

单词 偏袒
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔UNFAIR〕when one person or group is treated much better than others 偏袒某人或某团体朗文写作活用〔biased〕a biased account 偏袒一方的报道英汉大词典〔biased〕a biased report 偏袒一方的报道麦克米伦高阶〔bias〕accusations of political bias in news programmes(= that reports are unfair and show favour to one political party) 对新闻报道中政治偏袒的指责牛津高阶〔bias〕accuse sb. of bias in favour of sb. else 指责某人偏袒另一人英汉大词典〔case〕an obvious case of favouritism.一件显然偏袒一方的事例。牛津同义词〔discriminate〕legislation which would discriminate in favour of racial minorities. 偏袒少数种族的立法柯林斯高阶〔discriminate〕was accused of discriminating against women; discriminated in favor of his cronies. 由于歧视妇女而遭指控;偏袒他的挚友美国传统〔favorable〕listened with a favorable ear. 以偏袒地心来倾听美国传统〔favoritism〕political favoritism 政治上的偏袒韦氏高阶〔favoritism〕without favoritism for any one 不偏袒任何人文馨英汉〔favoritism〕without favoritism toward those who have money 不偏袒有钱人文馨英汉〔favouritism〕political favouritism 政治上的偏袒英汉大词典〔gerrymander〕make a partisan gerrymander of certain districts in order to retain power 为保住权力而对一些地区进行党派偏袒性重新划分英汉大词典〔lean〕lean heavily in favour of sb. 极度偏袒某人英汉大词典〔loaded〕a loaded argument.偏袒一方的论点。牛津同义词〔obvious〕obvious favouritism.明显的偏袒。牛津同义词〔partial〕a decision that was partial to the plaintiff. 一项偏袒原告的决定美国传统〔partial〕a partial referee.偏袒一方的裁判。牛津同义词〔partisan〕a partisan soccer audience 强烈偏袒一方的足球观众英汉大词典〔preference〕his consistent opposition to racial preferences while a legislator 他在担任议员期间对种族偏袒的一贯反对牛津搭配〔self-profit〕be unbiased by self-profit 不因自身利益而有所偏袒英汉大词典〔side〕not to take sides in the dispute 在争论中不偏袒任何一方 英汉大词典




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