

单词 保持距离
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aloof〕Some thought that Britain was standing aloof from Europe.有些人认为英国与欧洲诸国保持距离。牛津搭配〔apart〕She keeps herself apart from other people.她与其他人保持距离。牛津高阶〔arm〕She had always kept his family at arm's length.她总是与他的家人保持距离。外研社新世纪〔at〕The two journalists followed at a discreet distance.那两个记者谨慎地保持距离跟在后面。柯林斯高阶〔away〕Keep away from strangers.与陌生人保持距离。外研社新世纪〔clinically〕Should doctors always remain clinically detached from their patients? 医生是否应该总是跟患者保持距离,不掺杂任何情感呢?剑桥高阶〔distanced〕Jay had always tended to keep his girlfriends at a distance.杰伊一贯和他的女朋友们保持距离。柯林斯高阶〔distance〕A lighthouse on the cliff warns ships to keep their distance.悬崖上的灯塔警告船只保持距离。朗文当代〔distance〕Don't come any closer! Keep your distance!别再靠近了!保持距离!外研社新世纪〔distance〕She always kept her coworkers at a distance.她总是与同事保持距离。韦氏高阶〔distance〕She was warned to keep her distance from Jay if she didn't want to get hurt.她受到警告:如果不想受伤害,就应与杰伊保持距离。牛津搭配〔distance〕The neighbours tend to keep their distance.邻居们会有意识地保持距离。朗文当代〔distance〕The only way I can cope with my mother is at a distance.我与母亲相处的唯一方法是保持距离。外研社新世纪〔draw back〕She drew back from him at the dancing party.在舞会上她与他保持距离。21世纪英汉〔humanly〕She wanted to put as much distance as was humanly possible between herself and Adrian.她想尽最大可能和阿德里安保持距离。朗文当代〔iceberg〕Informal A cold, aloof person.【非正式用语】 冷若冰霜的人:冷淡的 、与人保持距离的人美国传统〔overzealous〕He had to be protected from overzealous fans.他不得不被保护起来,与过分热心的崇拜者保持距离。剑桥高阶〔parked〕Keep your distance from parked cars when driving.开车时与停泊的车辆保持距离。剑桥高阶〔persona〕But Ross was careful to distance herself from the tragic persona she played on screen.但是罗斯留心让自己和她在屏幕上扮演的悲剧角色保持距离。外研社新世纪〔sniffy〕The broadcast media sniffily affects to distance itself from the press.广播媒体态度轻蔑地故作姿态,要跟新闻媒体保持距离。柯林斯高阶〔space〕To separate or keep apart.隔开:隔开或保持距离美国传统I should keep your distance from the black horse -- he tends to bite.我要让你和黑马保持距离----它爱咬人。剑桥国际Keep/Stay away from strange men (=Do not go near them or talk to them).与陌生人保持距离。剑桥国际She has maintained an Olympian detachment from (= avoided being involved with and worried by) the everyday business of the office.她一直高高在上和公司的日常事务保持距离。剑桥国际




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