

单词 充满希望
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPECT〕A good manager raises expectations among employees. 好的经理可以使雇员充满希望。朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕James felt more hopeful about his future after his chat with his professor. 詹姆斯和教授谈过以后,对自己的未来更加充满希望。朗文写作活用〔alternate〕She alternated between hope and despair.她时而充满希望,时而绝望。21世纪英汉〔cast off〕There was an extraordinary feeling of hope and relief, as if a great burden had been cast off.有种充满希望和解脱的奇妙感觉,好似卸下了一副千斤重担。柯林斯高阶〔close〕The book closes on a hopeful note.书在充满希望的结尾中结束了美国传统〔coy〕I looked at her coy, hopeful face and said, 'That would be brilliant.'我看着她羞答答、充满希望的脸说:“那真是好极了。”外研社新世纪〔duality〕His poems reveal the duality of his nature, the joy and hope, the fear and despair.他的诗揭示了他的双重本性,既有欢乐且充满希望的一面,又有恐惧失望的一面。剑桥高阶〔everlastingly〕We are everlastingly hopeful.我们永远都充满希望。韦氏高阶〔feed〕He fed their hopes with false promises.他许下虚假的诺言,让他们充满希望。韦氏高阶〔full〕Despite his problems, he was still full of hope.尽管有许多困难,他仍然充满希望。韦氏高阶〔hopeful〕Everyone's feeling pretty hopeful about the future.人人都对未来充满希望。朗文当代〔hopeful〕He was hopeful about the outcome of the meeting.他对会议的结果充满希望。剑桥高阶〔hopeful〕I'm hopeful (that) we can reach a compromise.我对我们能达成和解充满希望。剑桥高阶〔hopeful〕The green shoots were hopeful signs of spring.绿色的嫩芽是春天充满希望的象征。剑桥高阶〔hopeful〕They were hopeful of a successful agreement.他们对成功达成协议充满希望。剑桥高阶〔hope〕When they started their life together, they were young and full of hope.刚开始一起生活的那会儿,他们都还年轻而且充满希望。韦氏高阶〔look to〕They look to the future with ever-increasing hope.他们对未来越来越充满希望。韦氏高阶〔midweek〕By midweek officials were speaking hopefully of a 'compromise'.到了周中, 官员们已经在充满希望地谈论“折中方案”了。外研社新世纪〔promise〕It was a good year for all of them, full of promise.这对他们所有人来说都是很好的一年, 充满希望的一年。外研社新世纪〔promise〕Life was hopeful and full of promise.生活是充满希望、富有前途的。麦克米伦高阶〔reason〕He saw many reasons to be hopeful.他有诸多理由充满希望。牛津搭配〔sound〕Officials sounded a hopeful note about finding the funding for the new school.官员们对找到建立新学校的资金表示充满希望。麦克米伦高阶He fluctuated between hope and despair. 他时而充满希望时而失望。译典通He was hopeful about the outcome of the meeting.他对会议的结果充满希望。剑桥国际Hope surged in Peter. 彼得心中充满希望。译典通I'm hopeful (that) we can reach a compromise. [+ (that) clause] 我对我们能达成妥协充满希望。剑桥国际She is vacillating between hope and fear. 她一会儿充满希望一会儿深怀恐惧,如此反复不已。译典通The green shoots were hopeful signs of spring.绿色的新芽是春天充满希望的征兆。剑桥国际They were hopeful of a successful agreement.他们对顺利达成协议充满希望。剑桥国际We had a hopeful beginning. 我们的开端充满希望。译典通




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