

单词 云集
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔cast〕an all-star cast(= including many well-known actors) 明星云集的演员阵容牛津高阶〔concourse〕an immense concourse of spectators 云集的观众朗文当代〔cream〕a party attended by the cream of society 社会精英云集的聚会韦氏高阶〔elitist〕a country club full of elitists 精英云集的乡村俱乐部韦氏高阶〔galaxy〕a galaxy of theatrical performers. 众星云集美国传统〔gingerbread〕star-studded Mustique with its quaint gingerbread buildings明星云集、建筑古雅而过分雕琢的马斯蒂克岛外研社新世纪〔glittering〕a glittering Hollywood premiere 一场众星云集的好莱坞影片首映式朗文当代〔glittering〕a glittering array of stars 众星云集的盛大场面牛津高阶〔glittering〕a glittering line-up of celebrities 名流云集麦克米伦高阶〔intellectual〕a café where artists and intellectuals mingle 艺术家、知识分子云集的咖啡馆韦氏高阶〔pack〕a party packed with celebrities 名人云集的一次聚会英汉大词典〔star-studded〕a play with a star-studded cast 明星云集的戏剧麦克米伦高阶〔star-studded〕a star-studded cast 明星云集的演出阵容[表演]文馨英汉〔star-studded〕a star-studded cast 明星云集的演员阵容朗文当代〔star-studded〕the star-studded Manchester United team of the 1960s 20世纪60年代明星云集的曼彻斯特联队麦克米伦高阶〔stud〕a star-studded football team 球星云集的足球队英汉大词典




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