

单词 后部
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BACK〕Brenda sat at the reception desk at the rear of the main hall. 布伦达坐在位于大厅后部的接待处。朗文写作活用〔BACK〕Someone crashed into the back of my car. 有辆车撞进了我的车后部。朗文写作活用〔English saddle〕A lightweight, hornless saddle with a steel cantle and pommel, a padded leather seat, and full side flaps usually set forward.英国式马鞍:一种重量轻、无鞍头的马鞍,带有钢制的前桥和后弓(鞍后部翘起部分),鞍座为皮制,有衬垫,两侧蹬带通常向前倾美国传统〔INTERESTING〕Finally, in the last section of the talk I will cover a few miscellaneous topics which I think may be of interest. 最后,在演讲的最后部分我将谈到一些我认为会让人感兴趣的各种话题。朗文写作活用〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕Atkinson failed to notice the car ahead of him was parked and drove straight into the back of it. 阿特金森没看到前面的那辆车是停着的,开车一头就撞上了它的后部。朗文写作活用〔OPEN〕Open wide. I need to look at the back of your throat. 张大嘴巴,我要看看你喉咙的后部。朗文写作活用〔PART〕The final section of this chapter will deal with recent developments. 这章的最后部分将阐述最近的发展情况。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕The baggage handlers just sling the cases in the back of the bus -- they don't care if anything gets broken. 行李搬运工就把箱子扔到公共汽车后部,也不管东西是否会打碎。朗文写作活用〔TIE/UNTIE〕Mrs Bennett had been tied up and left in the back of the van. 贝内特太太被绑起来丢在小型货车的后部。朗文写作活用〔Wernicke's area〕An area in the posterior temporal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain involved in the recognition of spoken words.韦尼克区:大脑的左半部在颞颥叶的后部的一片区域,参与辨认口语美国传统〔aftermost〕Nearest the end or rear; hindmost or last.最后面的,最后的:最靠近后面或后部的;最后面的或最后的美国传统〔after〕Nautical Nearer the stern of a vessel.【航海】 靠近船后部的美国传统〔aft〕At, in, toward, or close to the stern of a vessel or the rear of an aircraft or a spacecraft.向船部地(的):在、朝、向着或接近船只的尾部或者飞机、飞船的后部美国传统〔aft〕The door was aft of the cabin on the starboard side.门在船舱后部, 右舷一侧。外研社新世纪〔backboard〕A board placed under or behind something to provide firmness or support.后部挡板:被放在某物下面或后面的起固定或支撑作用的板子美国传统〔backroom〕A room located at the rear.后房:位于后部的房间美国传统〔backsaw〕A saw that is reinforced by a metal band along its back edge.脊锯:一种沿其后部边缘被金属环加固的锯美国传统〔backstay〕A supporting device at or for the back of something else.后支条:在其它物体后部或为其它物体后部做支撑用的装置美国传统〔backward〕To or toward the back or rear.向后地:向或朝向后边或后部地美国传统〔back〕He put the letter in the back of the drawer.他把信放到抽屉的后部。韦氏高阶〔back〕She split her coat up the back.她的上衣后部撕开了。英汉大词典〔back〕The kitchen is at/in the back of the house and the living room is at/in the front.厨房位于房屋的后部,客厅位于房屋的前部。韦氏高阶〔back〕We got in the back of the car.我们钻进了小汽车后部。外研社新世纪〔banana seat〕An elongated bicycle seat that usually curves upward in the back.香蕉座:延长了的自行车座,后部通常向上弯曲美国传统〔band shell〕A bandstand with a concave, almost hemispheric wall at the rear that serves as a sounding board.户外音乐台:凹形的、后部由作为共振板的近似半球形的墙壁构成的音乐台美国传统〔beam〕He beamed the light towards the low back part of the cave.他将光线照向洞穴后部的低洼处。外研社新世纪〔bobble〕The ball bobbled into the back of the net.球蹦进了球网后部。外研社新世纪〔bottom〕The last place, as on a list.最后部分:名单的最末处美国传统〔breech〕The lower rear portion of the human trunk; the buttocks.臀部:人体躯干的略靠下的后部;屁股美国传统〔burst〕The silence was broken by a sudden burst of laughter from the back of the room.房间后部突然发出的笑声打破了沉寂。外研社新世纪〔bustle〕A frame or pad to support and expand the fullness of the back of a woman's skirt.裙撑:支撑并且使女裙后部完全展开的框架或衬垫美国传统〔calf〕The fleshy, muscular back part of the human leg between the knee and ankle.腓,小腿肚:人腿部位于膝关节和踝关节之间的多肉的、腿后部的肌肉部分美国传统〔cantle〕The raised rear part of a saddle.鞍后桥:马鞍后部隆起的部分美国传统〔cloaca〕The posterior part of the intestinal tract in various invertebrates.泄殖腔:各种无脊椎动物内肠道的后部分美国传统〔conspicuous〕He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.他尽量不使自己显眼,沿着房间后部慢慢移动。剑桥高阶〔crumple〕The front and rear of the car will crumple during a collision.碰撞时, 汽车的前部和后部会被撞瘪。外研社新世纪〔derrière〕The buttocks; the rear.臀部;后部美国传统〔fall away〕The rear sections of the rocket fell away.火箭后部已分离。剑桥高阶〔flocculus〕Anatomy Either of two small lobes on the lower posterior border of the cerebellum.【解剖学】 小脑绒球:小脑后部边缘下方的两块小叶之一美国传统〔fourchette〕Anatomy A small band or fold of mucous membrane forming the posterior margin of the vulva and connecting the posterior ends of the labia majora.【解剖学】 阴唇系带:一小条构成外阴后部的黏膜,连结大阴唇的后部美国传统〔gun〕There was a machine gun mounted on the back of the Jeep.吉普车的后部架着一挺机关枪。牛津搭配〔ham〕The back of the thigh.大腿后部美国传统〔hippogriff〕A monster having the wings, claws, and head of a griffin and the body and hindquarters of a horse.半鹰半马怪兽:有鹰的翅膀、利爪和头,马的身体和后部的怪兽美国传统〔knitting〕She sat at the back of the room, doing her knitting.她坐在房间后部织东西。外研社新世纪〔lister〕A plow equipped with a double moldboard that turns up the soil on each side of the furrow, often having an attached drill for seed planting.双壁开沟犁:犁头后部有两块曲面铁板的犁,可翻开犁沟两边的泥土,常附有播种机美国传统〔loading〕The back of the car drops to make loading less of a back-breaking exercise.汽车后部降低了一些, 这样装卸东西会省些力。外研社新世纪〔myelencephalon〕The posterior portion of the embryonic hindbrain, from which the medulla oblongata develops.末脑:胚胎期后脑的后部,延髓在此发育美国传统〔nape〕The back of the neck.项:颈的后部美国传统〔occipital lobe〕The posterior lobe of each cerebral hemisphere, having the shape of a three-sided pyramid and containing the visual center of the brain.枕骨脑叶:每个脑干半球的后部脑叶,呈三面金字塔形,含有大脑中视觉中心美国传统〔occiput〕The back part of the head or skull.后顶,枕骨部:头或颅的后部分美国传统〔pitch〕The roof pitches sharply to the rear of the house.屋顶向房子后部大幅度倾斜。朗文当代〔postaxial〕Located behind an axis of the body, as the lateral aspect of the lower leg or the medial aspect of the upper arm.轴后的,腿腓骨后的:位于身体中轴后方的,如小腿的后部或上手臂的中间部分美国传统〔posterior〕Located behind a part or toward the rear of a structure.后部的,后面的:位于某部分之后的,在结构之尾部的美国传统〔posterior〕The tail of an animal is on the posterior part of the body.动物的尾巴长在身体的后部。英汉大词典〔postfrontal〕Toward the rear of the frontal lobe.朝向前额骨后部的美国传统〔postganglionic〕Located posterior or distal to a ganglion.神经节后的:位于神经节后部或末端的美国传统〔postnasal drip〕The chronic secretion of mucus from the posterior nasal cavities, often caused by a cold or an allergy.后鼻滴涕:从鼻腔后部流出的周期性粘液分泌物,通常由感冒或过敏症引起美国传统〔previous〕The previous owner of the house had built an extension on the back.这所房子以前的主人对房子后部进行了扩建。剑桥高阶〔pygidium〕The posterior body region or caudal segment of certain insects and other invertebrates.尾节,尾板:特定昆虫以及其他无脊椎动物的后部的身体或尾部美国传统〔queue〕A long braid of hair worn hanging down the back of the neck; a pigtail.辫子:从脖子后部拖下来的一缕长发;辫子美国传统〔ram〕The truck was rammed from behind by a sports car on a busy highway.在繁忙的公路上这辆卡车的后部受到一辆跑车的猛烈撞击。麦克米伦高阶〔rear guard〕A detachment of troops that protects the rear of a military force.后卫部队:任务是保护某军事力量后部的某支部队美国传统〔rearmost〕Farthest in the rear; last.最后部的:最后面的;最后的美国传统〔rocket〕A projectile firework having a cylindrical shape and a fuse that is lit from the rear.火箭式空中大烟火:一种带引信且从其后部点火的圆筒状抛掷烟火美国传统〔roundhouse〕Nautical A cabin on the after part of the quarterdeck of a ship.【航海】 艉楼甲板室:后甲板后部的舱室美国传统〔rumble seat〕An uncovered passenger seat that opens out from the rear of an automobile.汽车敞开座位:由汽车后部伸出的无盖的乘客座位美国传统〔skeg〕An arm extending to the rear of the keel to support the rudder and protect the propeller.舵底承:用以支撑舵和保护螺旋浆的,延伸在龙骨后部的支撑物美国传统〔splay〕The house has a narrow front but it splays out at the back.这所房子门面狭窄,但后部宽阔。英汉大词典〔squall〕There was an infant squalling in the back of the church.有个婴儿在教堂后部大声啼哭。柯林斯高阶〔squash〕We all squashed into the back of the car.我们都挤到了汽车后部。牛津高阶〔squat〕Sports A lift or a weightlifting exercise in which one squats and stands while holding a weighted barbell supported by the back of the shoulders.【体育运动】 蹲举式举重:一种抬升或举重运动,举重者用肩膀的后部扛着杠铃蹲下和站起美国传统〔sternmost〕Closest to the stern.在船尾最后部的美国传统〔stock〕The rear wooden, metal, or plastic handle or support of a rifle, a pistol, or an automatic weapon, to which the barrel and mechanism are attached.枪托:支撑步枪、手枪或自动武器的后部木制、金属或塑料柄,上面装有枪管和枪机美国传统〔store away〕The goods were stored away at the back of the warehouse.货物被存放在仓库后部。外研社新世纪〔stow〕The suitcases were now safely stowed away in the back of the truck.行李箱现已安全地放在了卡车后部。牛津搭配〔stretch〕I can feel the stretch in the back of my legs.我可以感觉到双腿后部肌肉的拉伸。韦氏高阶〔take sth to pieces〕If you take the bookcase to pieces, it will fit in the back of your car.你把书柜拆开就能放进汽车后部了。剑桥高阶〔throat〕Anatomy The portion of the digestive tract that lies between the rear of the mouth and the esophagus and includes the fauces and the pharynx.【解剖学】 咽喉:消化道的一部分,位于口腔后部和食管之间,包括咽和喉美国传统〔thrust〕They thrust him into the back of a jeep.他们将他推进吉普车的后部。外研社新世纪〔tip〕The seat tips forward to allow passengers into the back.座位向前放倒,好让乘客进入车的后部。牛津高阶〔tonguefish〕Any of various marine flatfishes of the family Cynoglossidae, having the posterior part of the body tapering to a point.舌鳎:一种海洋平头鱼,属舌鳎科,其身体后部极窄,形成一个点美国传统〔trailing edge〕The rearmost edge of a structure that moves, as an airfoil.后缘:可移动构造的最后部边缘,如机翼的美国传统〔trickle〕Trickle water gently over the back of your baby's head.往婴儿的脑后部轻撩些水。柯林斯高阶〔upstage〕The rear part of a stage, away from the audience.舞台后部(远离观众)美国传统〔upstage〕To distract attention from (another performer) by moving upstage, thus forcing the other performer to face away from the audience.抢戏:移向舞台后部迫使另一演员无法面对观众从而分散观众(对另一演员的)注意力美国传统〔upsweep〕A hairdo that is smoothed upward in the back and piled on top of the head.上卷发式:在头后部将头发平滑地向上梳,并盘在头顶上美国传统〔uropygium〕The posterior part of a bird's body, from which the tail feathers grow.尾臀:鸟体的后部,尾羽从此部分生长美国传统〔van〕An enclosed boxlike motor vehicle having rear or side doors and side panels especially for transporting people.运货车:带有后部或两侧的门和侧窗的,尤其用来运载人的封闭厢式汽车美国传统〔vomer〕A thin flat bone forming the inferior and posterior part of the nasal septum and dividing the nostrils in most vertebrates.犁骨:形成鼻中隔膜下后部的一块薄而平的骨头,在大多数脊椎动物中分开鼻孔美国传统Even when they were speaking quietly, the actors'voices carried right to the back of the theatre.即使低声说话,演员的声音也能传到剧场的后部。剑桥国际I keep a tool/repair/first-aid kit in the back of my car.我在汽车后部放了一套工具/修理用具/急救用品。剑桥国际If you want to take this stretch further, hold the back of your legs with your hands.如果你想把这个伸展动作做得更大些,就用手抓住腿的后部。剑桥国际Our seats were towards the back of the theatre, and we couldn't see very well.我们的座位接近剧院的后部,我们看得不很清楚。剑桥国际Somebody made a large dent in the back of my car while it was parked outside the house.当我的车子停在屋外时,有人在它后部撞出了一个很大的凹痕。剑桥国际Someone drove into the back of his car yesterday.昨天有人撞了他车的后部。剑桥国际The actor's delivery (= the way he spoke) was so faint that he couldn't be heard at the back of the theatre.演员道白如此之轻,剧院后部的观众都听不见。剑桥国际The bathroom is at the back of the house.浴室在这幢房子后部。剑桥国际We sat at the back of the bus.我们坐在公共汽车的后部。剑桥国际You dickhead--you've dented the back of my car! 你这木脑瓜----你撞凹了我车子的后部!剑桥国际You really have to lift your voice to reach the back of the theatre.你要提高嗓门才能使你的声音传到剧场后部。剑桥国际




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