

单词 仪式的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Byzantine〕Of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it.东正教的:东正教的或其内部宗教仪式的美国传统〔Church of England〕The episcopal and liturgical national church of England, which has its see in Canterbury.英国国教会,英国圣公会:英格兰主教派和礼拜仪式的国家教会,在坎特伯雷有主教美国传统〔Eleusis〕An ancient city of eastern Greece near Athens, site of the Eleusinian mysteries.艾琉西斯:希腊东部的一座古代城市,位于雅典附近,是艾琉西斯秘密仪式的所在地美国传统〔Haggadah〕The book containing the story of the Exodus and the ritual of the Seder, read at the Passover Seder.载有故事《出埃及记》和逾越节家宴仪式的书,在逾越节家宴时诵读美国传统〔High Mass〕A mass in which the celebrant is assisted by a deacon and a subdeacon and accompanied by acolytes, a thurifer, and a choir.大弥撒:由神爷在辅祭,副辅祭的协助下主持进行的一种有焚香、唱诵等隆重仪式的弥撒美国传统〔Judaism〕Conformity to the traditional ceremonies and rites of the Jewish religion.对犹太教的遵奉:对犹太教传统典礼和宗教仪式的恪守美国传统〔KILL〕As part of the ceremony a cow was slaughtered and placed on the stone altar. 作为仪式的一部分,他们宰杀了一头奶牛,并将其置于石砌的祭坛上。朗文写作活用〔Low Mass〕A Mass of simple ceremony that was recited rather than sung by the priest. No longer in official use.平时小弥撒:简单仪式的弥撒,是由牧师背诵而不是唱出来的。现在不再被正式使用美国传统〔Melkite〕A member of a Christian church using the Byzantine rite and belonging to the patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, or Jerusalem, especially a Uniat Christian.东仪天主教徒:采用拜占庭式仪式的基督教派之教徒,这些教派属亚历山大主教府、安提阿主教府或耶路撒冷主教府管辖,尤指合并教派之基督教徒美国传统〔Satanism〕The worship of Satan characterized by a travesty of the Christian rites.恶魔主义:以对清教仪式的曲解为特征的魔鬼崇拜美国传统〔TRADITION〕The ritual is performed in order to thank the Sun Goddess for the rice harvest. 举行这种仪式的目的是为了稻谷丰收感谢太阳女神。朗文写作活用〔Te Deum〕A hymn of praise to God sung as part of a liturgy.感恩赞:作为礼拜仪式的一部分而唱的赞美上帝的圣歌美国传统〔ablution〕A washing or cleansing of the body, especially as part of a religious rite.洗礼:清洗或洗净身体,尤指作为宗教仪式的一部分美国传统〔ablution〕Ablution is part of some religious ceremonies.洗礼是一些宗教仪式的一部分。剑桥高阶〔advocate〕He is one of the leading advocates for a more modern style of worship.他是主张采用更为现代的礼拜仪式的重要倡导者之一。牛津搭配〔build〕Pressure built yesterday for postponement of the ceremony.要求推迟仪式的压力昨天进一步增大。柯林斯高阶〔canonicals〕The dress prescribed by canon for officiating clergy.法衣:按教规规定主持宗教仪式的教士所应穿的衣服美国传统〔caste〕Any of numerous hereditary, endogamous social subclasses stratified according to Hindu ritual purity.种姓:根据印度教仪式的纯洁性划分的无数个世袭的、内部通婚的次等级之一美国传统〔celebrant〕The celebrants lit their candles.参加仪式的人点亮了蜡烛。韦氏高阶〔chapel〕A recess or room in a church set apart for special or small services.特殊小房间:教堂内相隔开的用来做特殊或小型仪式的小房间美国传统〔chaplain〕A member of the clergy who conducts religious services for an institution, such as a prison or hospital.监狱牧师,医院牧师:在某机构,如监狱或医院里执行宗教仪式的牧师美国传统〔compere〕To serve as master of ceremonies for.指挥:当…仪式的主持人美国传统〔cult〕A system or community of religious worship and ritual.宗教崇拜:宗教崇拜和崇拜仪式的体系或团体美国传统〔daven〕To recite Jewish liturgical prayers.祈祷文:背颂犹太礼拜仪式的祷告词美国传统〔dead〕The dead included six people attending a religious ceremony.死者包括 6 位参加宗教仪式的人。柯林斯高阶〔detour〕On the way back, Jarvis detoured to check the time of services at the church.回去的路上,贾维斯绕道去核实了一下教堂礼拜仪式的时间。柯林斯高阶〔devotion〕An act of religious observance or prayer, especially when private.祈祷:宗教仪式的活动或祷告的行为,尤指秘密的进行的美国传统〔diurnal〕A book containing all the offices for the daily canonical hours of prayer except matins.日课书:记有除晨祷外教规规定的每天每次祈祷时间的仪式的书籍美国传统〔elaboration〕The elaboration of this ritual was worked out over successive efforts.经过连续奋战终于确立了仪式的具体细节。外研社新世纪〔emcee〕A master of ceremonies.司仪:仪式的主持人美国传统〔evensong〕Roman Catholic Church A service that includes the office of Vespers.【罗马天主教】 晚祷:包括晚祷仪式的一种宗教仪式美国传统〔flourish〕Music A showy or ceremonious passage, such as a fanfare.【音乐】 装饰乐句,花式吹奏:一段炫耀或讲究仪式的音乐,例如小号曲美国传统〔folk Mass〕A Mass in which folk music is used as part of the service instead of liturgical music.民间音乐弥撒:在弥撒中,民俗学音乐代替了礼拜仪式的音乐,被用于一部分礼拜仪式美国传统〔formulary〕A book or other collection of stated and fixed forms, such as prayers.仪式书:一本包括成文的仪式的书或集子,如祈祷书美国传统〔groundbreaking〕Of, relating to, or being a ceremony of breaking ground.奠基的:奠基仪式的,与奠基仪式有关的美国传统〔heresy〕He said it was a heresy to suggest that women should not conduct services.他声称女性不应该主持宗教仪式的观点是一种异端邪说。外研社新世纪〔heresy〕He said it was a heresy to suggest that women should not conduct services.他说认为女性不应该主持宗教仪式的观点是一种异端邪说。柯林斯高阶〔hierophant〕An ancient Greek priest who interpreted sacred mysteries, especially the priest of the Eleusinian mysteries.古希腊祭司:古希腊解译秘密宗教仪式的祭司,特指依洛西斯秘密宗教仪式的祭司美国传统〔idea〕The idea behind the ceremony is to keep the gods happy to ensure a good crop.这种仪式的本意是博取众神的欢心,以确保庄稼丰收。牛津搭配〔lesson〕Often Lesson A reading from the Bible or other sacred text as part of a religious service. 常作 Lesson (圣经)选读:作为宗教仪式的一部分而从《圣经》或其它宗教正文中选出一段宣读美国传统〔liturgist〕One who uses or advocates the use of liturgical forms.礼拜仪式倡用人:运用或提倡运用礼拜仪式的人美国传统〔lost in the mists of time〕The origins of this ancient ritual are lost in the mists of time.这个古老仪式的起源因年代久远而被人淡忘。韦氏高阶〔lustral〕Of, relating to, or used in a rite of purification.涤罪仪式的:涤罪仪式的、与涤罪仪式有关的或在涤罪仪式中使用的美国传统〔manifest〕Their devotion to God is made manifest in ritual prayer.他们对上帝的虔诚在宗教仪式的祷告中明白地显示出来。朗文当代〔medicine lodge〕A building or structure used by some Native American peoples for ceremonies.(印第安人的)巫术会所:一些美洲印第安人奉行宗教仪式的建筑物或地方美国传统〔meetinghouse〕A building used for public meetings and especially for Protestant or Quaker religious services.礼拜堂:作为公众聚会的建筑物,尤指新教徒或教友派进行宗教仪式的礼拜堂美国传统〔mikvah〕A building, room, or fixture in which this bath takes place.浸礼场所:进行浸礼仪式的楼房、屋子或容器美国传统〔mystical〕Of or relating to mystic rites or practices.秘密仪式的:属于或关于神秘仪式或经验的美国传统〔nones〕The time of day appointed for this service, usually the ninth hour after sunrise.一天中用于这种仪式的时间,通常在日出后第九小时美国传统〔observance〕A series of explosions rocked the holy city, Karbala, today, amid solemn religious observances.今天, 一系列的爆炸震动了正在举行肃穆宗教仪式的圣城卡尔巴拉。外研社新世纪〔observance〕The act or custom of keeping or celebrating a holiday or other ritual occasion.施行习惯性礼拜:保持或庆贺节日和其它礼仪仪式的行为或习俗美国传统〔offertory〕One of the principal parts of the Eucharistic liturgy at which bread and wine are offered to God by the celebrant.奉献仪式:圣餐的礼拜仪式的主要部分之一,酒和面包由主领弥撒的神父奉献给上帝美国传统〔officiant〕One who performs a religious rite or presides over a religious service or ceremony.司祭者:执行宗教仪式的人或统领一次宗教仪式的人美国传统〔ordinal〕A book of forms for ordination.圣职书:有关授予圣职的仪式的书美国传统〔orthodox〕Of or relating to any of the churches or rites of the Eastern Orthodox Church.关于或有东正教教堂或仪式的美国传统〔pleasure〕He saw orgiasts pleasuring themselves and one another.他看到参加秘密祭神仪式的人们自慰并进行性交。外研社新世纪〔prayer〕Muslims attending prayers参加祈祷仪式的穆斯林外研社新世纪〔prearrange〕The details of the ceremony were carefully prearranged.仪式的各种细节都已预先精心安排了。韦氏高阶〔priestess〕A woman who presides over especially pagan rites.女祭司:指专门主持,基督教以外宗教仪式的女人美国传统〔priest〕A person having the authority to perform and administer religious rites.司祭:有权执行和指挥宗教仪式的人美国传统〔processional〕A book containing the rituals observed during a religious procession.游行圣歌,列队行进礼仪书:记载教徒列队行进中各种仪式的书美国传统〔progress〕A ceremonial journey made by a sovereign through his or her realm.巡行,巡游:帝王在其王国里的有仪式的旅程美国传统〔proper〕The parts of the liturgy that vary according to the particular feast or season of the year.特定的礼仪:礼拜仪式的一部分,随一年中特定的节日或季节而变化美国传统〔punctilio〕A fine point of etiquette.细微末节:仪式的细节美国传统〔pyre〕A heap of combustibles for burning a corpse as a funeral rite.火葬燃料:指在作为葬礼仪式的火葬仪式上使用的易燃物美国传统〔rite〕These traditional rites are performed only by the women of the village.举行这些传统仪式的只有村里的女人。朗文当代〔ritualism〕Insistence on or adherence to ritual.仪式主义:对仪式的坚持或忠守美国传统〔ritualism〕The practice or observance of religious ritual.仪式的研究,仪式学:宗教仪式的实践或遵守美国传统〔ritualistic〕Advocating or practicing ritual.拥护仪式的,实行仪式的美国传统〔ritualistic〕Relating to ritual or ritualism.仪式的,仪式主义的:与仪式或仪式主义有关的美国传统〔ritualist〕An authority on or a student of ritual.仪式研究者,精通仪式者:仪式的权威人士或研究人员美国传统〔ritualist〕One who practices or advocates the observance of ritual.仪式主义者:实行或拥护仪式的遵守者美国传统〔ritually〕These ceremonies were already part of pre-Christian ritual in Mexico.这些仪式已经成为墨西哥基督教时期以前的宗教仪式的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔ritual〕The body of ceremonies or rites used in a place of worship.宗教仪式:用于祭祀场所的礼仪或仪式的主体部分美国传统〔ritual〕The body of ceremonies used by a fraternal organization.(兄弟会的)宗教仪式:被兄弟会组织使用的仪式的主体部分美国传统〔ritual〕The performance of such acts.仪式的举行:这些活动的举行美国传统〔ritual〕The prescribed order of a religious ceremony.仪式程序:宗教仪式的指定秩序美国传统〔rubrician〕A person learned in the rubrics of ritual.研究教仪者:精通宗教礼拜仪式的人美国传统〔rubric〕Ecclesiastical A direction in a missal, hymnal, or other liturgical book.【基督教会】 礼拜规则:祈祷书、赞美诗集或其他礼拜仪式的中的指导美国传统〔sacral〕Relating to sacred rites or observances.宗教仪式的:与圣事或圣礼有关的美国传统〔satanic〕The children were abused as part of a satanic ritual.这些儿童受到了虐待,被当作撒旦崇拜仪式的一部分。朗文当代〔silence〕You will have to keep silence throughout the ceremony.你们必须在仪式的进行过程中始终保持安静。英汉大词典〔solemnity〕The setting for this morning's signing ceremony matched the solemnity of the occasion.今天上午签字仪式的布置与该场合的严肃性非常协调。柯林斯高阶〔soma〕An intoxicating or hallucinogenic beverage, used as an offering to the Hindu gods and consumed by participants in Vedic ritual sacrifices.苏玛酒:可致醉或引起幻觉的饮料,用作印度神灵的祭品,由吠陀祭祀仪式的参与者饮用美国传统〔speculate〕We can speculate that the stone circles were used in some sort of pagan ceremony.我们可以推测,这些石头排成的圆圈是用于某种异教崇拜仪式的。牛津高阶〔symbolic〕Each element of the ceremony has a symbolic meaning .仪式的每一个环节都具有象征意义。朗文当代〔temple〕Mormon Church A building in which the sacred ordinances are administered.【摩门教】 (摩门教)教堂:在其中进行神圣仪式的建筑物美国传统〔the trooping of the colour〕We watched the trooping of the colour live from Horse Guards Parade.我们观看了在皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场举行的军旗列队仪式的直播。剑桥高阶〔tone〕The high tone of the occasion was assured by the presence of a dozen wealthy patrons… 十几位富有资助人的出席确保了仪式的高格调。柯林斯高阶〔unaneled〕Not having received extreme unction.未在临终前行最后涂油仪式的美国传统〔vespers〕Roman Catholic Church A service held on Sundays or holy days that includes the office of vespers.【罗马天主教】 礼拜仪式:在星期天或者圣日里包括祈祷仪式的一种仪式美国传统Faith healing has become an important part of the service in the Christian Pentecostal and Charismatic churches.信仰疗法已成为五旬节派教会和神受才能教会的礼拜仪式的一个重要部分。剑桥国际I'd hate to go through all the ceremony of a church wedding.我会讨厌经历教堂婚礼整套仪式的。剑桥国际Peru is an “old country”, as Arguedas has said, and embedded in its psyche is a love of ceremony.秘鲁是一个“古老的国家”,正如阿奎达斯所说,这个国家的精神中深埋着一种对于仪式的爱好。剑桥国际The chant was accompanied by solemn (= serious and carefully produced) ritual gestures.圣歌在庄严的宗教仪式的伴随之中吟唱。剑桥国际The members of the congregation bowed their heads, silently supplicating.参加宗教仪式的人都低着头默默祷告。剑桥国际The original purpose of trooping the colour was to teach soldiers to recognize their unit's flag in the middle of a battle.军旗列队仪式的最初目的是教士兵们在战斗中辨认他们部队的旗子。剑桥国际The times of the church services were on the noticeboard.教会礼拜仪式的时间写在布告栏里。剑桥国际We were pleased to receive an invitation to her baby's christening/christening ceremony.我们很高兴接到参加她的婴儿的洗礼仪式的邀请。剑桥国际




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