

单词 出色的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIRE〕Croft had a high opinion of Marx as a political thinker. 克罗夫特对马克思评价很高,认为他是一位出色的政治思想家。朗文写作活用〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕The Signore was extrovert and jolly and his wife was a wonderful cook. 那位先生性格外向、快乐,他妻子是个出色的厨师。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕One of the best new players, he shows flair and creativity at the game. 作为最出色的新球员之一,他显示出了在这项运动方面的天赋和创造力。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕Good music seems to be a thing of the past. 出色的音乐似乎已成了往事。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Many of Britain's best brains have left the country to go and work in America. 英国许多最出色的人才已离开了自己的国家,到美国工作去了。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Sean's teachers told him that he had a good mind and the ability to be an excellent student. 肖恩的老师都对他说他头脑聪明能力过人,可以成为一名出色的学生。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕Hitchcock's film "The Birds’ is a brilliant psychological thriller with a gripping climax. 希区柯克的影片《鸟》是部出色的心理恐怖片,有个引人入胜的高潮。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕Pianist Tommy Flanagan is among the finest accompanists in jazz history. 钢琴手汤米·弗拉纳根是爵士乐史上最出色的伴奏者之一。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕Patrick is an excellent assistant - I couldn't do without him. 帕特里克是个出色的助手,我没有他不行。朗文写作活用〔REPLACE〕Adams, an excellent new pitcher, may supplant Hayes as starting pitcher by the end of the year. 出色的新投手亚当斯可能到年底就会取代海斯而成为先发投手。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕If you're a good salesman you can make a bomb, but you have to work hard. 如果你是位出色的销售员,你就能发大财,但必须努力工作。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕If you don't change your attitude, you will never succeed as a manager in this firm. 如果你不改变态度,你是无法在这家公司里当个出色的经理的。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕People who are successful in their careers have found out what they like and do well. 事业有成的人都找到了自己喜欢并且干得出色的事情。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕She was a brilliant pianist -- we couldn't believe she was only 15. 她是个出色的钢琴家—我们都不能相信她只有15岁。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Everyone tells me I'm a good speaker, but I really hate doing it. 人人都对我说我是个出色的演讲者,但其实我非常讨厌演说。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Executives in big companies need to have excellent public speaking skills. 大公司的主管需要具备出色的公众演讲技巧。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕France produces some of the world's best dessert wines, and this is an excellent example. 法国出产世界上最好的餐后甜酒,这就是一个出色的例子。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕Never underestimate the value of really good training. 千万不要低估真正出色的培训的重要性。朗文写作活用〔absent〕Absent more and better research, it seemed sensible to initiate study.鉴于没有进行更多和更出色的研究工作,从头学起是明智的。英汉大词典〔all-round〕He is a great all-round player.他是个出色的全能运动员。柯林斯高阶〔and〕I'm going to write good jokes and become a good comedian.我打算写一些精彩的笑话,成为出色的喜剧作家。柯林斯高阶〔artistic〕You don't need to be very artistic to produce great designs.要创造出出色的设计作品不一定需要很高的绘画技巧。麦克米伦高阶〔artist〕He is an exceptional footballer — an artist.他是一名出色的足球运动员,一个足球高手。柯林斯高阶〔as a person〕I like her as a person, but she is not a very good writer.我喜欢她本人,但是她不是一个出色的作家。韦氏高阶〔bang-up〕Very good; excellent.非常好的;出色的美国传统〔batsman〕He was the greatest batsman of his generation.他是他们那一代最出色的击球手。柯林斯高阶〔belong〕Keane does not belong in such illustrious company基恩不适合待在这样出色的公司。外研社新世纪〔best〕Out of all of my workers, he's the best.在我的所有员工当中,他是最出色的。韦氏高阶〔blocker〕He's one of the league's best blockers.他是联赛中最出色的拦截球员之一。韦氏高阶〔but〕The score could have been higher but for some excellent goalkeeping by Simon.要不是西蒙几次出色的扑救,比分还会更高。朗文当代〔calibre〕He was impressed by the high calibre of applicants for the job.求职人员出色的能力给他留下了深刻印象。牛津高阶〔capability〕He has the capability of becoming an excellent teacher.他有能力成为一名出色的教师。麦克米伦高阶〔capital〕He's a capital fellow.他是个出色的小伙子。外研社新世纪〔champion〕Everyone likes their Harry, he's a champion little lad.大家都喜欢他们家的哈里, 他是个非常出色的小家伙。外研社新世纪〔class〕Laughton is a class act who's proved his worth in the game.劳顿是一名出色的选手,他在这场比赛中证明了自己的价值。朗文当代〔confidence〕Minton is an outstanding boxer, with tremendous confidence in his own ability.明顿是一位出色的拳击手,他对自己的实力非常自信。朗文当代〔considering〕Considering your age and your inexperience, you've done pretty well.考虑到你的年龄和缺乏经验,你已干得够出色的了。英汉大词典〔consider〕He is currently considered (to be) the best British athlete.他目前被认为是英国最出色的运动员。剑桥高阶〔cook〕He's a very good cook.他是一个出色的厨师。牛津搭配〔dance〕She's a great actress, and she can dance and sing, too.她是名出色的演员,并且能歌善舞。韦氏高阶〔display〕The male performs a magnificent courtship display.雄性展示了出色的求偶炫耀行为。牛津搭配〔exultantly〕An exultant party leader said: 'He will be an excellent MP.' 一位满面喜色的政党领袖说:“他会成为一名出色的议员。”柯林斯高阶〔fire〕I had a brilliant English teacher who fired me with enthusiasm for literature at an early age.我有过一位出色的英语老师,在我很小的时候就激起了我对文学的热情。剑桥高阶〔fondly〕He is fondly remembered as a wonderful teacher.他作为一位出色的教师被人们铭记于心。麦克米伦高阶〔heat〕He did well in the heats;hopefully he'll do as well in the final.他在预赛中成绩很好,且有望在决赛中也有同样出色的表现。牛津高阶〔hotshot〕She's a hotshot broker on Wall Street.她是华尔街上一名非常出色的经纪人。外研社新世纪〔imitate〕She was a splendid mimic and loved to imitate Winston Churchill.她是个出色的模仿者,喜欢模仿温斯顿‧邱吉尔。朗文当代〔jake〕Suitable or satisfactory; fine.出色的:舒适的或令人满意的;美好的美国传统〔job〕This novel is a superb job.这部小说是一部出色的作品。英汉大词典〔leading〕David was our leading goalscorer last season.戴维是我们上个赛季最出色的得分球员。麦克米伦高阶〔lecturer〕She's a superb lecturer.她是一个出色的演讲者。牛津高阶〔line-up〕Heading this year's line-up is Elton John.今年最出色的人则是埃尔顿•约翰。外研社新世纪〔luxury〕We had the luxury of being able to choose from four good candidates for the job.我们的挑选余地大,有四位出色的职位候选人可供选择。牛津高阶〔make〕I'm sure you will make a very good teacher.我相信你一定会成为一名非常出色的老师。朗文当代〔manager〕His wife is an excellent manager.他的夫人是个出色的当家人。英汉大词典〔market〕He believes oil stocks will outperform the market over the next 12 months.他相信石油股在未来 12 个月会有出色的市场表现。牛津搭配〔mark〕They had stopped Ecuador from building up attacks with good marking.他们运用出色的盯人技术使厄瓜多尔队无法组织起进攻。柯林斯高阶〔mean〕His mother was a painter, and he's no mean artist himself.他的母亲是画家,他本人也是很出色的艺术家。牛津高阶〔metaphor〕She uses some wonderful images and metaphors in her writing.她在作品中用了很多出色的意象明喻和暗喻。朗文当代〔pastoral〕Many churches provide excellent pastoral counselling.很多教堂提供出色的牧灵辅导。柯林斯高阶〔performer〕Star performers are rewarded with bonuses.表现出色的人有奖金。朗文当代〔persuaded〕All great persuaders and salesmen are the same.所有出色的说客和推销员都是一样的。柯林斯高阶〔power〕A good lawyer is able to argue with power and conviction.出色的律师能提供有力辩护,让人信服。韦氏高阶〔prestige〕This year's outstanding tournament will do a lot to restore the competition's prestige.今年出色的锦标赛将会大大恢复该比赛的声望。麦克米伦高阶〔prime〕Stan had been an excellent tennis player in his prime.斯坦在壮年的时候曾经是出色的网球选手。麦克米伦高阶〔promotion〕The company rewards outstanding employees with promotions to higher-paid posts.这家公司将出色的员工提升到薪水更高的职位作为奖励。外研社新世纪〔really〕He was really and truly a brilliant comedian.他真的是个非常出色的喜剧演员。朗文当代〔recognize〕He was recognized as one of the finest poets of his time.他被认为是他那个时代最出色的诗人之一。外研社新世纪〔recognize〕The company recognized Mr Brown's outstanding work by promoting him to chief accountant.公司提升布朗先生为总会计师以表彰他出色的工作。21世纪英汉〔render〕The dramatist's conception was well rendered.剧作家的构思得到了出色的表述。英汉大词典〔sculler〕He's one of the top scullers in the state.他是本州最出色的划桨手之一。韦氏高阶〔set〕The hotel does a very good set menu.这家酒店提供非常出色的套餐。朗文当代〔shape〕He will shape up into an excellent footballer.他将成长为出色的足球运动员。英汉大词典〔stand out〕You should pay great attention to the centre who stands out in the French team.你们得盯死法国队中那名出色的中锋。21世纪英汉〔star〕He starred in both baseball and football when he was in college.上大学期间,他在棒球和橄榄球上都有非常出色的表现。韦氏高阶〔staying power〕Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher.缺乏耐力和毅力的人不可能成为出色的研究员。柯林斯高阶〔steal〕His outstanding performance stole the show.他出色的表演出尽了风头。韦氏高阶〔sweetheart〕Something cherished for its excellent qualities.佳品,上品:因其出色的品质而珍惜的东西美国传统〔tonight〕Tonight, I think he proved to everybody what a great player he was.我认为他今晚向大家证明了他是个多么出色的球员。外研社新世纪〔trophy〕He's an excellent rider, but he's never won a major trophy.他是个出色的骑手,但从未赢得过任何一项重要比赛的冠军。剑桥高阶〔turn〕I turned off a good piece of work this morning.今天上午我完成了一项出色的工作。英汉大词典〔unbelievable〕Unbelievably, our Government are now planning to close this magnificent institution.让人匪夷所思的是,我们的政府竟然在计划关掉这个出色的机构。柯林斯高阶〔way〕There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.杰出的飞机设计师没有理由一定也是个出色的飞行员。同样,一个优秀的飞行员或许会是个糟糕的司机。柯林斯高阶〔wizard〕Chiefly British Excellent.【多用于英国】 出色的,极好的美国传统〔wonderful〕He's a wonderful cook.他是个非常出色的厨师。剑桥高阶As a senator he was excellent--always talking to his constituents and hearing their problems.他是位出色的参议员----经常和选民谈心,听取他们反映问题。剑桥国际Everyone has made a sterling effort.每个人都作出了出色的成绩。剑桥国际He is arguably one of the world's finest football players.他当之无愧地是世界上最出色的足球运动员之一。剑桥国际He showed admirable restraint, and refused to be provoked.他表现出出色的克制力,拒绝被煽动。剑桥国际He was one of the finest instrumentalists of his day.他是当时最出色的乐器演奏家之一。剑桥国际He was such a brilliant speaker that he always managed to draw a big crowd.他是如此出色的演讲家,总能吸引大批的听众。剑桥国际He wrote a very competent report.他撰写了一份很出色的报告。牛津商务I thought he carried off the part of Hamlet with great skill.我认为他以出色的技巧成功地扮演了哈姆雷特。剑桥国际In the exam she rose to the occasion/challenge (= showed that she could handle a difficult situation) and wrote a brilliant essay.在考试中她成功应对,写了一篇出色的文章。剑桥国际Johnny is so ingenious--he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.强尼真是心灵手巧----他可以用最普通的材料制作出最出色的雕塑。剑桥国际She uses her remarkable voice to create a wide range of accents, mannerisms and inflections in her one-woman show.她在自己的单人表演中用她出色的嗓音演出了多种腔调、风格和抑扬变化的语调。剑桥国际Spencer's grotesques (= paintings of ugly and unpleasant subjects) are his best works.斯宾塞描绘奇形怪状的东西的油画是他最出色的作品。剑桥国际The general had an excellent mount. 将军有出色的坐骑。译典通The school has many excellent qualities.这个学校具有许多出色的特点。剑桥国际The team's standout goalie made four spectacular saves within the first 40 minutes of play.这队出色的守门员在比赛的前40分钟内救出了4个险球。剑桥国际




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