

单词 会演
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAPPY〕Naturally I was overjoyed when I was offered the part in the play. 我有机会演戏中的这个角色自然是欣喜若狂。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕This is one that will, I believe, run and run. 我相信这部戏会演了又演。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕Do you play a musical instrument? 你会演奏乐器吗?朗文写作活用〔SING〕Anyone who could play an instrument or sing in tune was enlisted to take part in the concert. 凡是会演奏一种乐器,或唱歌不走调的,都可以参加这个音乐会。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕The latest challenge is to promote the LSO's winter concert season. 最近的挑战是为伦敦交响乐团的冬季音乐会演出做宣传。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕Travellers to the country have been urged to avoid large crowds, which have occasionally turned violent in the past. 前往该国的游客被呼吁避免去人群聚集的地方,在过去这有时会演变成暴力事件。朗文写作活用〔act〕He acts very well.他很会演戏。英汉大词典〔cabaret〕He followed her to Paris, where he began singing in bars and cabarets.他跟着她来到巴黎, 开始在酒吧和卡巴莱夜总会演唱。外研社新世纪〔circus〕It could well turn into some kind of a media circus.这很可能会演变成媒体的一场闹剧。柯林斯高阶〔crap〕The concert was crap.那场音乐会演得很差。牛津高阶〔degenerate〕The crisis may degenerate into a catastrophe.这次危机可能会演变成为一场灾难。外研社新世纪〔develop〕The fear is that these minor clashes may develop into all-out confrontation.人们担心这些小小的冲突可能会演变成全面的对抗。剑桥高阶〔dive〕We've played in all the little pubs and dives around Liverpool.我们在利物浦所有的小酒吧和低级夜总会演出过。柯林斯高阶〔easy〕I'll show you how to work the till – it's quite easy.我会演示给你看怎样使用这个钱柜,很容易的。麦克米伦高阶〔engagement〕The comedian does engagements in top night clubs.那位喜剧演员受雇在一些高级夜总会演出节目。英汉大词典〔free-for-all〕The press conference turned into a free-for-all.新闻发布会演变成一场众人参与的口舌之战。韦氏高阶〔fringe〕Street musicians have been gathering as part of the festival fringe.街头音乐人正聚集起来,为会演作助兴演出。牛津高阶〔hall〕I'm playing in a concert at the village/church hall.我将在村里的礼堂/教堂的大厅参加音乐会演奏。剑桥高阶〔headline〕Eminem is headlining at the festival this year.埃米纳姆是今年会演的主角。朗文当代〔instrument〕Do you play an instrument? 你会演奏乐器吗?麦克米伦高阶〔instrument〕Do you play any instruments? 你会演奏什么乐器吗?韦氏高阶〔instrument〕She plays three musical instruments.她会演奏 3 种乐器。牛津搭配〔kwacha〕He spoke to the Conference amid shouts of “Action Now” and “Kwacha”.他在“立刻行动起来”和“黎明”的高呼声中向大会演说。英汉大词典〔maiden speech〕She was terrified of making her maiden speech.她对自己的首次议会演说怕得要命。外研社新世纪〔musical〕Joe's family all play instruments - they're very musical.乔的家人都会演奏乐器——他们都很有音乐天赋。剑桥高阶〔perform〕The opportunity to perform a favourite song soon enabled him to overcome his uncertainties.因为有机会演唱最喜爱的歌曲, 他很快克服了自己的忐忑心理。外研社新世纪〔pickup〕He plays with pickup bands at nightclubs.他和临时组成的乐队在夜总会演出。韦氏高阶〔pigeonhole〕She likes to perform different types of music because she doesn't want to be pigeonholed.她喜欢演奏不同风格的乐曲,因为她不希望被认为仅会演奏某一类的乐曲。韦氏高阶〔play〕The band has been playing bars and nightclubs.这支乐队一直在酒吧和夜总会演奏。韦氏高阶〔play〕The school always puts on a play at Christmas.圣诞节时学校总会演一场戏。外研社新世纪〔play〕We mostly play in bars and nightclubs.我们大多数时候是在酒吧和夜总会演奏。韦氏高阶〔present〕Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.帕森斯向我们展示了一个迷人的社会演进简况。外研社新世纪〔pretty boy〕Movie critics seem to finally agree that this pretty boy can act.影评家最终似乎一致认为这个标致的男子会演戏。韦氏高阶〔programme〕Her recital programme will consist of music by Beethoven, Chopin, and Debussy.她的独奏会演奏曲目将包括贝多芬、肖邦和德彪西的音乐。麦克米伦高阶〔rehearsal〕There are only three more rehearsals before the concert.音乐会演出前,只剩下三次彩排。韦氏高阶〔return〕We could queue for returns on the day of the concert.我们在音乐会演出的那天可以排队等候退票。麦克米伦高阶〔reunite〕The band has reunited for one last concert.乐队重新组合在一起进行最后一次音乐会演出。麦克米伦高阶〔riser〕The school choir stood on the risers for the concert.校合唱团站在活动舞台上为音乐会演唱。韦氏高阶〔self-respecting〕No self-respecting actor would appear in a porn movie.有自尊的演员是不会演色情电影的。朗文当代〔shouting match〕Tim worried the meeting would deteriorate into a shouting match.蒂姆担心这次会议会演变成一场口水仗。外研社新世纪〔threaten〕The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war.这场战斗有可能会演变为全面的战争。柯林斯高阶〔tie〕The concert will tie in with the festival of dance taking place the same weekend.音乐会将和周末举行的舞蹈会演同时进行。牛津高阶〔toast〕The performance made her the toast of the festival.她的演出使她在会演中备受推崇。牛津高阶〔tread〕The President will therefore have to tread a very fine line when he addresses the parliament.因此,总统在向议会演讲时将不得不仔细拿捏分寸。柯林斯高阶〔tread〕The President will therefore have to tread a very fine line when he addresses the parliament.这样一来, 总统在向议会演讲时将不得不仔细拿捏分寸。外研社新世纪〔turn〕The police are worried that the situation could turn violent.警方担心这个局势可能会演变成暴力性质。朗文当代I'm playing in a concert at the village / church hall next weekend.下个周末我将在村里/ 教堂的礼堂里参加音乐会演奏。剑桥国际The family all play instruments--they're all very musical.这一家子都会演奏乐器----他们都很爱好音乐。剑桥国际The school orchestra is playing in a concert this evening.乐队今晚在音乐会演出。剑桥国际There must be a possibility that a conventional war could go nuclear.常规战争肯定有可能会演变成核战争。剑桥国际




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