

单词 你喜欢
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAUTIFUL〕Do you like Jill Anderson? I think she's cute! 你喜欢吉尔·安德森吗?我觉得她很标致。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕The two designs are similar but not the same. Which do you prefer? 这两种设计相似但不一样。你喜欢哪一种?朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕Go on, tell him you like his new suit. It'll make his day! 去吧,跟他说你喜欢他这套新衣服,他会非常高兴的!朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕Do you like spaghetti? 你喜欢吃意大利面条吗?朗文写作活用〔LOT〕You can borrow one of my books if you want - I have tons of them. 如果你喜欢的话可以借我的一本书—我有很多呢。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕If you like Californian wine you could be in luck - we are giving away 100 bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon. 如果你喜欢喝加州产的葡萄酒,那就算你幸运了—我们正在免费赠送100瓶赤霞珠红酒。朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕We could eat Chinese, Indian, or Italian. Do you have any preference? 我们可以吃中餐、印度餐或者意大利餐。你喜欢哪一种?朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕Which bread do you prefer, brown or white? 你喜欢哪一种,黑面包还是白面包?朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Everyone knows you fancy Sara. Why don't you ask her out? 人人都知道你喜欢萨拉,为什么不约她出来呢?朗文写作活用〔WOMAN〕Would you prefer to be called Mrs or Ms Cawley? 你喜欢被称作考利太太还是考利女士?朗文写作活用〔amuse〕How do you like to amuse yourself?你喜欢怎样自己找娱乐?牛津同义词〔anyhow〕I'll cook it anyhow you like. They came anyhow they could—by boat, train, or plane.我将按你喜欢的任何方法来烹制它。他们是以各种方式来的--乘船、乘火车或乘飞机美国传统〔anything〕You may take anything you like.你可取任何你喜欢的东西。文馨英汉〔anyway〕You may do it anyway [any way] you like.你可以用任何你喜欢的方法去做。文馨英汉〔bath〕Do you prefer baths or showers? 你喜欢泡澡还是淋浴?韦氏高阶〔by yourself〕Do you like living by yourself? 你喜欢独居吗?韦氏高阶〔cabbage〕Do you like cabbage? 你喜欢卷心菜吗?牛津高阶〔chase〕Do you like riding in the chase? 你喜欢骑着马去打猎吗?英汉大词典〔check〕Do you prefer checks or stripes? 你喜欢方格还是条纹?牛津高阶〔check〕Which do you want for your new dress, a stripe or a check? 你喜欢用什么布做新衣服?条子布还是格子布?英汉大词典〔cheddar〕Do you prefer mild or mature cheddar? 切德奶酪你喜欢味道淡淡的还是醇熟味浓的?剑桥高阶〔choose〕Danny, come here and choose your ice cream.丹尼,到这儿来挑你喜欢吃的冰激凌。剑桥高阶〔crackling〕Do you like crackling? 你喜欢烤猪肉的脆皮吗?文馨英汉〔creamy〕Do you prefer creamy or crunchy peanut butter? 花生酱你喜欢口感细腻的还是松脆的?韦氏高阶〔do〕Do you like French food?你喜欢法国菜吗?外研社新世纪〔do〕Do you like bananas? 你喜欢吃香蕉吗?朗文当代〔do〕Do you like horses?—No I don't.你喜欢马吗?——不, 我不喜欢。外研社新世纪〔décor〕Do you like the new décor in our lounge?你喜欢我们起居室的新装饰吗?牛津同义词〔either〕You can keep one of the photos. Either of them—whichever you like.你可以保留一张照片。两张里任选一张你喜欢的。牛津高阶〔enjoy〕Did you enjoy it (NOT Did you enjoy)? 你喜欢它吗?朗文当代〔enjoy〕Did you enjoy the film?你喜欢这部电影吗?外研社新世纪〔espresso〕Do you like espresso? 你喜欢浓咖啡吗?剑桥高阶〔exist〕The world exists, whether you like it or not.不管你喜欢与否,这个世界照样存在。21世纪英汉〔facility〕The device has a facility for storing any sound you like.这个装置有一个功能,可以保存你喜欢的任何声音。牛津搭配〔feast〕If you like luxury cars, feast your eyes on these.要是你喜欢豪华车的话,好好欣赏这些吧。朗文当代〔fond〕Are you fond of children? 你喜欢孩子吗?麦克米伦高阶〔food〕Do you like Chinese food? 你喜欢中餐吗?麦克米伦高阶〔fruit〕Do you like fruit? 你喜欢吃水果吗? 英汉大词典〔go〕So what type of men do you go for? 那你喜欢什么类型的男人?麦克米伦高阶〔haircut〕Do you like my haircut? 你喜欢我的发型吗?韦氏高阶〔haircut〕Do you like my new haircut? 你喜欢我的新发型吗?朗文当代〔half〕A: Do you like ice-cream? B: Not half! 甲:你喜欢吃冰淇淋吗? 乙:太欢喜啦! 英汉大词典〔ice cream〕What flavor of ice cream do you like? 你喜欢什么口味的冰激凌?韦氏高阶〔job〕Do you enjoy your job? 你喜欢自己的工作吗?朗文当代〔just〕A: Do you like beer?B: I should just say I do. (或 Don't I just!) 甲:你喜欢喝啤酒吗? 乙:我爱喝得很。英汉大词典〔leave out〕If you prefer mild flavours leave out the chilli.如果你喜欢清淡的口味, 就别放辣椒。外研社新世纪〔like〕Do you like Mexican food? 你喜欢墨西哥食品吗?韦氏高阶〔like〕How do you like your eggs?你喜欢吃怎样做的鸡蛋?外研社新世纪〔like〕You've got to go to school, whether you like it or not.不管你喜欢不喜欢,你得上学。牛津高阶〔listen〕Do you like listening to music? 你喜欢听音乐吗?麦克米伦高阶〔love〕Love it or hate it, reality TV is here to stay.你喜欢也好,讨厌也罢,真人秀电视节目已成了一种气候。剑桥高阶〔married〕Are you enjoying married life? 你喜欢你的婚姻生活吗?牛津高阶〔more〕Any more, the difference between a white collar worker and a blue collar worker is simply a matter of shirt preference.现在,白领工人和蓝领工人的不同只是看你喜欢哪种工作上衣而已。 英汉大词典〔new〕Do you like my new dress? 你喜欢我新买的连衣裙吗?朗文当代〔okay〕Choose whichever one you like, it's okay by me.选择你喜欢的, 我都可以。外研社新世纪〔order〕We can order the book for you, if you like.如果你喜欢,我们可以为你订购此书。牛津搭配〔pastel〕Do you like working with pastels/in pastel? 你喜欢用彩色蜡笔画吗?剑桥高阶〔people〕Do you like being with other people?你喜欢跟别人在一起吗?牛津同义词〔pick〕Take your pick.拣你喜欢的吧。牛津同义词〔pillow〕Do you prefer a feather pillow or a foam pillow? 你喜欢羽绒枕头还是海绵枕头?剑桥高阶〔plain〕Do you like your coffee plain or sweet? 你喜欢清咖啡还是喜欢放糖? 英汉大词典〔pleasable〕You are pleased to scoff.你喜欢嘲笑。21世纪英汉〔poach〕Do you like pears poached in red wine? 你喜欢吃红葡萄酒煮的梨吗?剑桥高阶〔prefer〕We can eat out if you like, but I would prefer to stay in.如果你喜欢,我们可以去外面吃饭,但是我更喜欢在家里吃。牛津搭配〔prefer〕Would you prefer tea or coffee?你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡?外研社新世纪〔pursuit〕What are your favourite pursuits?你喜欢什么消遣?牛津同义词〔rice〕Do you prefer brown rice or white rice? 你喜欢吃糙米还是精米?剑桥高阶〔rummage〕Have a rummage in my jewellery box and see if you can find something you like.在我的首饰盒里翻翻,看有没有你喜欢的。朗文当代〔runny〕Do you like your eggs cooked hard or runny? 你喜欢把鸡蛋做得老一点还是嫩一点?麦克米伦高阶〔school〕Do you like school? 你喜欢上学读书吗? 英汉大词典〔seaside〕Do you like the seaside? 你喜欢海滨吗? 英汉大词典〔smoked〕Would you like smoked or unsmoked bacon?你喜欢熏制的还是未经熏制的咸猪肉?外研社新世纪〔special〕Did you enjoy the show?—Oh, it was nothing special.你喜欢这个表演吗?——哦, 它没什么特别的。外研社新世纪〔stroke〕Which stroke do you prefer — butterfly or crawl? 你喜欢哪种游泳姿势——蝶泳还是爬泳?英汉大词典〔stuff〕What kind of stuff do you like to read? 你喜欢读什么样的书?朗文当代〔style〕What style (of) furniture do you like? 你喜欢什么式样的家具? 英汉大词典〔support〕Which team do you support? 你喜欢哪个队?牛津高阶〔tea〕How do you like your tea - strong or weak? 你喜欢喝什么样的茶——浓的还是淡的?剑桥高阶〔that〕Do you like this photo?—No, I prefer that one.你喜欢这张照片吗?——不喜欢, 我喜欢那张。外研社新世纪〔that〕It's interesting that you like him.有趣的是, 你喜欢他。外研社新世纪〔thing〕What things do you like to do in your spare time? 业余时间你喜欢做什么?韦氏高阶〔trust〕I trust you like coffee.我估计你喜欢咖啡。外研社新世纪〔type〕What type of music do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的音乐?朗文当代〔whatever〕Do whatever you please.你喜欢做什么就做什么美国传统〔what〕What about you, Joe? Do you like football? 你怎么样,乔?你喜欢足球吗?牛津高阶〔wheel〕Do you like my new wheels? 你喜欢我的新车吗?朗文当代〔whichever〕Take whichever book you prefer.你喜欢哪本书就拿哪本书。外研社新世纪〔whim〕You can add what you want to this mixture - brandy, whisky, or nothing at all - as the whim takes you.你可以在这种混合饮料里加入任何你喜欢的东西——白兰地、威士忌或什么也不加——全看你自己。剑桥高阶〔work〕Do you enjoy working with children? 你喜欢做儿童工作吗?牛津高阶〔work〕Do you like working to music? 你喜欢边听音乐边工作吗?英汉大词典〔yes〕Do you like it?—Yes.你喜欢它吗?——是的。外研社新世纪〔you〕Do you like oranges? 你喜欢(吃)橙子吗?麦克米伦高阶Add the tomatoes, salt and other seasonings of your choice.随你喜欢加一些番茄、盐和其他调味品。剑桥国际Choose some cloth that you like and I'll make you up a skirt on the machine.选一块你喜欢的料子,我用缝纫机给你做一条裙子。剑桥国际Do you enjoy your work? 你喜欢自己的工作吗?牛津商务He's very attractive, if you like the blond athletic type.他很迷人, 如果你喜欢白肤金发体格健美那一类型的话。剑桥国际I know you like Janet, but I can't stick her.我知道你喜欢珍妮特,但我受不了她。剑桥国际I know you love opera, but honestly it leaves me cold.我知道你喜欢歌剧,但坦率地讲我对它并不感兴趣。剑桥国际There's some cake in the kitchen if you'd like it.如果你喜欢蛋糕的话,厨房里还有一些。剑桥国际You can add what you like to this mixture--brandy, whisky or nothing at all--as the whim takes you.你可以在这种混合饮料中加入你喜欢的任何东西----白兰地,威士忌或者根本什么都不加----任你随心所欲。剑桥国际




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