

单词 其作品
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Apelles〕Greek painter whose works, none of which survives, are described in ancient writings.阿佩利斯:古代文献里描写的一位古希腊画家,其作品全部失传美国传统〔Cleary〕American author of children's books. Her works include a series of humorous novels featuring Henry Huggins.克蕾拉,贝弗利:美国儿童读物作者。其作品包括以亨利·哈金斯为主角的系列幽默小说美国传统〔Homeric〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of Homer, his works, or the legends and age of which he wrote.荷马的:与荷马及其作品或他笔下那个时代的传奇有关的;或以此为特点的美国传统〔Johnsonian〕An admirer or a student of Samuel Johnson or his work.约翰逊研究者:塞缪尔·约翰逊或其作品的崇拜者或研究者美国传统〔Johnsonian〕Of, resembling, or relating to Samuel Johnson or his writings.约翰逊的:塞缪尔·约翰逊或其作品的,似约翰逊文体的,与约翰逊或其作品有关的美国传统〔Juvenal〕Roman satirist whose works denounced the corruption and extravagance of the privileged classes in Rome.尤维纳利斯:古罗马讽刺作家,其作品谴责了古罗马特权阶级的腐化和奢侈美国传统〔Kafkaesque〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of Franz Kafka or his writings.(有关)卡夫卡或其作品的;具有卡夫卡或其作品风格的美国传统〔PRAISE〕She had to spend 10 years as a struggling artist, before receiving any recognition for her work. 在未得到公众对其作品的认可前,作为一个艺术家,她不得不苦苦奋斗了十年。朗文写作活用〔Reich〕American classical composer whose work often draws on West African and Balinese musical traditions.赖希,史蒂芬.麦克:美国古典音乐作曲家,其作品常借用西非和巴里的音乐传统美国传统〔Shakespeareana〕A collection of items by or relating to Shakespeare.莎士比亚的:由莎士比亚创作的或有关其作品集的美国传统〔auteur〕A filmmaker, usually a director, who exercises creative control over his or her works and has a strong personal style.电影导演:电影制作者,通常为导演,其作品应用创造性的手段并具有强烈的个人风格美国传统〔doctrine〕I disagree with the doctrine that the writer's life and intention have no bearing on his texts.我不同意作家的生活和意图与其作品无关的学说。外研社新世纪〔immortality〕Some people want to achieve immortality through their works.有些人想通过其作品流芳百世。柯林斯高阶〔potentiate〕A poet's work may be potentiated by his experience of war and of suffering.诗人对于战争以及苦难的体验会使其作品更有力量。21世纪英汉〔precisionist〕Often Precisionist A painter whose work is marked by precisionism. 常作 Precisionist 精确主义派画家:其作品以精确主义为特征的画家美国传统




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