

单词 出局的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔double play〕A play in which two players are put out.双杀:将两名运动员杀出局的一击美国传统〔fielder's choice〕A play made on a ground ball in which the fielder chooses to put out an advancing base runner, thus allowing the batter to reach first base safely.外野选择:由外野员选择将跑垒者封杀出局的地滚球产生的一种打法,因此允许击球员能安全抵达一垒美国传统〔force-out〕The act or fact of putting out a base runner on a force play.封杀:在封杀局面中将一方的跑垒员击出局的行为或事实美国传统〔out〕A play in which a batter or base runner is retired.出局的一击:击球者跑垒者被罚出局的一击美国传统〔out〕Baseball Not allowed to continue to bat or run; retired.【棒球】 出局的:不允许继续击球或跑的;出局的美国传统〔out〕The player retired in such a play.被罚出局的人:在此一击被罚出局的运动员美国传统〔out〕With two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning, he hit a home run to win the game.第九局的后半局,在有两名队员出局的情况下,他以一记本垒打赢得了比赛。韦氏高阶〔reply〕Graeme Hick scored an unbeaten 58 as Worcestershire replied to Middlesex's 202 with 132-3.格雷姆·希克未出局拿得58分,从而使伍斯特郡队以132分3人出局的成绩回敬了米德尔塞克斯队的202分。柯林斯高阶〔rundown〕Baseball A play in which a runner is trapped between bases and is pursued by fielders attempting to make the tag.【棒球】 夹杀:跑垒员在两垒之间夹杀,且有试图出局的守场员追击的打法美国传统〔tag〕Baseball The act of putting another player out by touching the player with the ball when he or she is not on base.【棒球】 触杀:当一名棒球队员不在垒上时以球触他或她,从而使该队员被杀出局的行为美国传统〔unstuck〕It was in the third round of the championships that they came unstuck.他们是在锦标赛的第3轮被淘汰出局的。剑桥高阶




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