

单词 几何图形
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOGO〕A programming language developed for teaching young children. Elementary exercises involve drawing geometric shapes.LOGO教学语言:一种用于幼儿教学的计算机程序语言。其中的初级训练包括绘制几何图形美国传统〔Yerkish〕An artificial language using geometric forms to represent words, created for experimental communication between chimpanzees and human beings.耶基斯语:用几何图形代表单词的人造语言,用于黑猩猩和人类之间的实验性交流美国传统〔base〕The side or face of a geometric figure to which an altitude is or is thought to be drawn.底面,底边:几何图形的边或面,在上面可以画出或被认为可以画出其高度美国传统〔construct〕Mathematics To draw (a geometric figure) that meets specific requirements, usually with instruments limited to a straightedge and compass.【数学】 作图:根据具体要求画出(几何图形),通常只用直尺和圆规工具美国传统〔equilateral〕A geometric figure having all sides equal.等边形:所有各边都相等的几何图形美国传统〔face〕Geometry A planar surface of a geometric solid.【几何学】 表面:几何图形的多面体的表面美国传统〔figure〕A hexagon is a six-sided figure.六边形是一个有六条边的几何图形。朗文当代〔form〕The cube is a solid geometric figure.立方体是一个牢固的几何图形。美国传统〔generate〕Mathematics To form (a geometric figure) by describing a curve or surface.【数学】 形成(几何图形):用画曲线或面来作出(一个几何图形)美国传统〔geometrically〕Geometric designs were popular wall decorations in the 14th century.14世纪,几何图形是风靡一时的墙壁装饰图案。柯林斯高阶〔geometric〕Using simple geometric forms such as circles and squares in design and decoration.几何装饰的:用简单的几何图形如曲线或方块来设计或装饰的美国传统〔geometrize〕To present in geometric form.用几何图形表示…美国传统〔geometry〕A physical arrangement suggesting geometric forms or lines.几何排列:表明几何图形或线条的一种物质排列美国传统〔gnomon〕The geometric figure that remains after a parallelogram has been removed from a similar but larger parallelogram with which it shares a corner.磬折形:一种几何图形,把一个平行四边形从一个相似的但较大的平行四边形从一角截去后,剩下的部分美国传统〔hardedge〕A form of abstract painting characterized by clearly defined geometric shapes and often bright colors.硬边抽象画:一种以明显线条的几何图形及常用明快色彩为特征的抽象画形式美国传统〔hexagram〕A figure of six lines or sides.六线形:有六条线或边的几何图形美国传统〔homeomorphism〕Mathematics A one-to-one correspondence between the points of two geometric figures that is continuous in both directions.【数学】 同态:向两边延伸的两个几何图形在各点上的一一对应美国传统〔homology〕Mathematics A topologic classification of configurations into distinct types that imposes an algebraic structure or hierarchy on families of geometric figures.【数学】 透射:通过拓扑分类把图形分为不同种类,从而对几何图形的无穷集施加代数结构或层次美国传统〔lay〕The garden is laid out in a formal pattern.这花园是按规则的几何图形设计的。朗文当代〔mandala〕Any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic of the universe, used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation.曼荼罗:任一种印度教和佛教所用到的帮助禅定的象征宇宙的几何图形美国传统〔parallel〕Mathematics One of a set of parallel geometric figures, such as lines or planes.【数学】 平行线,平行面:如直线或平面等一组平行的几何图形之一美国传统〔pencil〕Mathematics A family of geometric objects, such as lines, that have a common property, such as passage through a given line in a given plane.【数学】 束:一组有共同性质的物体,如一组线等在已知平面上穿过一条已知直线的几何图形美国传统〔projection〕Mathematics The image of a geometric figure reproduced on a line, plane, or surface.【数学】 投影:在一条线、一个平面或水平面上产生的一个几何图形的像美国传统〔projective〕Mathematics Designating a property of a geometric figure that does not vary when the figure undergoes projection.【数学】 射影的:指定几何图形属性的,以便当这个图形经受影射时不发生变化美国传统〔superpose〕Mathematics To place (one geometric figure) over another so that all like parts coincide.【数学】 迭加:使叠置,使一几何图形与另一几何图形重合美国传统〔topology〕Mathematics The study of the properties of geometric figures or solids that are not normally affected by changes in size or shape.【数学】 拓扑(学):对一般不受形状或大小变化影响的几何图形或固体物体特点的研究美国传统At the beginning of a drug-induced hallucination people report seeing simple, coloured, geometric patterns.人们在由毒品所致的幻觉开始时诉说看见了简单的彩色几何图形。剑桥国际The lamps were arranged geometrically to produce a circle of light.这些灯以几何图形方式排成了一个光环。剑桥国际The range of ceramic jars uses a jazzy combination of spots, stripes and geometric patterns.这套陶罐采用了颜色鲜艳多彩的点、线和几何图形的组合。剑桥国际The wallpaper has a geometric design of overlapping circles.这墙纸以重叠的圆这种几何图形作为其图案。剑桥国际




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