

单词 云霄
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SOUND〕In the distance, thunder rumbled across the sky. 远处雷声隆隆,响彻云霄。朗文写作活用〔flame〕Sheets of flame shot into the air.熊熊火焰直冲云霄。牛津搭配〔graceful〕The cathedral's white towers climb gracefully into the sky.大教堂白色的塔楼优雅庄重地耸入云霄。牛津高阶〔hurtle〕The jet hurtled itself up into the sky.喷气机直冲云霄。英汉大词典〔hurtle〕The noise of the battle hurtled in the air.厮杀声响彻云霄。英汉大词典〔mount〕The cry of victory mounted up to heaven.胜利的欢呼声响彻云霄。英汉大词典〔resound〕The beating of gongs and drums resounded to the skies.锣鼓声响彻云霄。21世纪英汉〔rise〕Tall chimneys rise into the air.高高的烟囱耸入云霄。牛津搭配〔roller coaster〕A steep, sharply curving elevated railway with small open passenger cars that is operated at high speeds as a ride, especially in an amusement park.翻滚过山车, 云霄飞车:一种上有敞篷的小型车厢且快速行驶的有急转弯的大坡度高架轨道,尤指游乐园中的乘坐装置美国传统〔roller-coaster〕It's great to go on the roller coaster five times and not be sick.坐了5次云霄飞车都没晕,真是太棒了。柯林斯高阶〔sheet〕Sheets of flame shot into the air. () 大片大片的火光直冲云霄。牛津搭配〔stab〕The 13000-foot peak stabbed the sky.13000英尺高的山峰直插云霄。英汉大词典〔tower〕The trees tower into the clouds.大树直插云霄。21世纪英汉She turned green when she came off the roller coaster. 当她从云霄飞车上下来时,脸色发青。译典通The ride on the roller coaster dizzied us. 乘坐云霄飞车使我们头晕。译典通




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