

单词 位相
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔POSITION/RANK〕He works for NASA, fairly high up. 他在美国国家航空航天局工作,职位相当高。朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕I like our new teacher much better than the one we had before. 与前一位相比,我更喜欢新来的老师。朗文写作活用〔acquainted〕Are you two acquainted? 你们两位相识吗?文馨英汉〔align〕Your career goals are quite closely aligned with your current role.你的职业目标与你现在的职位相当一致。外研社新世纪〔appertain to sth〕She enjoyed the privileges appertaining to the office of chairman.她享有与董事长职位相应的特权。剑桥高阶〔beta-oxidation〕The oxidative degradation of saturated fatty acids in which two-carbon units are sequentially removed from the molecule with each turn of the cycle.β-氧化作用:饱和脂肪酸的氧化降解,每个周期的转变使得两个碳单位相继从其分子中移出美国传统〔compeer〕A person of equal status or rank; a peer.地位相同的人:相同状态或地位的人;同辈美国传统〔conservative〕Her taste in art is fairly conservative.她的艺术品位相当传统。韦氏高阶〔correlate〕Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far.人们试图将特定的语言功能与大脑的特定部位相关联, 但至今并未取得太大进展。外研社新世纪〔depend〕The project's success depends on the support of everyone concerned.这个项目的成功依赖于每位相关人士的支持。麦克米伦高阶〔ebb tide〕The receding or outgoing tide; the period between high water and the succeeding low water.落潮:退去或退落的潮水;高水位相继的低水位时期美国传统〔equivalent〕A unit is equivalent to a glass of wine.一个单位相当于一杯葡萄酒。外研社新世纪〔equivocal〕His position was rather equivocal.他的地位相当不确定。英汉大词典〔food chain〕I was pretty low on the corporate food chain.我在森严的公司等级中地位相当低。麦克米伦高阶〔footing〕Many of the old polytechnics are now on the same footing as universities.过去的理工学院中有许多现在都与大学地位相等了。朗文当代〔high up〕Her husband was quite high up in the navy.她丈夫在海军里职位相当高。麦克米伦高阶〔humbled〕He came from a fairly humble, poor background.他出生在一个地位相当低下的贫穷家庭。柯林斯高阶〔jostle〕The candidates jostled each other to win the position.候选人为了取得该职位相互激烈竞争。21世纪英汉〔master gunnery sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Marine Corps that is above master sergeant and equivalent to the position of sergeant major.海军陆战队一级军士长:美国海军陆战队未受委任的军衔,高于二级军士长,与士官长的地位相等同美国传统〔pecking order〕As an assistant manager, he was pretty low in the company's pecking order.作为一名副经理,他在公司的地位相当低。韦氏高阶〔peer〕The defendant will be tried by a jury of his peers.该被告将由与他地位相等的陪审团审讯。英汉大词典〔quite〕He was quite a good musician.他是位相当优秀的音乐家。麦克米伦高阶〔reasonably〕He's a reasonably well-known poet.他是一位相当有名的诗人。文馨英汉〔relevant〕What experience do you have that is relevant to this position? 你有哪些和这个职位相关的经验?朗文当代〔standing〕He was an economist of considerable standing.他是一位相当有声望的经济学家。文馨英汉〔stratum〕A level of society composed of people with similar social, cultural, or economic status.阶层:由社会、文化、经济地位相近的人组成的社会层次美国传统〔tick over〕The country was ticking over under a rather uninspired President.在一位相当平庸的总统领导下, 这个国家的发展很缓慢。外研社新世纪One unit is equal to half a pint of beer or a standard measure of spirits.一单位相当于半品脱啤酒和一标准量的烈酒。剑桥国际She described the difficulties of a society where differences of wealth and status were vast and blatant.她描述了在一个财富和地位相差非常悬殊和明显的社会中的种种困难。剑桥国际She enjoyed the privileges appertaining to the office of chairman.她享有与董事长职位相应的特权。剑桥国际She's applied for a lot of jobs recently, which suggests that she's not altogether happy with her present position.最近她申请了许多份工作,这表明她对目前的职位相当不满。剑桥国际The salary will be commensurate with age, experience and position.薪水将和年龄、经验和职位相当。剑桥国际




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