

单词 偏执狂
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PREJUDICED〕Critics say the mayor is a bigot who is inflaming racial tensions in his city. 批评家称该市长是个偏执狂,在煽动市内的种族矛盾。朗文写作活用〔bigot〕He was known to be a loud-mouthed, opinionated bigot.大家都知道他是一个高谈阔论、固执己见的偏执狂。剑桥高阶〔bigot〕He was labeled a bigot after making some offensive comments.发表了一些攻击性的言论后,他被认为是个偏执狂。韦氏高阶〔hateful〕The author depicts these people as ignorant, hateful bigots.作者把这些人描绘成无知、讨厌的偏执狂。麦克米伦高阶〔monomania〕In "Moby Dick," Captain Ahab's pursuit of the white whale is an example of monomania.在[白鲸记]中,亚哈布船长的追逐白鲸是偏执狂一个例证。文馨英汉〔paranoiac〕A paranoid.偏执狂患者,多疑症者美国传统〔paranoia〕A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.妄想狂,偏执狂:一种通常用表面的逻辑和道理来设想的具烦扰或夸大妄想特征的精神错乱症美国传统〔paranoia〕The regime is in the grip of severe paranoia.该政府处于严重的偏执狂的掌控之中。牛津搭配〔paranoid〕One affected with paranoia.偏执狂患者,多疑症患者美国传统〔paranoid〕Relating to, characteristic of, or affected with paranoia.类偏执狂的,有偏执狂特征的:与偏执症有关的、有其特征的或有此症状的美国传统He was discharged from the Royal Navy after he was found to be suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.当他被查出患有偏执狂精神分裂症后,他从皇家海军退役了。剑桥国际He was known to be a loud-mouthed, opinionated bigot.他以一个高谈阔论,固执己见的偏执狂而出名。剑桥国际Psychoanalysts say his case was an extreme paranoia, otherwise he would not have killed people at random. 心理分析师说他的病例是一种极端的偏执狂,要不然他也不会随机杀人了。译典通




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