

单词 公民
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔acknowledge〕acknowledge sb. first citizen of a town 承认某人是城里的首席公民英汉大词典〔bearer〕the traditional bourgeois notion of the citizen as a bearer of rights认为公民拥有各种权利的传统资产阶级观念外研社新世纪〔box〕bring twelve good responsible citizens into a box 请来12名尽职的好公民担任陪审员英汉大词典〔citizenship〕strip a person of his citizenship 褫夺某人的公民权文馨英汉〔citizen〕a citizen of China 中国公民英汉大词典〔citizen〕a group of Japanese citizens 一群日本公民韦氏高阶〔citizen〕an American citizen; 一个美国公民;美国传统〔compliant〕a compliant and docile citizenry 驯顺的全体公民英汉大词典〔covenant〕the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》外研社新世纪〔curtail〕to curtail someone of his citizenship剥夺某人的公民权21世纪英汉〔deal in〕the rights of our citizens to hold and to deal in foreign currency我国公民持有和买卖外汇的权利外研社新世纪〔deny〕a government that denies its citizens basic freedoms 不让公民享有基本自由的政府韦氏高阶〔disfranchise〕a law to disfranchise the illiterate 剥夺文盲公民权的法律英汉大词典〔disobedient〕citizens disobedient to the laws 不服从法律的公民英汉大词典〔disregard〕the government's casual disregard for the rights of its citizens 政府对公民权利的漠视韦氏高阶〔exercise〕the exercise by citizens of rights and freedoms 公民对于各种权利和自由的行使英汉大词典〔faithful〕a loyal citizen. 履行义务的公民。美国传统〔infringe〕court decisions that infringe civil liberties 限制公民自由权的法庭裁决麦克米伦高阶〔intermingle〕an opportunity for them to intermingle with the citizens of other countries一个使他们与其他国家公民来往的机会外研社新世纪〔law-abiding〕a law-abiding citizen 一位守法公民朗文当代〔liberty〕a citizens' charter which gives people basic civil liberties 赋予公民基本自由的公民宪章牛津搭配〔name〕a prince who renounced his title when he became an American citizen); applied to entities such as literary or musical forms,it is a distinguishing name ( 当成为美国公民时王子宣布他的头衔); 用作实体,如文学或音乐形式,它是表示区别的名称( 美国传统〔nationalize〕nationalized Germans in the U.S. 已成为美国公民的德国人英汉大词典〔national〕foreign nationals 外国公民韦氏高阶〔obligation〕the obligations of a citizen 公民的义务英汉大词典〔obligation〕the obligations of citizenship 公民的义务牛津搭配〔of〕deprive a citizen of his right to vote 剥夺公民的选举权英汉大词典〔passionate〕a passionate defender of civil liberties 公民自由权利的积极捍衞者牛津高阶〔peaceable〕peaceable citizens 温顺的公民英汉大词典〔plebiscite〕a plebiscite on independence 关于独立问题的公民投票;朗文当代〔plebiscite〕force a country into a new plebiscite on an amended treaty 迫使一个国家重新进行有关修订条约的公民投票英汉大词典〔plural〕plural citizenship 多重公民资格英汉大词典〔resign〕resign one's citizenship 放弃公民资格 英汉大词典〔right-minded〕a right-minded citizen 思想纯正的公民英汉大词典〔right〕a new charter which establishes the rights and duties of citizens 确定公民权利和义务的新宪章朗文当代〔second-class〕a second-class citizen (地位低下的)二等公民英汉大词典〔simple〕a simple citizen 普通公民英汉大词典〔train〕train children to be good citizens 教育儿童成为好公民英汉大词典〔urge〕urge the departure of all U.S. citizens 催促所有美国公民离开 英汉大词典〔well-travelled〕the most sophisticated and well travelled of their country's citizens他们国家公民中最见多识广、游历丰富的人外研社新世纪




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