

单词 保持缄默
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bind〕The monks are bound by vows of silence.僧侣们必须遵守保持缄默的誓言。朗文当代〔boat〕She was told to keep her mouth shut and not rock the boat (= not take unnecessary action that would cause problems). () 有人叫她保持缄默,不要惹麻烦。牛津搭配〔button your lip〕He didn't want to get into a fight, so he decided to button his lip.他不愿意卷入一场争执,于是决定保持缄默。剑桥高阶〔conspiracy〕Detectives have run into a conspiracy of silence in the tight-knit communities of the peninsula.侦探们发现这个半岛上关系密切的各群体达成了保持缄默的协定。外研社新世纪〔conspiracy〕Detectives have run into a conspiracy of silence in the tight-knit communities of the peninsula.侦探们犯了难,半岛上各个群体抱成一团,达成了保持缄默的密约。柯林斯高阶〔error〕Keeping quiet turned out to be a serious error of judgment.保持缄默证明是个严重的判断失误。麦克米伦高阶〔keep your mouth shut〕I don't know whether to tell him what I know or keep my mouth shut.我不知道是该告诉他我所知道的,还是保持缄默。剑桥高阶〔mouth〕She hoped Jason would keep his mouth shut about his doubts.她希望贾森对他自己的疑虑能保持缄默。麦克米伦高阶〔move〕A wise move was to remain silent.聪明的办法是保持缄默。英汉大词典〔muzzle〕The company has tried to muzzle its employees by forbidding them to speak to the press.公司试图以禁止员工对新闻发表言论的方式令其保持缄默。韦氏高阶〔silence〕I will not be intimidated into silence.我不会因为受威胁而保持缄默。韦氏高阶〔silence〕I will not be silenced! 我是不会被迫保持缄默的!韦氏高阶〔silence〕There is a conspiracy of silence about what is happening (= nobody is willing to talk about it).对于发生的事情大家都一致保持缄默。牛津搭配〔silence〕There is a conspiracy of silence about what is happening(= everyone has agreed not to discuss it).对于发生的事情,大家一致保持缄默。牛津高阶〔tongue〕I wanted to argue, but I had to bite my tongue.我想辩驳,但又不得不保持缄默。朗文当代〔tongue〕The secret is out now, and all because someone could not hold his tongue.秘密泄露了,都是因为有人不肯保持缄默。英汉大词典




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