

单词 入眼
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UGLY〕The town is surrounded by large, unattractive housing estates that nobody wants to live in. 这个小镇四周都是不入眼的大型住宅区,没有人想住在里面。朗文写作活用〔eyedropper〕A dropper for administering liquid medicines, especially one for dispensing medications into the eye.滴药管:一种控制药液的滴管,尤指用来将药滴入眼里美国传统〔eye〕My eyes took in every detail as I entered the house for the first time in twenty years.20 年来第一次踏进这个屋子,我将每一个细微之处都收入眼底。牛津搭配〔hidden〕As you descend, suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall.你一直往下走着, 最后那隐秘的瀑布就会突然映入眼帘了。外研社新世纪〔lurch〕The carriage lurched into view.马车摇摇晃晃地映入眼帘。英汉大词典〔pop〕At last the cottage popped into view.最后村舍终于闯入眼帘美国传统〔rank〕We could see nothing for miles but serried ranks (= many close rows) of fir trees.数英里范围内,映入眼帘的只有一排排密密丛丛的冷杉树。剑桥高阶〔retreat〕His eyes retreated into the sockets when he was seriously ill.他病重时,眼睛深深陷入眼窝中。21世纪英汉〔salute〕The red flag is the first thing that salutes the eye.首先映入眼帘的是一面红旗。英汉大词典〔sight〕The lake soon came into view.那湖很快便映入眼帘。牛津高阶〔sight〕The sandy beach was in sight.沙滩映入眼帘。柯林斯高阶〔sky〕I opened my shutters and saw a brilliant blue sky.我打开百叶窗,映入眼帘的是一片湛蓝的天。牛津搭配〔spring〕As they drove further down the road, two old barns sprang into view.当他们沿着路继续向南行驶时,两个破旧的谷仓突然跃入眼帘。麦克米伦高阶〔thrill〕She felt a thrill of excitement as the mountains came into view.大山映入眼帘,她感到一阵强烈的兴奋。牛津搭配〔uniformity〕Little by little the plain came into view, a vast green uniformity, forlorn and tenantless.渐渐,平原映入眼帘,一望无际的成片绿色,荒无人烟。英汉大词典〔view〕Suddenly the pyramids came into view.突然,金字塔映入眼帘。朗文当代〔view〕The lake soon came into view.那湖很快映入眼帘。牛津高阶The cloud lifted, and the tops of the mountains suddenly came into view (= could be seen).云散了,山顶突然跃入眼帘。剑桥国际




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