

单词 冲入
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAST〕Somewhere a dog barked and, like lightning, the cat darted into some bushes. 不知哪个地方有只狗一吠,猫就像闪电般冲入了灌木丛。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕Rockets flew into the air and then exploded with a terrific bang. 火箭冲入空中,然后轰的一声巨响就爆炸了。朗文写作活用〔STORY〕According to legend, the whole castle was washed into the sea. 据传说所说,整座城堡被冲入了大海。朗文写作活用〔blaze〕The assassins rushed into the crowd, with their guns blazing.几名杀手冲入人群,不停地开枪射击。韦氏高阶〔broadside〕The boat swung broadside on to the current of the river.小船打转以舷侧冲入河水的洪流。牛津高阶〔career〕His car careered into a river.他的车一头冲入河里。柯林斯高阶〔catch〕An intruder breached the perimeter but was caught.一名闯入者冲入周边区域, 但被抓住了。外研社新世纪〔fool〕Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.天使裹足不前,而愚者却莽撞冲入。文馨英汉〔gutter〕It is supposed to be washed down the gutter and into the city's vast sewerage system.它应该是被沿排水沟冲入城市庞大的排水系统。柯林斯高阶〔gutter〕It is supposed to be washed down the gutter and into the city's vast sewerage system.按说它会冲入排水沟, 然后流进城市庞大的污水系统中。外研社新世纪〔invade〕As the final whistle blew, fans began invading the field.比赛结束的哨声一响,球迷便开始冲入球场。牛津高阶〔irrupt〕To break or burst in.冲入或闯入美国传统〔miraculous〕They had a miraculous escape when their car plunged into a river.他们的车冲入河里,而他们却奇迹般地逃生了。朗文当代〔path〕He threw himself into the path of an oncoming vehicle.他冲入迎面有汽车驶来的路中。牛津高阶〔pell-mell〕He dashed pell-mell into the room.他仓促地冲入房间。文馨英汉〔play in the hole〕Although Mulumbu plays most of the game in the hole, he pushes into the box to support the strikers whenever possible.虽然穆伦布大部分时间的位置在防守队员之前以及其他前卫和前锋之后,但是只要有可能,他都会冲入对方禁区支援进攻。剑桥高阶〔plunge into〕Anders leapt from the car and plunged into the field of maize.安德斯从车里跳出来, 一头冲入玉米地里。外研社新世纪〔plunge〕The hunting dogs plunged into the forest in pursuit of game.猎狗们冲入森林追捕猎物美国传统〔reckless〕He ran into the burning house with reckless abandon (=without caring about the danger) .他不顾危险冲入着火的房子里。朗文当代〔rush into〕They rushed into the burning house to save the old man.他们冲入起火的房子中去救那个老人。21世纪英汉〔shoot〕The rocket shot up into the sky.火箭冲入天空。英汉大词典〔skyrocket〕A firework that ascends high into the air where it explodes in a brilliant cascade of flares and starlike sparks.冲天火箭:一种鞭炮,能够高高地冲入空中,并在那里爆炸,发出炫目的闪光和星状的火花美国传统〔soar〕Rockets soared into the sky.火箭冲入天空。牛津搭配〔soar〕The rocket soared into the sky.火箭冲入天空。韦氏高阶〔stampede〕Customers stampeded the shop.顾客蜂拥冲入了商店。21世纪英汉〔swill〕Gallons of sea water had rushed into the cabin and were now swilling about in the bilges.大量海水冲入了船舱,正在船底来回晃荡。柯林斯高阶〔wade into〕Police waded into a crowd of protesters.警察冲入抗议的人群。外研社新世纪〔wade〕The police waded into the crowd with batons.警察挥舞着警棍冲入人群。牛津高阶〔wash〕The young man was washed overboard (=pushed from a boat into the sea by the force of the water) in the storm.暴风雨中,那个年轻人被从船上冲入了海里。朗文当代




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