.第二局开始不久他就被击倒了。英汉大词典〔canvas〕The Queenslander hit the canvas for the second time in the fight.那个昆士兰人在比赛中第二次被击倒在地。外研社新世纪〔clothesline〕To knock down (an opponent in an athletic contest) by hooking the neck with an outstretched arm.摔倒:用伸出的胳膊勾住脖子击倒(体育比赛中的对手)美国传统〔cold〕He was knocked out cold in the second round.他在第二轮中被击倒,失去了知觉。牛津高阶〔concuss〕He was knocked to the ground and was slightly concussed.他被击倒在地并有轻微脑震荡。英汉大词典〔count〕He was knocked to the ground and stayed down for a count of eight(= in boxing).他被击倒在地,躺在地上直至数到八(拳击用语)。牛津高阶〔count〕He was out [down] for the count.他被击倒了。文馨英汉〔count〕Sports The counting from one to ten seconds, during which time a boxer who has been knocked down must rise or be declared the loser.【体育运动】 数十:从一秒数到十秒,在此期间被击倒的拳击手必须站起来,不然便被宣布失败美国传统〔cut〕Hundreds of men were cut down by crossbow fire.成百上千的人被弩箭击倒。朗文当代〔decision〕Sports A victory in boxing won on points when no knockout has occurred.【体育运动】 判定得分:拳击中对手没被击倒时,按得分多少判定胜负美国传统〔decision〕Tyson decisioned his opponent by a point score rather than a knockout.泰森靠判定而不是靠击倒对手获胜。21世纪英汉〔deck〕He decked him with one punch.他一拳将他击倒。韦氏高阶〔deck〕The champion decked the challenger in the second round.这位冠军在第二回合把挑战者击倒。21世纪英汉〔distance〕The bout went the distance.整场比赛中没有人被击倒。英汉大词典〔down〕He downed his opponent with a quick right to the jaw.他迅速准确击中对手的下颌而把他击倒。21世纪英汉〔down〕Lewis downed his opponent with a punch to the jaw.刘易斯一拳打在对手的下巴上,将其击倒在地。麦克米伦高阶〔down〕The ice storm has downed trees and power lines all over the region.冰暴在整个地区击倒树木,刮落电线。剑桥高阶〔dump〕The challenger was dumped twice but won the fight.这名冠军挑战者曾两次被击倒,但最后赢了比赛。21世纪英汉〔fell〕He eventually felled his opponent with a punch to the head.他最后以头部的一记重拳击倒了对手。剑桥高阶〔fell〕He felled his enemy with a single blow.他一拳把敌人击倒在地。英汉大词典〔fell〕He felled his opponent with a single blow.他一拳击倒了对手。牛津高阶〔fell〕The goalkeeper was felled by a coin thrown from the crowd.守门员被观众抛来的一枚硬币击倒。朗文当代〔fetch down〕These shots were not sufficient to fetch the bear down.这几枪还不足以击倒那头熊。21世纪英汉〔flatten〕The boxer was flattened with one punch.那个拳击手被一拳击倒了美国传统〔floor〕He was floored in the first round of the fight.拳击比赛第一回合他就被击倒了。朗文当代〔floor〕He was floored twice in the second round.他在第二回合比赛中被击倒两次。外研社新世纪〔floor〕He was floored with a single punch to the head.打中头部的一拳就把他击倒在地。剑桥高阶〔floor〕To knock down.击倒美国传统〔glass jaw〕Sports Vulnerability of a boxer to a knockout punch.【体育运动】 拳击手经不起打击处:受被击倒的一拳的拳击手的易受伤处美国传统〔ground〕The boxer grounded his opponent.拳击手把对手击倒在地。英汉大词典〔hat trick〕Three wickets taken in cricket by a bowler in three consecutive balls.连续三胜:在板球运动中投球手连投三球并连续击倒三柱门美国传统〔jab〕The boxer was floored by a punishing left jab.拳击手被一记凶狠的左刺拳击倒在地。剑桥高阶〔kayo〕A knockout in boxing.击倒:拳击中的击倒美国传统〔knock out〕He had never been knocked out in a professional fight.在职业拳击赛中,他从未被击倒判败过。柯林斯高阶〔knock out〕He was knocked out in the third round.他在第三回合被击倒。韦氏高阶〔knockdown〕The condition of being knocked down.被击倒:被击倒的状态美国传统〔knockdown〕There was another knockdown, but this time it was a push from Khan that put the American on the canvas.再次出现击倒对手的一击, 但是这次是卡恩把美国人击倒在拳击台上。外研社新世纪〔knockout〕A victory in boxing in which one's opponent is unable to rise from the canvas within a specified time after being knocked down.判败击倒:在拳击比赛中,对手在被击倒后的一定时间未能从拳台上站起来而取得的胜利美国传统〔knockout〕Davies won by a knockout.戴维斯击倒对手获胜。外研社新世纪〔knockout〕Davies won by a knockout.戴维斯以击倒对方获胜。英汉大词典〔knockout〕Godoy now boasts 29 wins, including 26 knockouts, and one defeat.戈多伊到目前为止赢了29场, 其中有26次击倒对手, 输了1场。外研社新世纪〔knockout〕He scored a knockout in the fourth round.他在第四回合击倒对手获胜。韦氏高阶〔knockout〕He won the match by a knockout.他击倒对手获胜。韦氏高阶〔knockout〕The fight ended in a knockout.这场比赛以一方被击倒而结束。朗文当代〔knockout〕The state of being knocked out.被击倒:被击倒的状态美国传统〔knock〕He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round.他第一局就将对手击倒三次。牛津高阶〔knock〕He knocked his opponent down.他击倒了对手。英汉大词典〔knock〕He was knocked cold in the first round.他在第一回合就被击倒。英汉大词典〔knock〕Sports To defeat (a boxing opponent) by a knockout.【体育运动】 击倒对手:通过击到对方而击败(拳击比赛中的对手)美国传统〔knock〕The force of the blast had knocked me to the ground.爆炸的冲力将我击倒在地。外研社新世纪〔knock〕They knocked him to the ground.他们把他击倒在地。麦克米伦高阶〔lay out〕Andy turned round, marched over to Chris and just laid him out.安迪转过身,大步走向克里斯,一拳把他击倒在地。柯林斯高阶〔lay out〕He laid his opponent out with a hard right to the jaw.他以右拳猛击对手下颚,将其击倒。韦氏高阶〔lay〕A blow laid him to the ground.他被一下击倒在地。英汉大词典〔level〕The blow level(l)ed him to the earth.他被击倒在地。英汉大词典〔level〕The challenger leveled the champion with a mighty uppercut.挑战者用一记有力的上钩拳把卫冕冠军击倒在地美国传统〔level〕The next shot, however, levelled him to the ground.但是, 接下来的一枪将他击倒在地。外研社新世纪〔line〕During the storm, several power lines were knocked down.好几根电力线在暴风雨中被击倒。韦氏高阶〔mark〕A strike or spare in bowling.保龄球中的一球击倒或二击全倒美国传统〔odds〕They're giving odds of 5–1 against a knockout in the first round.他们以5比1的赔率打赌不会在第1回合中就被击倒出局。麦克米伦高阶〔opponent〕He has knocked out 15 opponents in 20 fights.他在 20 场比赛中击倒了 15 个对手。牛津搭配〔pinball〕A game played on a device in which the player operates a plunger to shoot a ball down or along a slanted surface having obstacles and targets.弹球戏:在一种装置下进行的游戏,在该装置中玩球者操作一个活塞将球击倒至或沿着一个有障碍物或目标物的倾斜表面美国传统〔pistol-whip〕He was pistol-whipped to the ground by a prison guard.他被监狱看守用手枪连续射击击倒在地。韦氏高阶〔punch〕Aluko landed a knockout punch.阿卢科猛的一拳,将对方击倒。牛津搭配〔punch〕He was knocked flat by a sucker punch.他被冷不防的一拳击倒。牛津搭配〔rifle〕He was rifled down by a stranger.他被一个陌生人用步枪击倒。21世纪英汉〔rope〕Sports Knocked against the ropes that enclose a boxing ring.【体育运动】 击倒在柱索上:拳击时被击倒在拳击台的围绳上美国传统〔round〕He knocked out his opponent in the fourth round.他在第4回合中击倒了对手。麦克米伦高阶〔sap〕To hit or knock out with a sap.用包皮短棒打击或击倒美国传统〔shoot〕The officer was shot down by a sniper.这军官被狙击手击倒。英汉大词典〔smite〕He smote his match to the ground with a left hook.他以一记左钩拳把对手击倒在地。21世纪英汉〔spare〕The act of knocking down all ten pins with two successive rolls of a bowling ball.二击全倒:保龄球运动中连续两滚将十个柱子全部击倒美国传统〔stop〕He stopped his last opponent in the 3rd round.他在第三回合击倒了最后一个对手。英汉大词典〔technical knockout〕A victory in boxing, with immediate termination of the match, awarded by the referee when it appears that one fighter is too badly injured to continue.技术击倒:拳击比赛中当一名拳手严重受伤无法继续比赛时由裁判判定立即终止比赛而取得的胜利美国传统〔technical knockout〕He won by technical knockout.他因技术性击倒而获胜。韦氏高阶〔winner〕The champ was winner by a knockout.那拳击冠军是一拳将对手击倒而获胜的。英汉大词典〔win〕The boxer won the match by knockout.这名拳击手击倒对手赢得这场比赛。韦氏高阶Amazing! We've just seen the world's number one boxer KO'd in the first round! 不可思议!我们刚刚目睹世界头号拳手在第一回合被击倒!剑桥国际He downed his opponent in the first round. 他在第一个回合中击倒对手。译典通He felled his opponent with a single blow. 他一拳便把对手击倒在地。译典通He won the fight by a knockout in the tenth round.他在第十回合击倒对手获胜。剑桥国际If his punch had landed/If he'd landed (with) his punch (= If he had hit me), I'd have been knocked out.如果他一拳打着我,我早已被击倒了。剑桥国际Jack knocked his opponent out in the second round of the contest. 杰克在比赛的第二回合就把对方击倒了。译典通Seeing the opponent was off his guard, the boxer landed a knockout punch. 乘对手不提防,那拳击手一下子把他击倒了。译典通Smith won with a KO in the third round.史密斯在第三回合击倒对手获胜。剑桥国际The aim in bowling is to knock down all the pins with one or two bowls.保龄球的目标是一球或两球击倒所有的瓶型滚柱。剑桥国际The boxer KOed five in a row. 拳击手一连击倒了五个对手。译典通The boxer had pummelled his opponent into submission by the end of the fourth round.拳击手在第四回合将结束时将他的对手击倒认输。剑桥国际The boxer was floored by a punishing left jab.拳击手被惩罚性的一记刺拳击倒在地。剑桥国际The boxer was knocked out cold. 这位拳击手被击倒在地不省人事。译典通The storm tore down trees, damaged houses and littered the village with debris.暴风雨击倒了树木,毁坏了房屋,搞得村庄一片狼藉。剑桥国际




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