

单词 出国
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARMY〕Many young men went abroad to avoid the draft. 许多年轻人出国逃避被征召入伍。朗文写作活用〔ATTRACT/ATTRACTION〕What attracts me to the job is the salary and the possibility of foreign travel. 这份工作之所以吸引我是因为它工资高,而且又有出国的机会。朗文写作活用〔BEST〕The cream of India's scientists are being attracted abroad by highly paid jobs. 印度的精英科学家被海外的高薪工作吸引而纷纷出国。朗文写作活用〔ESCAPE〕Rollins tried to flee the country but was stopped at the airport. 罗林斯企图逃出国境,但是在机场被截住了。朗文写作活用〔FOREIGN〕Douglas often travelled overseas when he was in the army. 道格拉斯当兵时经常出国。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕This policy ensures that you get emergency medical treatment free of charge when travelling abroad. 该保险单保证出国旅行时看急诊免费。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕The pamphlet is chock full of advice for people travelling abroad. 小册子里满是为出国旅行者提供的建议。朗文写作活用〔March〕She went abroad in early March.她在三月初出国。文馨英汉〔OPEC〕Each member of OPEC would seek to maximize its own production.石油输出国组织的每个成员国都寻求最大限度地提高本国石油产量。柯林斯高阶〔RUDE〕As soon as some English people go abroad, they seem to change into bad-mannered, insensitive oafs. 有些英国人一出国似乎就变成了举止粗鲁、麻木不仁的蠢人。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕Taylor left the country to escape charges of embezzlement. 泰勒为了逃避贪污罪的指控而潜逃出国。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The new measures are intended to stop troublemakers from travelling abroad to football matches. 这些新的措施旨在阻止喜欢闹事的人出国观看足球比赛。朗文写作活用〔abroad〕Colin's work took him abroad for short periods.科林由于工作原因多次短期出国。外研社新世纪〔abroad〕He will go abroad next year.他明年将出国。文馨英汉〔abroad〕I would love to go abroad this year, perhaps to the South of France.今年我想出国, 或许去法国南部。外研社新世纪〔accusation〕He fled the country amid accusations of fraud.他身陷欺诈指控,于是潜逃出国。牛津搭配〔afford〕Scientists are going abroad, taking with them skills that our country can ill afford(=cannot afford) to lose.科学家们要出国,并随身带走了技能,这些是我们国家难以承受的损失。麦克米伦高阶〔against〕I'm against your going abroad.我反对你出国。文馨英汉〔allure〕Many workmen were allured from the country.许多劳工被诱出国。英汉大词典〔authorizable〕He confidentially authorized me to act for him while he is abroad.他信任地委托我在他出国期间代行他的事务。21世纪英汉〔banner〕The oil-producing countries joined together under the banner of OPEC.产油国都加入了石油输出国组织。朗文当代〔bar〕Nothing barred him from going abroad.没有事情阻碍他出国。文馨英汉〔be out of〕He has been out of the country.他出国去了。21世纪英汉〔begin〕She began the tradition of the royal tour abroad.她开创了王室出国巡游的传统。外研社新世纪〔blessing〕The rugby team toured abroad with official blessing from the government.经政府正式批准,那支橄榄球队出国比赛。英汉大词典〔bring〕He always brings me back something nice when he goes abroad.他出国时总是给我带回些好东西。麦克米伦高阶〔burn〕He burnt to go abroad.他极想出国。英汉大词典〔cast off〕He has cast off his idea of going abroad.他已放弃出国的打算。21世纪英汉〔ceiling〕The agreement sets the ceiling of twenty-two-point-five million barrels a day on OPEC production.该协议为石油输出国组织设定了日产量2,250万桶的上限。外研社新世纪〔chase〕We must chase the enemy from our country.我们一定要把敌人逐出国境。英汉大词典〔chop and change〕You wouldn't chop and change your mind,either remain here or go abroad.你留下来也好,出国也好,不要总拿不定主意。21世纪英汉〔eh〕Going overseas again, eh? It's a nice life for some! 又要出国,啊?有些人的日子过得真不錯!剑桥高阶〔every nook and cranny〕Every nook and cranny of the house was stuffed with souvenirs of their trips abroad.房间到处都塞满了他们出国旅行带回来的纪念品。剑桥高阶〔expectant〕He's expectant of going abroad.他期望出国。文馨英汉〔exporter〕Saudi Arabia is the world's largest oil exporter.沙特阿拉伯是世界上最大的石油输出国。麦克米伦高阶〔exporter〕The country is a net exporter of food.该国是食品净输出国。牛津搭配〔exporter〕The country is now a net exporter of fuel(= it exports more than it imports).目前这个国家是燃料净输出国。牛津高阶〔export〕To send or transport abroad merchandise, especially for sale or trade.出口(某物):将货物送到或运出国外,尤指为了出售或贸易美国传统〔extended〕If you are going abroad for an extended period of time , you should consider renting your house out.如果你出国会持续一段时间,你应该考虑把房子租出去。朗文当代〔eye-opener〕Traveling abroad can be a real eye-opener to many people.出国旅游对于许多人来说可以算是一次真正的大开眼界。韦氏高阶〔firmly〕OPEC has agreed to freeze its global oil production slightly in order to firm up crude prices.石油输出国组织已同意对全球石油生产稍加冻结,以稳定原油价格。柯林斯高阶〔foreign〕His work provided him with the opportunity for a lot of foreign travel.他的工作给他提供了很多出国旅行的机会。剑桥高阶〔foreign〕They've already had two foreign holidays this year.他们今年已经出国度假两次。麦克米伦高阶〔go abroad〕They went abroad for their holiday.他们出国度假。21世纪英汉〔heartbeat〕If I got the chance to travel abroad, I'd go in a heartbeat.如果有机会出国旅行,我很乐意去。麦克米伦高阶〔intent〕He's intent on his job [on going abroad].他专心于他的工作[一心一意想出国]。文馨英汉〔keeping〕I left my car in her keeping when I went abroad.我出国的时候把汽车托给她保管。剑桥高阶〔make〕It's my first trip abroad so I'm going to make the most of it.这是我第一次出国,我要充分利用这个机会。牛津高阶〔mixed up〕I get all mixed up over the money whenever I travel abroad.我每次出国旅行,在钱上面就彻底糊涂了。朗文当代〔no wonder〕No wonder the children are excited - this is the first time they've been abroad.孩子们那么兴奋并不奇怪——这是他们第一次出国。剑桥高阶〔part〕He parted from his native shore a year ago.一年前他出国留洋了。21世纪英汉〔posting〕He's been given an overseas posting to Japan.他已被指派出国去日本工作。英汉大词典〔prohibit〕Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad.苏联时代国民被禁止出国旅游。牛津高阶〔prospect〕I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospects.我选择出国工作以求在事业上有更好的发展。外研社新世纪〔question〕Another trip abroad this year is out of the question.今年再度出国是绝无可能的。牛津高阶〔quit〕His decision to quit international football has shocked everyone.他退出国际足坛的决定让大家感到震惊。麦克米伦高阶〔rack〕The Secretary of State had racked up 87 days of foreign travel.国务卿出国访问已达87日。英汉大词典〔rationalize〕He rationalized his decision to go abroad for further study of literature.他为出国留学继续在文学方面深造进行辩解。21世纪英汉〔rattle around in〕Their children went abroad one by one.They were just rattling around in their big house.他们的孩子们一个一个地都出国了,他们住在他们那栋大房子里显得空荡荡的。21世纪英汉〔realizability〕Before going abroad, he realized all his property.在出国之前,他把他所有的财产统统变卖了。21世纪英汉〔retrospectively〕Retrospectively, I wish I hadn't gone abroad.回想起来,但愿当时我没有出国。文馨英汉〔see〕The oil-exporting states see great benefit from it.石油输出国预见从中可得到很大好处。英汉大词典〔significantly〕It was the first time I had ever traveled outside of the country, but, more significantly, it was the first time I had ever been outside of my parents' supervision.这是我第一次出国旅游。然而更重要的是,这是我第一次脱离了父母的监控外出。韦氏高阶〔slip〕Don't let the chance to work abroad slip through your fingers.这个出国工作的机会你可不要错过。牛津高阶〔subsidize〕Their parents subsidized their trip abroad.他们的父母资助他们出国旅行。牛津同义词〔take〕My work takes me abroad a lot.因为工作, 我出国次数很多。外研社新世纪〔the cream of sth〕The cream of this year's graduates have gone abroad for jobs.今年的优秀毕业生都出国谋职去了。剑桥高阶〔thought〕He had no thought of going abroad.他无意出国。文馨英汉〔travel〕Many British television programmes don't travel well.英国的许多电视节目走出国门就不受欢迎了。朗文当代〔travel〕Someday I'd like to travel abroad .哪天我想出国旅行去。朗文当代〔unbeknownst〕He went abroad unbeknownst to us.他瞒著我们出国。文馨英汉〔undertaking〕He gave an undertaking not to leave the country before the trial.他承诺在审判前不出国。牛津搭配〔unskilled〕Most of those who left the province to work abroad were unskilled.那些离开该省出国打工的人大部分都未经专门训练。柯林斯高阶〔until〕It was not until yesterday [quite recently] that I considered going abroad.一直到昨天[最近]我才考虑出国。文馨英汉〔valid〕For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport.出国度假需持有效护照。柯林斯高阶Arranging a trip abroad is a time-consuming business.安排出国旅行是件耗费时间的事情。剑桥国际Controls on foreign exchange limit the amount of money you can take out of the country.对外汇交易的管制限制了带出国的资金数额。牛津商务Gamma globulin injections are often used as a way of protecting you against certain diseases, esp. when travelling abroad.注射丙种球蛋白常用于防治某些疾病,特别是在出国旅行时。剑桥国际He came back from a three-month trip abroad to discover that he had been cuckolded.他出国旅行了三个月,回来后却发现妻子与人通奸了。剑桥国际He stays in chain hotels when he travels abroad on business, as he appreciates their predictability (= knowing what they will be like).他出国出差时总是住连锁旅馆,因为他了解旅馆的具体情况。剑桥国际He was intent on going abroad for advanced studies. 他一心想出国深造。译典通He's been such a misery since his girlfriend went abroad without him.自从他的女朋友独自出国之后,他已成了那样一个常闹脾气的人。剑桥国际I have to have a medical before going abroad. 出国前我得做一次健康检查。译典通I hear (that) you're going abroad. [+ (that) clause] 我听说你要出国。剑桥国际I intend to study abroad. 我打算出国留学。译典通I left my word processor in her keeping when I went abroad.我出国时把字处理机交给她保管。剑桥国际I'm thinking in terms of retiring next year and travelling overseas.我打算明年退休,出国旅行。剑桥国际It was my first time abroad and the language, the food, everything was so strange.这是我第一次出国,语言、食物,一切都是如此陌生。剑桥国际It would advantage him to go abroad. 出国会对他有好处。译典通Japan is a major exporter of cars (= it sells cars in other countries).日本是汽车的主要输出国。剑桥国际One of the underlying causes of the war was a belief in racial/ethnic purity, and a desire to drive all immigrants out of the country.战争的根本原因之一是人们信仰民族/种族纯粹,并想把所有的移民都驱赶出国。剑桥国际People are leaving the Nationalist Party by the score (= in large numbers).人们大批地退出国民党。剑桥国际She left her valuables in the custody of her mother (=She asked her to look after them) while she was abroad.出国期间,她把值钱的东西交母亲保管。剑桥国际She took up residence (= went to live) abroad/in South America.她出国/去南美定居。剑桥国际The child was made a ward of court to stop her father taking her out of the country.这孩子成了受法院监护的人,以免她父亲将她带出国。剑桥国际The government is now demanding the restitution of its ancient treasures that were removed from the country in the 16th century.政府正在要求归还于16世纪被运出国的古董文物。剑桥国际The police surmise that the robbers have fled the country.警方估计盗窃犯已逃出国。剑桥国际They've packed their house up (= put the contents of their house into boxes etc.) for six months, and gone abroad.他们花了6个月收拾好屋里的东西然后出国去了。剑桥国际Whenever I go abroad I get in a muddle about/over (= become confused about) the money.每当我出国时,总是被钱搞糊涂。剑桥国际You would be well-advised to (=It would be wise for you to) have the appropriate vaccinations before you go abroad.在你出国前接种适当的疫苗是很明智的。剑桥国际




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