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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕There's no room for more books - we've used up all the available space. 没有地方放更多的书了一所有可以利用的地方我们都用了。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕He's so innocent that anyone can take advantage of him. 他很天真,谁都可以利用他。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕Tourists can use the colour-coded map to guide themselves on walks of the city. 游客可以利用这张标有色标的地图作指引,寻找城里的旅游路线。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Teachers can capitalize on young children's natural curiosity. 教师可以利用幼儿好奇的天性。朗文写作活用〔arrow〕You can scroll through the text using the up and down arrow keys.你可以利用上下箭头键来翻看 ( 计算机屏幕上的 ) 整个文本。牛津搭配〔budgeting〕The Chancellor could use the Budget to bring in taxation reforms.财政大臣可以利用政府年度预算演讲的机会提出税收改革事宜。柯林斯高阶〔burn〕You can use this software to burn custom compilations of your favourite tunes.你可以利用本软件把你最喜欢的乐曲刻录在一起, 做成自己的定制光盘。外研社新世纪〔concession〕China can use its huge market to extract concessions out of foreign companies.中国可以利用自己巨大的市场设法迫使外国公司作出让步。牛津搭配〔draw〕Other companies can draw on gas from wells.其它公司可以利用井中的天然气。英汉大词典〔front〕We found ourselves in such good attacking positions we were able to play the game on the front foot.我们发现自己处在绝佳的攻击位置, 可以利用这一优势打好这场球赛。外研社新世纪〔fund〕They have a fund of experience to draw on.他们有丰富的经验可以利用。外研社新世纪〔grievance〕The meeting will be a chance to air your grievances about the organization.你可以利用这次会面申诉你对组织的不满。牛津搭配〔harness〕We can harness the power of the wind to generate electricity.我们可以利用风力发电。朗文当代〔keyboard〕You can access web pages by using an on-screen keyboard.可以利用桌面虚拟键盘浏览网页。牛津搭配〔leverage〕These efforts can be leveraged by considering trafficking dynamics.把非法交易的驱动力考虑进去, 可以利用这些做法来获利。外研社新世纪〔lie by〕You can make use of the building materials that have been lying by.你们可以利用那些被搁置不用的建筑材料。21世纪英汉〔pulp〕The machines can be used to produce paper and pulp from waste jute bags.这些机器可以利用废旧麻袋生产纸张和纸浆。外研社新世纪〔search〕You can use a directory service to search for people on the Internet.你可以利用因特网的目录服务搜索人名。柯林斯高阶〔service〕He has considerable resources at his service.他有相当多的资源可以利用。外研社新世纪〔tap〕We hope that additional sources of funding can be tapped.我们希望还有其他资金来源可以利用。朗文当代〔tap〕We've got all the information on tap.我们有各种信息随时可以利用。朗文当代〔tap〕Your adviser's experience is there to be tapped.可以利用你的顾问的经验。朗文当代〔use〕It might be possible to use their mistake to help us get what we want.也许可以利用他们的失误来获取我们想要的东西。剑桥高阶〔utilize〕The res ources at our disposal could have been better utilized.我们所掌握的资源本来可以利用得更好,获得更高的效益。牛津高阶〔veto〕In theory the British government could use its veto to block this proposal.理论上英国政府可以利用否决权来阻止这项议案通过。剑桥高阶〔veto〕The president has the power of veto over any bill that comes across his desk.总统可以利用否决权来阻止任何议案的通过。剑桥高阶〔via〕Translators can now work from home, via electronic mail systems.翻译人员现在可以利用电子邮件系统在家里工作了。柯林斯高阶〔viral marketing〕You can reach more potential customers by using viral marketing techniques.你们可以利用病毒行销方式获得更多潜在客户。朗文当代After the fire broke out in the mine, they realized there was no ventilated escape route they could use.矿井里发生火灾后,他们意识到连可以利用的通风逃路都没有一条。剑桥国际Agents can use the site to sell their wares over the Internet.代理商可以利用这个网站在互联网上出售他们的商品。牛津商务Companies can use performance reviews to cover themselves against lawsuits.公司可以利用业绩评估以免出现诉讼。牛津商务In theory the British government could use its veto to block this proposal.从理论上说英国政府可以利用它的否决权阻止这一议案的通过。剑桥国际Independent schools can exercise/use their prerogative to admit students according to academic ability or to the parents’ ability to pay.私立学校可以利用特权按照学生的成绩或家长的付费能力来招生。剑桥国际She always kept several irons in the fire so if one relationship failed there was always another to fall back on.她总是多准备几手,如果一个对象失败了,她总还可以利用其他对象。剑桥国际There is still a lot of controversy over whether medical technology should help post-menopausal women to get pregnant.对于是否可以利用医药技术帮助绝经后的妇女怀孕还有许多争议。剑桥国际We can generate electric power by splitting atoms. 我们可以利用原子核裂变发电。译典通




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