

单词 体虚
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕Gail was still recovering from the effects of her operation. 盖尔手术后身体虚弱,仍然在恢复之中。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕The disease had left her weak and prone to all kinds of infections. 生了这场病以后,她身体虚弱,容易受各种感染。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕When he left Trinidad he was already over 60, frail, and in poor health. 离开特立尼达时他已经60多岁,身体虚弱,经常生病。朗文写作活用〔WEAK〕I watched him as he tried, very slowly and feebly, to get out of bed. 我看着他试图从床上起来,行动非常缓慢,身体虚弱无力。朗文写作活用〔WEAK〕In spite of his physical weakness Harry kept himself as busy and active as possible. 尽管身体虚弱,哈里仍尽量让自己活得充实积极。朗文写作活用〔bloody-minded〕The patient was weak, but too bloody-minded to accept help.病人身体虚弱, 但特别固执, 不肯接受帮助。外研社新世纪〔camera lucida〕An optical device that projects a virtual image of an object onto a plane surface, especially for tracing.转绘仪:一种光学装置,可将物体虚像投影到一平面之上,多用于跟踪美国传统〔condition〕In his weakened condition, it took a long time for the wound to heal.他身体虚弱,伤口过了很长时间才愈合。牛津搭配〔cumulative〕The cumulative effects of many illnesses made him a weak man.多种疾病长期的折磨使他身体虚弱。英汉大词典〔debilitate〕Stewart took over yesterday when Russell was debilitated by a stomach virus.由于拉塞尔患了胃炎, 身体虚弱, 所以斯图尔特昨天接手了他的工作。外研社新世纪〔debility〕The disease leads to debility but rarely kills.这种疾病导致身体虚弱,但很少会致命。韦氏高阶〔delicate〕He was a delicate child.他是个身体虚弱的孩子。外研社新世纪〔elderly〕This treatment is unsuitable for patients who are elderly and frail.这种治疗法不适合上了年纪又身体虚弱的病人。麦克米伦高阶〔etiolate〕She's an etiolated girl.她是个受宠爱而身体虚弱的女孩子。21世纪英汉〔feeble〕She was too feeble to leave her room.她身体虚弱,出不了房间。朗文当代〔fragile〕Her father is now 86 and in fragile health.她的父亲现在 86 岁,身体虚弱。牛津高阶〔fragility〕Her husband had a certain fragility about him that would become more pronounced as he grew older.她丈夫身体虚弱, 随着年龄增大会越发明显。外研社新世纪〔frail〕He is frail, but still manages to walk with a stick.他身体虚弱,但仍尽力拄着拐杖行走。麦克米伦高阶〔gang〕The boy was frail and never ganged with his fellows at school.这个男孩身体虚弱,从不和同学们一起玩。英汉大词典〔horse〕Blackie is as strong as a horse and I'm a delicate creature.布莱基体壮如牛,而我却身体虚弱。英汉大词典〔lethargic〕The patient is weak and lethargic.病人身体虚弱、无精打采。韦氏高阶〔loss〕The animal was weak through loss of blood .这只动物因为失血而身体虚弱。朗文当代〔low〕He is low with an illness.他因病身体虚弱。文馨英汉〔pale〕Her illness had left her pale and weak.她生病了,脸色苍白,身体虚弱。韦氏高阶〔plague〕She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.她感觉体虚、疲倦、头昏眼花。柯林斯高阶〔prostrate〕The cholera was virulent, prostrating the victim and killing him where he fell.霍乱具有致命性, 能使患者身体虚弱而死亡。外研社新世纪〔raise〕She was too weak to even raise a smile.她身体虚弱得都无力微笑。麦克米伦高阶〔record〕In his journal, Captain Scott recorded that he and his companions were weakened by lack of food.在日志中,斯科特船长写道,因缺少食物他和同伴们身体虚弱不堪。剑桥高阶〔sickly〕She looked pale and sickly.她看上去脸色苍白,身体虚弱。朗文当代〔so〕He was so weak that he could hardly stand up.他身体虚弱得几乎站不起来了。朗文当代〔surgery〕She felt weak for six months after undergoing major abdominal surgery.腹部动了大手术后,她有 6 个月时间一直感到身体虚弱。牛津搭配〔wastage〕This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage.这会导致身体虚弱、肌肉萎缩。外研社新世纪〔wastage〕This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage.这样可能会导致身体虚弱和肌肉萎缩。柯林斯高阶〔weaken〕Malnutrition obviously weakens the patient.营养不良导致了这个病人身体虚弱。外研社新世纪〔weaken〕Malnutrition obviously weakens the patient.营养不良明显导致病人身体虚弱。柯林斯高阶〔weak〕He was weak with hunger.他因饥饿而身体虚弱。牛津搭配〔weak〕The illness left her feeling weak .疾病使她感到身体虚弱。朗文当代I was too weak from the flu to work. 我因患流行性感冒身体虚弱不能工作。译典通Mother objected that Jimmy was too weak to take up the job. 母亲反对说,吉米身体虚弱,不可承担那份工作。译典通Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself. 华纳太太已经九十六岁了,身体虚弱,不便独居。译典通She is in delicate health. 她身体虚弱。译典通The symptoms of potassium deficiency include weakness, listlessness and drowsiness.缺钾的症状有体虚、无力和昏昏欲睡。剑桥国际Though ill for most of her life, physical frailty never stopped her from working.虽然她一生多病,但身体虚弱并没能阻止她不息地工作。剑桥国际




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