

单词 做到
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕something that you succeed in doing 成功做到的事朗文写作活用〔assiduous〕an assiduous worker who strove for perfection.See Synonyms at busy 一个勤奋的工人力求做到完美 参见 busy美国传统〔balance〕strike a proper balance between work and rest 做到劳逸结合英汉大词典〔delicate〕a delicate balance between freedom and restraint 自由和约束之间很难做到的平衡麦克米伦高阶〔fit〕fit the action to the word 做到言行一致英汉大词典〔manoeuvre〕a manoeuvre which, though apparently simple, was a brilliantly executed bit of seamanship一个看似简单但实际上需出色的航海技能才能做到的机动动作外研社新世纪〔soup〕do the whole job from soup to nuts 把工作从头做到尾英汉大词典〔struggle〕struggled to be polite. 尽力地做到礼貌美国传统〔suit〕to suit the action with the word使动作与台词同步;(立下保证、作出威胁时)说到就做到21世纪英汉〔take-charge〕a take-charge guy/woman 说到做到的男人/女人韦氏高阶




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