

单词 亲戚
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ageing〕look after ageing relatives 照料正上年纪的亲戚英汉大词典〔dead and buried〕relatives long dead and gone 去世已久的亲戚们韦氏高阶〔descent〕the descent of relatives at Christmas 圣诞时节亲戚的突然来访英汉大词典〔distant〕a distant cousin/aunt/relative 远房堂兄弟╱姑母╱亲戚牛津高阶〔distant〕a distant relative/cousin 远房亲戚/表亲剑桥高阶〔do〕do a relative out of an inheritance. 从亲戚那里骗取一笔遗产美国传统〔duty〕pay a duty call on one's elderly relatives 对年长亲戚作礼节性的拜访英汉大词典〔elderly〕elderly relatives 年老的亲戚牛津高阶〔elderly〕elderly relatives/parents 年迈的亲戚/父母剑桥高阶〔error〕the official's errors of nepotism and acceptance of large gifts from lobbyists 那位官员所犯下的重用亲戚以及接受说客大量礼物的罪过英汉大词典〔ginzo〕ginzo relatives 意大利血统的亲戚英汉大词典〔grieve〕grieving relatives 悲痛欲绝的亲戚牛津高阶〔indulgent〕indulgent relatives 待人宽厚的亲戚剑桥高阶〔inflict〕the relatives who usually inflict themselves on you at Christmas 那些通常在圣诞节非得要和你在一起的亲戚麦克米伦高阶〔kin〕be no kin to ... 与…无亲戚关系文馨英汉〔kin〕claim kin with [to] a person 声称与某人有亲戚关系文馨英汉〔long-lost〕long-lost relatives 久未见面的亲戚文馨英汉〔of〕a relation of ours (NOT a relation of us) 我们的一个亲戚朗文当代〔our〕our family/parents/relatives 我们的家庭/父母/亲戚韦氏高阶〔outspend〕outspends all her relatives at Christmas. 她为圣诞节花费的钱比其所有的亲戚都多美国传统〔presentable〕presentable relatives. 体面的亲戚美国传统〔relations〕my relations我的亲戚外研社新世纪〔relation〕a party for friends and relations 亲戚朋友的聚会牛津高阶〔relative〕people who care for a sick or disabled relative 照料病残亲戚的人牛津搭配〔relative〕the increase in dependent elderly relatives 需要扶养的老年亲戚的增多牛津搭配〔round〕do the rounds of one's relatives 逐一访问亲戚 英汉大词典〔side〕a relative on the maternal side of his family. 他母亲那边的一位亲戚柯林斯高阶〔undertake〕undertake oneself to care for an elderly relative. 自己承担关照年长的亲戚美国传统〔work〕learned how to work the system; worked his relatives for sympathy. 学会怎样操纵这个系统;利用他的亲戚们的同情心美国传统〔worried〕worried about a sick relative.为生病的亲戚担心。牛津同义词




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