

单词 以音乐
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Corybant〕A priest of the Phrygian goddess Cybele whose rites were celebrated with music and ecstatic dances.科瑞本特:弗里吉亚自然女神西布莉的侍从,自然女神的礼拜仪式以音乐和欢快的舞蹈来庆祝美国传统〔Daphnis〕A Sicilian shepherd and son of Hermes who was famed as a musician and reputed to be the inventor of pastoral poetry.达佛涅斯:西西里岛的牧神和赫耳墨斯的儿子,以音乐家著称而且被认为是田园诗歌的创始者美国传统〔mainspring〕My life has been music, and a constant search for it has been the mainspring of my life.我以音乐为生,对音乐的不懈探索已经成为我生活的动力。柯林斯高阶The actors, in stylized make-up and costume, enact dramas using music, song, dance and mime.演员们化上戏妆,穿上戏服,以音乐、歌唱、舞蹈和模拟动作的形式表演戏剧。剑桥国际




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