

单词 再一次
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGAIN〕Once again, I must remind you of the seriousness of the problems we face. 我必须再一次提醒你我们所面临的问题的严重性。朗文写作活用〔AGAIN〕Once again, the City Council has decided to ignore the interests of the taxpayers. 市议会再一次决定置纳税人的利益于不顾。朗文写作活用〔AGAIN〕Yet again, I was forced to ask my parents for money. 我再一次被迫向父母要钱。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕Again, the tribe had raided a neighbouring village, inflicting many casualties. 该部落再一次袭击了邻村,造成许多伤亡。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕Peter pulled on the mask and submerged again. 彼得拉上面罩,再一次潜入了水中。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The nation was once more as strong as the other major powers in Europe. 该国再一次和欧洲其他大国一样强盛了。朗文写作活用〔EXERCISE〕A new medical report has again highlighted the health benefits of regular exercise. 一份新的医学报告再一次强调了定期运动对健康的好处。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕My parents were overjoyed to see my brother again. 我父母再一次见到弟弟,感到欣喜若狂。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕Once again, the leader's wishes have taken precedence over the students’ demands. 领导人的意愿再一次凌驾于学生的要求之上。朗文写作活用〔MISTAKE〕Once again, the government has got it wrong. 政府再一次犯了错误。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕Phil Andrews again hit the headlines by scoring three goals in last night's game. 菲尔·安德鲁斯在昨晚的比赛中独进三球,再一次成了头条新闻。!朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕The government is once again attempting to streamline the health care service in order to pay for tax cuts. 政府再一次试图减少保健服务的开支以弥补税收的削减。朗文写作活用〔SAVE〕Agassi once again came to the rescue of his country in the quarter final of the Davis Cup. 戴维斯杯四分之一决赛中,阿加西再一次挽救了他的国家队。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕The health clinic has again been caught violating patient confidentiality. 这家诊所再一次被发现违反了为病人保密的协定。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The soldier tried to prop himself up again using his crutches. 这名士兵再一次试图用拐杖撑着站直。朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕Her previous experiences made her very unsure of the wisdom of marrying again. 她以前的经历使她犹豫不定,怀疑再一次结婚是否明智。朗文写作活用〔UNCERTAIN〕After yet another injury, his football career is in doubt. 他再一次受伤,是否能继续他的足球事业还说不准。朗文写作活用〔VOTE〕Once again, the Democrats increased their share of the vote. 民主党的得票份额再一次增加。朗文写作活用〔again〕He kissed her again.他再一次吻了她。柯林斯高阶〔again〕Once again, Drew was under arrest.德鲁再一次被拘捕。朗文当代〔alive〕I never expected to feel so alive in my life again.我从没想到自己会再一次这样活力焕发。外研社新世纪〔alive〕I never expected to feel so alive in my life again.我怎么也没想到自己会再一次这样活力焕发。柯林斯高阶〔anew〕Once more; again.再一次;重新美国传统〔appeal〕She won the right to make another court appeal.她赢得了再一次向法庭提出上诉的权利。牛津搭配〔attack〕Once again we came under attack from enemy fighter planes.我们再一次遭到敌人战斗机的攻击。朗文当代〔attempt〕Everything is almost ready for me to make another attempt on the record.一切几乎都已准备就绪,就等我向纪录发起再一次冲击了。柯林斯高阶〔belligerence〕The belligerents were due, once again, to try to settle their differences.预计交战双方要再一次试图解决彼此的分歧了。柯林斯高阶〔bill〕He is billed for another visit.他已预定作再一次访问。英汉大词典〔bis〕Used to request an additional performance.用于请求再一次表演美国传统〔brace〕The candidate braced for another defeat.候选人作好了再一次失败的准备。英汉大词典〔concede〕Another strike will force the government to concede.再一次罢工将会迫使政府让步。外研社新世纪〔confound〕She thus confounded expectations yet again.于是她再一次使人们的预期落空。外研社新世纪〔crack〕She hopes to have another crack at the world record this year.她希望今年再一次冲击世界纪录。牛津高阶〔de novo〕Over again, anew.再一次、重新美国传统〔decisive〕Yet again, we have failed to act decisively .然而,我们再一次未能果断行动。朗文当代〔delight〕He expressed his delight at seeing us all again.他表达了再一次见到我们所有人的喜悦之情。牛津搭配〔disinter〕The subject was disinterred yet again.旧话再一次重提。英汉大词典〔drift〕The tide drifted them down again.潮汐再一次把他们冲了下来。外研社新世纪〔evolutionary〕Most people favour an evolutionary process over another revolution.相较于再一次的变革, 大多数人更倾向于一种演变过程。外研社新世纪〔fear〕Fears are growing of a new oil embargo.对再一次石油禁运的担心越来越强烈。牛津搭配〔first down〕A gain of ten or more yards entitling the offensive team to a new series of downs.再开始四次十码进攻权:推进十码或更远后使进攻队获得再一次进攻的权利美国传统〔haunt〕The committee may find their past errors returning to haunt them.委员会也许发现他们又犯了过去的错误并再一次感到困扰。麦克米伦高阶〔hold out on〕They once again held out on him when he asked to leave the army.他退伍的要求再一次遭到了拒绝。21世纪英汉〔inside〕She was afraid of me going inside again.她担心我再一次进班房。英汉大词典〔majority〕They look like securing another overwhelming majority.他们看来将再一次获得绝对的多数票。麦克米伦高阶〔make〕They're going to try to make a go of their marriage again.他们将试图再一次使他们的婚姻美满。麦克米伦高阶〔more〕England was once more at war with France.英国再一次和法国交战。朗文当代〔more〕Once more the soldiers attacked and once more they were defeated.士兵们再一次进攻,再一次被击败。朗文当代〔must〕I must down to the sea again.我得再一次下海。英汉大词典〔passage〕He again urged passage of a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.他再一次敦促通过一项宪法修正案,把人工流产定为非法。剑桥高阶〔pitching〕The President speaks in New York today, making another pitch for his economic program.总统今天在纽约发表讲话,再一次为他的经济计划作宣传。柯林斯高阶〔plague〕She is plagued by fear of another terrorist attack.她因害怕再一次发生恐怖袭击而持续焦虑不安。韦氏高阶〔pull up〕He was made redundant and now he's trying to pull himself up again.他之前作为冗员被裁,现在他正试图再一次奋发图强。柯林斯高阶〔re-elect〕We re-elected him monitor.我们再一次选举他为班长。21世纪英汉〔reaffirm〕To affirm or assert again.重申:再一次地强调或断言美国传统〔rebid〕Games To bid (a previously bid suit) again in bridge.【游戏】 再叫:在桥牌游戏中再一次叫(原先叫过的牌套)美国传统〔rebind〕To bind again, especially to put a new binding on (a book).重新装订:再一次装订,尤指对(某书)重新装订美国传统〔rebroadcast〕A broadcast that is repeated or that is relayed from another station.重播节目,转播节目:再一次播放的节目或从另一个台站传送过来的节目美国传统〔rebuild〕To build again.重建:再一次地建造美国传统〔recalculate〕To calculate again, especially in order to eliminate errors or to incorporate additional factors or data.重新计算:再一次地计算,尤指为消除错误或加入附加的因素或数据而进行的再计算美国传统〔recommit〕To refer (proposed legislation, for example) to a committee again.重新提出:将(例如,方案)再一次地发给委员会讨论美国传统〔reflective〕After another reflective silence he answered.再一次沉思默想之后,他便作了回答。英汉大词典〔rehire〕He was rehired after three months.三个月后他再一次被雇用。21世纪英汉〔renew〕She renewed her promise to come see me.她再一次答应要来看我。韦氏高阶〔retake〕He retook my hand and placed it on his forehead.他再一次拿起我的手放在他的前额上。21世纪英汉〔rouse〕As the pressure grew, United roused themselves again.随着压力的增大, 联队再一次自我打气鼓励。外研社新世纪〔save〕Thanks again for the loan – you really saved my life.再一次谢谢你那笔贷款,你真是救了我啊。朗文当代〔scanning〕He raised the binoculars to his eye again, scanning across the scene.他再一次把双筒望远镜举到眼前,仔细观察整个现场。柯林斯高阶〔scrutiny〕His role is again under scrutiny by human rights organizations.他的职责再一次受到人权组织的仔细审查。外研社新世纪〔shape〕She was shaping to hit her second shot.她正准备再一次击球。牛津高阶〔shut away〕Depressed and ill, he had again shut himself away in his darkened studio.他又沮丧又生了病,再一次躲进了自己昏暗的工作室。柯林斯高阶〔siege〕At the very end of the war, the city again came under siege.战争就快结束时这座城市再一次遭受围困。牛津搭配〔solid〕She gives another solid performance as an unemployed single mother.作为失业的单身母亲她再一次表现出色。麦克米伦高阶〔spark〕This proposal will almost certainly spark another countrywide debate about immigration.这项提议很可能会再一次在全国范围内引起关于移民的争论。剑桥高阶〔step〕The British Government is once more out of step with world opinion.英国政府的观点再一次和世界舆论出现分歧。柯林斯高阶〔submerge〕Feelings she thought she'd submerged were surfacing again.她以为已经抑制住的情感再一次涌上心头。朗文当代〔surge〕The anniversary is bound to bring a new surge of interest in Dylan's work.该周年纪念肯定会再一次激发人们对迪伦作品的浓厚兴趣。柯林斯高阶〔suspicious〕He was rightly suspicious of meeting me until I reassured him I was not writing about him.当然他很不放心见我,直到我再一次向他保证我不是在写他。柯林斯高阶〔tilt〕The team is preparing for another tilt at the European Cup.球队正在准备再一次问鼎欧洲杯。朗文当代〔tip up〕The aircraft leveled out, and tipped up again for its climb to 20,000 feet.飞机上升后平直飞行,随后又再一次爬升,高度升至 2 万英尺。柯林斯高阶〔twist〕The story has taken another twist.故事情节再一次变化。牛津高阶〔urge〕We urged her to reconsider the offer, but she refused.我们竭力地怂恿她再一次地考虑这个提议,但她拒绝了。美国传统〔wherein〕He gazed once more around the room, wherein were assembled his entire family.他再一次环视房间,他全家人都在那里。剑桥高阶〔yet〕Prices were cut yet again(= once more, after many other times).物价又再一次降低。牛津高阶An aircraft's turnaround time is the time it takes after it has landed to prepare it for taking off again.飞机的停港时间是着陆到再一次起飞所花费的时间。剑桥国际Another sloppy pass like that might lose them the whole match.再一次那样的草率传球会使他们输掉整场比赛。剑桥国际Goodbye, Robert, and thank you again for a lovely dinner.再见,罗勃特,再一次谢谢你的丰盛晚餐。剑桥国际He again urged passage of a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.他再一次极力主张通过一项宪法修正案,规定流产是不合法行为。剑桥国际He failed again for all his pains. 尽管他费尽精力,还是再一次的失败。译典通He had relapsed into silence again. 他再一次陷入沉默。译典通He said that American military power should never again be vitiated by political concerns.他说美国的军事力量绝不能再一次出于政治上的考虑而减弱。剑桥国际If I'm late for work again it will be another black mark ( against me).如果我再一次上班迟到,那将是另一个(不利于我的)污点。剑桥国际Once again (= Again and as has happened in the past) racist attacks are increasing across Europe.种族主义者的攻击在整个欧洲再一次地不断增多起来。剑桥国际Repairs have already begun and we expect the factory to be fully operational (= working correctly and completely) again within six months.整修工作已经开始,我们期望这家工厂在六个月内将再一次完全运转起来。剑桥国际The Russian relay team will again be going for the gold medal at the Olympic Games.俄罗斯接力队将再一次争取获得奥运会金牌。剑桥国际The audience applauded enthusiastically, and she came back on stage to take another bow.观众们热烈地鼓掌,她又回到舞台上再一次鞠躬致谢。剑桥国际The city suffered another blow last month with the closure of the local car factory.上个月当地汽车工厂停业了,这使该城市再一次遭受打击。剑桥国际The latest reports only served to reaffirm the people's opposition to these unpopular measures.最新的报告只是再一次确认了人们对这些不受欢迎的措施所持的反对态度。剑桥国际We need to avoid another big budget overshoot.我们需要避免再一次严重预算超支。牛津商务You are reminded once again of the author's love of the sea.你再一次注意到了作者对大海的热爱。剑桥国际




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