

单词 出院
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAT〕Gerry was terribly thin when he came out of hospital, but he's filled out a lot since then. 格里出院时瘦得可怕,不过后来胖了好多。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕The hospital released her, and her family joyfully welcomed her home. 医院让她出院了,她的家人高兴地迎接她回家。朗文写作活用〔KIND〕When I came out of hospital and got back home, everyone made a great fuss of me and I loved it. 我出院回家后,每个人都无微不至地照顾我,感觉真好。朗文写作活用〔LATER〕They decided to postpone the wedding until Pam's mother was out of the hospital. 他们决定把婚礼推迟到帕姆的母亲出院以后才举行。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕Jim has improved quite a bit since he came home from the hospital. 吉姆自从出院回家后身体好了很多。朗文写作活用〔ON TIME〕She's hoping to be out of hospital in time to celebrate her birthday at home. 她希望能及时出院回家过生日。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕Amy will soon be out of hospital -- children of her age are very resilient. 埃米很快就能出院—她这个年龄的孩子恢复很快。朗文写作活用〔TLC〕He'll need a lot of TLC when he gets out of hospital.他出院时需要大量的温柔呵护。剑桥高阶〔aftercare〕Treatment or care given to convalescent patients after release from a hospital.愈后治疗与护理:对康复期病人出院后进行的治疗与护理美国传统〔against〕He discharged himself from hospital against the advice of doctors.他不顾医生的劝告自行出院了。柯林斯高阶〔ambulatory surgery〕Surgery performed on a person who is admitted to and discharged from a hospital on the same day.无需卧床的手术,门诊手术:为某人做的可当天住院、当天出院的手术美国传统〔be a shadow of your former self〕He came home from hospital cured of the disease but a shadow of his former self.他病愈出院回家,但身体已大不如从前。剑桥高阶〔check out〕I'd like to check him out of here the day after tomorrow.我后天会为他办理出院手续。外研社新世纪〔cohort〕This study followed up a cohort of 386 patients aged 65+ for six months after their discharge home.这项研究对386位年龄在65岁以上、出院回家的患者进行了6个月的跟踪观察。剑桥高阶〔come〕She is coming on well and will be out of the hospital tomorrow.她身体在好起来,明天要出院了。英汉大词典〔complication〕If there are no complications, the doctor says that she'll be able to come home within two weeks.如果没有并发症的话,医生说她两周内就可以出院了。剑桥高阶〔condition〕He is in no condition to leave hospital.他的身体情况还不允许他出院。英汉大词典〔convalesce〕After two weeks, I was allowed home, where I convalesced for three months.两周之后, 我被准许出院回家度过三个月的康复期。外研社新世纪〔count〕They were counting on him not coming out of hospital.他们指望他不要出院。朗文当代〔deinstitutionalize〕To release (a mental health patient, for example) from an institution for placement and care in the community.让(例如,精神病人)从社会设置的看护机构中出院美国传统〔discharge from〕He was discharged from hospital.(或He discharged himself from hospital.)他出院了。21世纪英汉〔discharge〕After breakfast I got my discharge from the hospital.我在早饭后获准出院。英汉大词典〔discharge〕Five days later Henry discharged himself from hospital.5天后,亨利擅自出院了。柯林斯高阶〔discharge〕He couldn't bear to stay in the ward a moment longer and discharged himself.他在病房里一刻也多待不了, 于是就擅自出院了。外研社新世纪〔discharge〕He has a broken nose but may be discharged today.他鼻梁骨折了, 但今天或许可以出院。外研社新世纪〔discharge〕Hospitals now tend to discharge patients earlier than in the past.比起以前,现在的医院总是让病人早些出院。朗文当代〔discharge〕Many patients require ongoing care after discharge from hospital.许多病人要求出院后继续接受护理。麦克米伦高阶〔discharge〕Nurses visit the mother and baby for two weeks after their discharge from the hospital.母婴出院后护士走访了她们两星期。朗文当代〔discharge〕Patients were being discharged from the hospital too early.病人都过早获准出院。牛津高阶〔discharge〕Patients were discharged from the hospital because the beds were needed by other people.由于其他人需要床位,患者们便被允许出院了。剑桥高阶〔discharge〕She had discharged herself against medical advice.她不听医嘱擅自出院了。牛津高阶〔discharge〕She's due to be discharged from the hospital on Wednesday.她应于星期三出院。韦氏高阶〔discharge〕The child was taken to hospital but was later discharged.这个小孩被送到了医院,但后来出院了。麦克米伦高阶〔discharge〕The doctors approved her discharge from the hospital.医生准许她出院。韦氏高阶〔discharge〕The midwife will see you after your discharge.你出院后, 助产士会来看你。外研社新世纪〔discharge〕The patient was discharged from the hospital.病人被允许出院。英汉大词典〔discomfort〕After three days Marie was still in discomfort, but well enough to be discharged.三天后玛丽仍然觉得不舒服, 但已经可以出院了。外研社新世纪〔dismiss〕She was dismissed from the hospital when found free from leukaemia.检查结果没有得白血病,她便获准出院。英汉大词典〔ducky〕Life has been ducky since she got out of the hospital.自她出院后,生活变得很快乐。剑桥高阶〔duty〕He leaves the hospital tomorrow and is expected to resume his duties at the beginning of next month.他明天出院,预计下个月初重新开始工作。牛津搭配〔enough〕Three days later Thorpe was well enough to leave hospital.3天后索普恢复得可以出院了。麦克米伦高阶〔examination〕He was discharged after an examination at Westminster Hospital.威斯敏斯特医院在对他进行检查后就让他出院了。外研社新世纪〔examine〕He was later discharged after an examination at Westminster Hospital.在威斯敏斯特医院进行了一次诊察后他就出院了。柯林斯高阶〔feet〕It had been a nasty scare but Peter was on his feet again within days of his release from St Paul's.彼得这场病很吓人, 不过他从圣保罗医院出院没几天就恢复了健康。外研社新世纪〔handbrake〕She released the handbrake and swung the vehicle out of the yard and onto the road.她松开手刹, 一个急转弯将汽车开出院子, 上了马路。外研社新世纪〔hear〕She'll be pleased to hear that she can leave hospital tomorrow.知道明天可以出院,她会很高兴的。朗文当代〔hospitalization〕He was released after a brief hospitalization.他住院没多久就出院了。韦氏高阶〔hospital〕He is likely to be discharged from the hospital later today.今天晚些时候他就有可能获准出院。朗文当代〔hospital〕He may be able to leave hospital early next week.他下周初也许就可以出院了。柯林斯高阶〔hospital〕He may be able to leave hospital early next week.他可能下星期初出院。外研社新世纪〔hospital〕Your mother should be out of hospital within three days.你母亲三天之内就可以出院。朗文当代〔improvement〕He made a steady improvement and was released within 10 days of admission.他病情稳步好转,入院不到 10 天就出院了。牛津搭配〔mess ... about〕He said the doctors have only messed him about in hospital;he felt worse when he came out than when he went in.他说住院时医生对他胡乱摆弄;他觉得出院时比入院时病还重了。21世纪英汉〔nicely〕The doctor says Mother's doing nicely and should be home within a week.医生说母亲恢复得很好, 一周之内应该就能出院回家了。外研社新世纪〔out〕He's out of hospital, but he can't go back to work.他出院了,但不能回去工作。麦克米伦高阶〔out〕His wife isn't out of hospital yet.他的妻子还未出院。朗文当代〔pick〕They won't let him out of hospital until his health has picked up quite a lot.除非他的健康状况有相当大的好转,否则他们不会让他出院的。麦克米伦高阶〔pump〕She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped.她昨天洗胃后就出院了。外研社新世纪〔qualification〕The doctor said I can leave hospital today, but with the qualification that I have to come back every day to get the dressing changed.医生说今天我可以出院了,不过条件是我得每天回来换绷带。剑桥高阶〔readmit〕He was readmitted only a week after being discharged.他出院仅一个星期又再次住院。牛津高阶〔readmit〕He was readmitted soon after being discharged.他出院后不久又再次住院。韦氏高阶〔relapse〕Two days after leaving the hospital she relapsed into a coma.出院两天后,她再度昏迷。牛津高阶〔release from〕He is expected to be released from hospital today.他有望今天出院。外研社新世纪〔release〕He is expected to be released from hospital today.他有望今天出院。柯林斯高阶〔release〕He was released from a hospital last week after treatment for a disease.他患病经治疗后在上周获准出院。英汉大词典〔release〕He was released from the hospital yesterday.他昨天出院了。朗文当代〔release〕He was taken home on his release from the hospital.他出院后被送回家。麦克米伦高阶〔release〕He was taken to a local hospital but released after a check-up.他被送到当地医院,但经过身体检查之后又出院了。麦克米伦高阶〔release〕Serious complications have delayed his release from hospital.各种严重的并发症延迟了他的出院。柯林斯高阶〔right〕He went into hospital and came out after a week. But he still wasn't right.他住院一星期后出院了。但是他身体仍有些不适。外研社新世纪〔say-so〕She left the hospital on the say-so of her doctor.她得到医生许可后出院了。韦氏高阶〔say-so〕The patient left the hospital on the say-so of his doctor.病人遵医嘱出院了。英汉大词典〔shock〕The tanker driver was treated for shock and released.油罐车司机休克经过治疗后就出院了。朗文当代〔staging post〕For people who have spent a long time in a mental hospital, a hostel acts as an important staging post (= a place to stay temporarily) between the hospital and a home of their own.对于在精神病院中呆了很长时间的人来说,招待所是从出院到找到他们自己的居所期间重要的中转站。剑桥高阶〔up〕She's supposed to leave the hospital tomorrow, but I don't think she's up to it.她明天要出院了,但我认为她身体还不行。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕I am now out of hospital and well on the way to recovery.我现在已经出院,快康复了。柯林斯高阶〔wobble〕Bill's out of hospital and wobbling around on crutches.比尔出院了,拄着拐杖一摇一摆地四处逛。麦克米伦高阶〔yet〕Ican't leave the hospital yet – the doctor says maybe tomorrow.我现在还不能出院,医生说可能要明天。麦克米伦高阶He is just out of hospital. 他刚刚出院。译典通He was dismissed from the hospital a week later. 他一周之后出院了。译典通If there are no complications, the doctor says that she'll be able to come home within two weeks.如果没有并发症发生的话,医生说她能在两个星期内出院。剑桥国际Life has been ducky since she got out of the hospital.自从她出院后,生活变得可爱起来。剑桥国际My brother was discharged from hospital last week. 我兄弟上周出院。译典通My daughter's just come out of hospital.我的女儿刚出院。剑桥国际Patients were discharged from hospital because the beds were needed by other people.由于其他人需要床位,病人们被允许出院。剑桥国际She chased the children from her yard. 她把那些孩子赶出院子。译典通The doctor said I can leave hospital today, but with the qualification that I've got to come back every day to have the dressing changed.医生说我今天可以出院了,不过条件是我得每天回来换绷带。剑桥国际The doctor said that she was making good progress (= getting better after a medical operation or illness) and she would probably be out of hospital by next week.医生说她正在好转,可能到下星期就能出院了。剑桥国际You shouldn't go back to work for at least two weeks after your discharge from hospital.你出院后至少两周内不应回去工作。剑桥国际




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