

单词 后裔
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔child〕a child of Abraham 亚伯拉罕的后裔,犹太人文馨英汉〔child〕a child of an ancient family 一个古老家族的后裔英汉大词典〔descendant〕a descendant of a Victorian scientist.维多利亚时代某科学家的后裔。牛津同义词〔descendant〕a descendant of a famous Italian painter 一位著名意大利画家的后裔麦克米伦高阶〔descendant〕a descendant of the early settlers 早期移民的后裔英汉大词典〔direct〕a direct descendant of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗的直系后裔韦氏高阶〔direct〕a direct descendant of the country's first president 国家第一任总统的嫡系后裔牛津高阶〔direct〕direct descendants of the Dutch settlers 荷兰移民的直系后裔英汉大词典〔generation〕sb.'s descendant in the tenth generation 某人的第十代后裔英汉大词典〔lineal〕a lineal ascendant [descendant] 直系尊亲属[后裔]文馨英汉〔lineal〕a lineal descendant of the company's founder 公司创始人的直系后裔牛津高阶〔scion〕a scion of an ancient Scottish family 苏格兰一个古老家族的后裔朗文当代〔scion〕the scions of a distinguished [an aristocratic] family 名门[贵族]的后裔文馨英汉〔son〕the sons of Abraham 亚伯拉罕的后裔(即犹太人)英汉大词典〔stock〕blacks, Asians and people of Mediterranean stock. 黑人、亚洲人和地中海沿岸高加索人的后裔柯林斯高阶〔stock〕descended from ancient stock.是古代世系的后裔。牛津同义词〔surviving〕the famous singer's only surviving descendant 这位著名歌星唯一一个尚活在世上的后裔麦克米伦高阶




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