

单词 偏执的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PREJUDICED〕Bigoted attitudes don't change very quickly. 偏执的态度是不会很快转变的。朗文写作活用〔PREJUDICED〕Her speech included a bigoted attack on Hispanics 她的讲话里包含对西班牙裔偏执的攻击。朗文写作活用〔demagogue〕His opponent called him a bigoted demagogue.他的对手称他是位蛊惑民心的偏执的政客。韦氏高阶〔disgusting〕That's disgusting! Such bigoted behaviour is completely unacceptable.太不像话了!这种偏执的行为是完全不能接受的。外研社新世纪〔hatemonger〕One who incites others to hatred or prejudice.煽动仇恨者:煽动他人的憎恨或是偏执的人美国传统〔illiberal〕Narrow-minded; bigoted.偏执的:思想狭隘的;偏执的美国传统〔infamous〕He's infamous for his bigoted sense of humour.他以那种带有偏执的幽默感而臭名昭著。剑桥高阶〔opinionated〕Your article is full of some of the most opinionated rubbish I have ever read.你的文章充斥着我所读过的一些最为偏执的胡言乱语。外研社新世纪〔opinionated〕Your article is full of some of the most opinionated rubbish I have ever read.你的文章充斥着我所读过的一些最为偏执的胡说八道。柯林斯高阶〔warp〕His warped sense of patriotism caused him to see enemies everywhere.他那偏执的爱国主义意识使他感到草木皆兵,处处是敌。英汉大词典His narrow-minded article made me angry. 他那篇思想偏执的文章我看了很生气。译典通




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