

单词 偏远
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abide〕abide in a remote village 住在一个偏远的村子里英汉大词典〔area〕a bird found only in remote areas of the U.S. 仅见于美国偏远地区的一种鸟韦氏高阶〔backwoods〕a backwoods section of Kentucky. 肯塔基州的偏远地区柯林斯高阶〔backwoods〕stuck in a backwoods town困在一个偏远城镇外研社新世纪〔barren〕a remote and barren island 偏远荒芜的岛屿麦克米伦高阶〔corner〕a remote corner of Afghanistan 阿富汗的一个偏远地区牛津搭配〔depth〕to live in the depths of the country(= a long way from a town) 住在偏远地区牛津高阶〔far-flung〕expeditions to the far-flung corners of the world 去世界偏远地方的探险牛津高阶〔far-flung〕one of the farthest-flung outposts of the old Roman Empire. 古罗马帝国最偏远的一个边境柯林斯高阶〔farthest〕the farthest corners of the globe 地球最偏远的角落朗文当代〔far〕the far corners of the world 世界的偏远角落韦氏高阶〔highland〕a remote Highland glen 偏远的苏格兰高地峡谷麦克米伦高阶〔inaccessible〕remote and inaccessible parts of Afghanistan阿富汗偏远且不易进入的地区外研社新世纪〔inconvenience〕the inconveniences of life in the smaller and more remote villages 在较偏远的小乡村生活的种种不便麦克米伦高阶〔island〕a ferry service to the outlying islands 驶往偏远岛屿的渡船牛津搭配〔jungle〕a remote jungle area. 偏远的丛林地带柯林斯高阶〔lift〕supplies being lifted to remote areas 空运到偏远地区的物资韦氏高阶〔location〕its isolated geographical location 它偏远的地理位置朗文当代〔lonely〕a lonely farmhouse.偏远的农舍。牛津同义词〔out-of-the-way〕a little out-of-the-way place on the coast 海边一个偏远的小地方牛津高阶〔outlying〕outlying areas 偏远地区牛津高阶〔outlying〕outlying areas.偏远的地区。牛津同义词〔outpost〕a remote mountain outpost, linked to the outside world by the poorest of roads. 靠一条崎岖艰险的山路与外界相连的偏远山区哨站柯林斯高阶〔outpost〕a remote mountain outpost, linked to the outside world by the poorest of roads靠一条崎岖艰险的山路与外界相连的边境偏远山区外研社新世纪〔outpost〕a remote outpost 偏远的村镇牛津高阶〔outpost〕a remote outpost of the empire 帝国的一个偏远村镇朗文当代〔place〕traveling to distant/exotic/faraway/remote places 到遥远/充满异国风情/很远/偏远的地方旅游韦氏高阶〔remote〕a remote border town 一个偏远的边境小镇朗文当代〔remote〕a remote corner of the world.世界上偏远的角落。牛津同义词〔remote〕a remote hamlet. 偏远的村落美国传统〔remote〕a remote mountain village 偏远的山村剑桥高阶〔remote〕rural areas that are relatively remote 相对偏远的乡村地区牛津搭配〔remote〕the geographical remoteness of the island 这座岛地理位置偏远牛津高阶〔remote〕the remoteness of the island. 岛屿的偏远柯林斯高阶〔rural〕people who live in remote rural areas 生活在偏远乡村地区的人们麦克米伦高阶〔shore〕a Belgian artist from the wilder shores of Flemish nationalism 来自佛兰芒民族主义盛行的偏远地区的比利时艺术家牛津搭配〔station〕an isolated naval station 一处偏远的海军基地朗文当代〔trading post〕a remote trading post in the Yukon 育空地区一处偏远的贸易站朗文当代〔tribe〕tribes living in remote areas of the Amazonian rainforest 居住在亚马孙河雨林偏远地区的部落牛津高阶〔uninhabited〕remote, uninhabited regions荒无人烟的偏远地区外研社新世纪




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