

单词 偏爱
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔between〕no preference between the two wines对这两种酒没有什么值得偏爱的21世纪英汉〔favor〕favors bright colors. 偏爱亮色美国传统〔favouritism〕their favouritism towards their first son 他们对长子的偏爱朗文当代〔fixation〕develop a fixation on sb. 对某人产生一种固着型偏爱英汉大词典〔fondness〕a fondness for sweets; a fondness for travel. 偏爱甜食;喜欢旅行美国传统〔grandiose〕be partial to grandiose ideas about oneself 偏爱自我放大英汉大词典〔leaning〕a leaning towards comedy rather than tragedy 偏爱喜剧而不是悲剧牛津高阶〔living〕preferred plain living. 偏爱简朴的生活美国传统〔partiality〕a child with a grown-up partiality for rare and expensive foods.See Synonyms at predilection 一个对稀少的昂贵食物的偏爱不断增长的孩子 参见 predilection美国传统〔partiality〕a partiality for Italian opera 对意大利歌剧的偏爱麦克米伦高阶〔partiality〕a partiality for Moorish architecture 对摩尔式建筑的偏爱朗文当代〔partial〕partial to detective novels. 偏爱侦探小说美国传统〔penchant〕a penchant for melodrama/skiing/exotic clothes 偏爱情节剧/滑雪/奇装异服剑桥高阶〔penchant〕have a penchant for gardening 偏爱园艺英汉大词典〔ply〕take a ply 形成一种偏爱英汉大词典〔predilection〕a partiality for liberal-minded friends; 对思想开明之友人的偏爱;美国传统〔predilection〕a predilection for classical composers; 对古典音乐家的偏爱;美国传统〔predilection〕a predilection for silly love songs 对痴情情歌的偏爱麦克米伦高阶〔predilection〕have a predilection for 偏爱… 英汉大词典〔predilection〕his predilection for fast cars and fast horses. 他对跑车和骏马的偏爱柯林斯高阶〔preference〕a preference for small dogs 对小狗的偏爱麦克米伦高阶〔preference〕a preference for sweet things.偏爱甜食。牛津同义词〔prejudice〕traditional prejudice among rural Chinese in favour of male offspring中国农村人传统上对男性后代的偏爱外研社新世纪〔proclivity〕his proclivity for shapely blondes 他对身材匀称的金发女郎的偏爱剑桥高阶〔thing〕has a thing about seafood. 对海味有偏爱美国传统〔weakness〕a weakness for chocolates.偏爱巧克力。牛津同义词a strong consumer preference for one brand of soft drink 消费者对某牌子的软饮料的强烈偏爱牛津商务




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