

单词 先着
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔belly flop〕A dive in which the front of the body hits flat against a surface, especially of water.胸部先着水的笨拙跳水动作:身体的前部平触一个表面的投水运动,尤指水面美国传统〔belly flop〕She belly flopped into the pool.她以肚子先着水的姿势跳入池中。韦氏高阶〔belly flop〕She did a belly flop into the pool.她以肚子先着水的姿势跳入池中。韦氏高阶〔feetfirst〕She jumped into the pool feetfirst.她脚先着水地跳进了游泳池。韦氏高阶〔foot〕He landed feet first.他落地时双脚先着地。牛津高阶〔heathen〕They first set out to convert the heathen.他们首先着手使异教徒皈依。柯林斯高阶〔heathen〕They first set out to convert the heathen.他们首先着手劝说不信教之人皈依。外研社新世纪〔heel-and-toe〕Characterized by a stride in which the heel of one foot touches ground before the toe of the other foot is lifted, as in walking races.竞走的:特点为行走时一只脚之脚跟先着地,另一只脚之脚趾部才抬离地面,如竞走比赛之情形美国传统〔retouch〕To color (recent growth of hair) to match hair that was tinted, dyed, or bleached at an earlier date.补染:给(新长的头发)上色,以便与早先着色的、染过的或变浅的头发一致美国传统




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