

单词 切口
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arthroscopy〕Examination of the interior of a joint, such as the knee, using a type of endoscope that is inserted into the joint through a small incision.关节内窥镜检查:使用通过一小的切口插入关节的一种内窥镜对关节内部,如膝盖进行的检查美国传统〔close〕The surgeon closed the incision neatly.外科医生把切口缝得很整齐。朗文当代〔crenel〕An open space or notch between two merlons in a battlement or crenelated wall.枪眼、垛口:在城垛或有城垛的墙上,两个城齿之间的开阔空间或切口美国传统〔cut〕Make several deep cuts in the surface of the meat.在肉的表面划几道深切口。外研社新世纪〔cut〕The operation involves making several cuts in the cornea.该手术要在角膜上做几个切口。柯林斯高阶〔cut〕The result of cutting, especially an opening or wound made by a sharp edge.切口,伤口:切割等造成的后果,尤指由利刃造成的裂口或伤口美国传统〔distended〕Through this incision, the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas.二氧化碳气体通过这个切口进入,造成腹腔肿胀。柯林斯高阶〔eviscerate〕To protrude through a wound or surgical incision.伤口或外科切口处突出美国传统〔fipple〕A whistlelike mouthpiece for certain wind instruments, such as a recorder or flageolet, that channels the breath toward the sounding edge of a side opening.音栓:如竖笛或哨笛等气鸣乐器的哨形吹口,引导气流冲向管边切口上的发音边缘美国传统〔flow〕Sap flowed from the gash in the tree.树液从树的切口处涌出美国传统〔gain〕A notch or mortise cut into a board to receive another part.腰槽:为连接另一部分而在木料上切入的切口或榫眼美国传统〔grater〕One that grates, as an implement with sharp-edged slits and perforations on which to grate foods.磨碎机:用来摩擦的东西,如一种带有边缘锋利的切口和孔用来磨碎食物的器具美国传统〔incision〕A notch, as in the edge of a leaf.切口,如叶片边缘美国传统〔introduce〕The tube which carries the laser is introduced into the abdomen through a small cut in the skin.传送激光的导管通过皮肤上的小切口插入腹部。剑桥高阶〔invasive〕Of or relating to a medical procedure in which a part of the body is entered, as by puncture or incision.侵入的:属于或关于身体的部位被侵入,例如被穿刺或切口穿入之医疗过程的美国传统〔ledge〕A cut or projection forming a shelf on a cliff or rock wall.岩脊:悬崖或岩石墙上组成平台的切口或凸出物美国传统〔make〕A horizontal cut is made through the uterus.在子宫上开了一个横切口。外研社新世纪〔matchboard〕A board cut with a tongue on one side and a matching groove on the other to fit with other boards of similar cut.假型板:在一侧有舌状切口且另一侧有能与其它板相似切口相适合的沟巢的木板美国传统〔mend〕A gash in your leg will mend.你腿上那道深长的切口会愈合的。外研社新世纪〔notch〕A V-shaped cut.V字形切口美国传统〔notch〕Notch the ends so that they fit together.在两头都刻下切口以便它们契合在一起。韦氏高阶〔notch〕Such a cut used for keeping a record.用来作记号的V字形切口美国传统〔notch〕The stick has two notches, one at each end.这根木棍两端各有一个V形切口。剑桥高阶〔prostatectomy〕A laparoscopic prostatectomy is carried out using slender tubes inserted through five small holes in the abdomen.腹腔镜前列腺切除术是通过腹部的五个切口插入细管进行的。剑桥高阶〔pump〕Blood pumped out of the cut.血从切口喷出。韦氏高阶〔rabbet〕A cut or groove along or near the edge of a piece of wood that allows another piece to fit into it to form a joint.槽口:沿着一块木头或在其顶端附近的切口或槽口,可让另一块木头接合形成榫头美国传统〔roach〕Nautical An outward curve in the leech of a fore-and-aft sail.【航海】 弧形切口:纵帆后缘的一个外部切口美国传统〔score〕A notch or an incision, especially one that is made to keep a tally.刻痕:一种刻痕或切口,尤指用于记分美国传统〔scotch〕A surface cut or abrasion.刻痕:切口或擦损面美国传统〔slash〕A long cut or other opening made by such a stroke; a gash or slit.刀痕:用这种打击造成的很大的切口或其它开口;切口或裂缝美国传统〔slash〕Make deep slashes in the meat and push in the spice paste.在肉上切出深深的口子,再把辣酱塞进切口中。柯林斯高阶〔slash〕To make a gash or gashes in.割开:在…上弄有一个或几个切口美国传统〔slit〕A long, straight, narrow cut or opening.狭长的切口:长而直且狭窄的切口或开口美国传统〔snick〕A cut made by snicking.刻痕:由于雕刻而产生的切口美国传统〔snip〕A small cut made with scissors or shears.切口:用剪刀或大裁刀剪出来的小口子美国传统〔surgeon's knot〕Any of several knots, especially one similar to a square knot, used in surgery for tying ligatures or stitching incisions.外科结:一种结,特别是外科手术用在缝合线上或者缝合切口时用的方结美国传统〔suture〕The surgeon sutured the incision.外科医生把切口缝合。韦氏高阶〔undercut〕A notch cut in a tree to direct its fall and insure a clean break.砍伐切口:砍在树上的切口,用于指定采伐量并保证裂口整齐美国传统〔whip〕A blow, wound, or cut made by or as if by whipping.鞭伤,鞭痕:由鞭笞或仿佛是由鞭笞造成的打击、伤口或切口美国传统The new technique involves surgeons making small incisions in the skin into which tubes are inserted.这项新技术要求外科医师在皮肤上开一个插入管子的切口。剑桥国际The surgeon used a laser to make a small incision into the brain / into the boy's brain.外科医生用激光将大脑 / 男孩的大脑开了一个小切口。剑桥国际




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