

单词 他方
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Failures in this area will have to be compensated for by successes in other areas. 这一方面的失败必须由其他方面的成功来弥补。朗文写作活用〔In many ways〕In some ways the movie is brilliant, but in other ways it is just horrible.这部电影在某些方面很出色,但在其他方面的确很糟糕。韦氏高阶〔PERFECT〕Each party rejected the other's approach, saying it was flawed. 每一方都排斥其他方的办法,称其有缺陷。朗文写作活用〔PRIVATE〕The government is now turning to the private sector for alternative ways of dealing with the country's transportation problems. 政府现在正求助于私营部门,寻求解决该国交通问题的其他方法。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Each side has accused the others of creating stumbling blocks to peace. 每一方都指责他方给和平制造绊脚石。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The airline industry's troubles are a mere hiccup in an otherwise upward growth trend. 航空业的困难只是个小问题,在其他方面它呈增长趋势。朗文写作活用〔RELATIONSHIP〕The group has stayed together because of cultural, social, and other ties. 该团体的成员因为文化上的、社会的以及其他方面的联系而维系在一起。朗文写作活用〔accommodate〕I accommodated him by taking the sick horse, though it was against my will.尽管违背自己的心愿,我还是予他方便,买下了那匹病马。英汉大词典〔agree〕We agreed about some things, but we disagreed about others.我们在有些事上意见一致,但在其他方面有分歧。韦氏高阶〔alternative〕The state Transportation Commission had ordered a study of alternative solutions to the problem of heavy traffic in the Seattle area.州运输委员会下令研究解决西雅图地区交通拥挤问题的其他方法。外研社新世纪〔approach〕We need to try alternative approaches to the problem.解决这个问题我们需要尝试其他方法。牛津搭配〔back〕Other sources of potential aggression were at the back of their minds.他们隐约感到潜在的侵略可能来自其他方面。英汉大词典〔balance〕There was no other way to ensure that people would get the right balance of foods.没有其他方法可以确保人们饮食均衡。柯林斯高阶〔besides〕He is ignorant of art, whatever he may know besides.他在其他方面可能有知识,可是不懂艺术。英汉大词典〔black ... out〕Don't let work in other fields black out our central task.不要让其他方面的工作掩盖了我们的中心任务。21世纪英汉〔bomb〕An explosive weapon detonated by impact, proximity to an object, a timing mechanism, or other means.炸弹:用撞击、靠近物体、定时装置或其他方式激发的爆炸性武器美国传统〔broaden〕I want to broaden the discussion to other aspects of the problem.我想扩大讨论范围,谈谈这个问题的其他方面。朗文当代〔caveat〕There was one caveat: he was not to enter into a merger or otherwise weaken the Roche family's control of the firm.有一点需要预先声明:他不得参与合并,或以其他方式削弱罗奇家族对该公司的控制。柯林斯高阶〔censor〕A person authorized to examine books, films, or other material and to remove or suppress what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable.审查员:负责审查书籍、电影或其他材料并删去或削减其中被认为在道德上、政治上或其他方面有不宜内容的人美国传统〔dim〕Otherwise quick on the uptake, he is a bit dim about the digs she makes at him.对她的揶揄,他往往不太领会,尽管在其他方面他的理解力很强。英汉大词典〔ease〕There are other ways of easing the transition to democratic government.还有其他方式能促进向民主政府的过渡。外研社新世纪〔else〕However else we may differ, we have in common the fact that ...不管其他方面我们会有什么不同,我们有一点是相同的,那就是…英汉大词典〔evidence〕He's wise in other ways too, as evidenced by his reason for switching from tennis to golf.他在其他方面也聪明, 这一点从他不打网球改打高尔夫球的理由上可以清楚地看出来。外研社新世纪〔evidence〕He's wise in other ways too, as evidenced by his reason for switching from tennis to golf.他在其他方面同样明智,这一点可以从他不打网球改打高尔夫的理由中得到证明。柯林斯高阶〔exclude〕They eat only plant foods, and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives.他们只吃素食,在生活的其他方面也注意拒绝使用动物产品。柯林斯高阶〔explore〕It is worth exploring other ways of dealing with this problem.处理这个问题的其他方法也值得研究一下。麦克米伦高阶〔fertilizer〕He was not only a distinguished writer but a fertilizer of other talents.他不仅是个杰出的作家,而且其他方面的才能也有长足的发展。英汉大词典〔for the rest〕The salary in my new job is great, but (as) for the rest, I'm not impressed.我的新工作薪水挺高,但是其他方面嘛,我觉得就没有什么特别的了。剑桥高阶〔home improvements〕They spent the money on new kitchen cabinets and other home improvements.他们在厨房添置了新橱柜并对居家其他方面做了一些改善。韦氏高阶〔inter alia〕The paper discussed, inter alia, political, economic, and social issues.除了其他方面之外,这篇论文还讨论了政治、经济和社会问题。朗文当代〔mailer〕One who addresses, stamps, or otherwise prepares mail.寄信人:写地址、盖邮票或以其他方式准备邮件的人美国传统〔means〕War is famously 'the continuation of policy by other means'.战争是“通过其他方法实现的政策延续”,这种说法很出名。牛津搭配〔message〕A usually short communication transmitted by words, signals, or other means from one person, station, or group to another.信息:从一个人、一站或一群人传给另一人、另一站或另一群人的以书面、信号或其他方式传送的,通常是较短的消息美国传统〔negate〕These weaknesses negated his otherwise progressive attitude towards the staff.这些缺点抵消了他在其他方面对待员工还算开明的态度。柯林斯高阶〔neglect〕She had concentrated on her music to the neglect of her other studies.她醉心于音乐,因而忽略了其他方面的学习。牛津搭配〔old〕In some respects she had an old head on young shoulders but in other ways she was immature.在一些方面她少年老成, 而在其他方面她却不够成熟。外研社新世纪〔otherwise〕Art allows us to express things that we would not be able to express otherwise.艺术可以让我们表达出一些用其他方式无法表达的东西。韦氏高阶〔otherwise〕He is a little obstinate, but he is otherwise quite suitable for the post.他就是有点固执,从其他方面来看,倒是很适合这个职位的。英汉大词典〔otherwise〕He scratched his hands but otherwise he was uninjured.他抓伤了两手,但其他方面没有受伤。文馨英汉〔otherwise〕His political enemies were also his otherwise friends.他的那些政敌在其他方面也正是他的朋友。英汉大词典〔otherwise〕It is not permitted to sell or otherwise distribute copies of past examination papers.不准出售或以其他方式散发过去的试卷。牛津高阶〔otherwise〕Protestors were executed, jailed or otherwise persecuted.抗议者被处决、监禁或受到其他方式的迫害。剑桥高阶〔otherwise〕The studio could punish its players by keeping them out of work, and otherwise controlling their lives.电影公司能通过让艺人坐冷板凳来惩罚他们,并采用其他方式控制他们的生活。柯林斯高阶〔picture〕A visual representation or image painted, drawn, photographed, or otherwise rendered on a flat surface.绘画,图画:绘画、拍照或用其他方法置在平面上的视觉表现或意象美国传统〔possible〕One possible solution, if all else fails, is to take legal action.如果其他方式都行不通, 还有一种可能的办法就是提起诉讼。外研社新世纪〔print〕Lettering or other impressions produced in ink from type by a printing press or other means.印刷字:通过印刷机或其他方式用墨从字型上印制出来的字或其他印记美国传统〔profoundly〕In politics, as in other areas, he is profoundly conservative.和在其他方面一样, 他在政治上也极为保守。外研社新世纪〔rest〕For the rest, I could not notice anything more.在其他方面,我再也没注意到什么了。英汉大词典〔saving〕Crushing fuel costs are offsetting other savings.压得人喘不过气来的燃油费用抵消了其他方面的节余。牛津搭配〔scrap〕They're considering scrapping the tax and raising the money in other ways.他们正在考虑废除这个税种,用其他方法募集款项。剑桥高阶〔sense of direction〕He had a poor sense of direction and soon got lost.他方向感很差,一会儿就迷路了。柯林斯高阶〔sense〕He lacked a clear sense of direction.他方向感不好。牛津搭配〔set against〕These are relatively small points when set against her expertise on so many other issues.和她在许多其他方面的专业知识相比,这些相对来说都不算什么。柯林斯高阶〔spill over〕The stress at work began to spill over into other aspects of his life.工作压力开始波及他生活的其他方面。韦氏高阶〔subject〕None of the study subjects altered his or her diet in any other way.研究对象均未以任何其他方式改变饮食。牛津搭配〔substantially〕BBC Television remains otherwise substantially unchanged.而英国广播公司的电视节目在其他方面基本没有变化。柯林斯高阶〔substantiate〕There may be alternative methods of substantiation other than written records.除书面记录外,可能还有其他方法可以证实。柯林斯高阶〔sum〕In sum, alternative policies were not considered.简而言之,并没有考虑其他方针。麦克米伦高阶〔throw〕The arrangement may throw up problems in other areas.这样的安排可能会带来其他方面的问题。朗文当代〔tune〕Today, his change of direction seems more in tune with the times.今天, 他方向的改变似乎更与时代合拍。外研社新世纪〔tune〕Today, his change of direction seems more in tune with the times.今天,他方向的改变似乎更与时代合拍。柯林斯高阶〔turn away〕Medicine began to turn away from botany in the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries.在 17、18 世纪的科学革命中,医学开始从植物学转而研究其他方向。柯林斯高阶〔unsatisfactory〕It was an unsatisfactory ending to an otherwise good novel.小说其他方面都好,就是结局不尽如人意。麦克米伦高阶〔war〕The government does not want to go to war(= start a war)unless all other alternatives have failed.除非所有其他方法都行不通,否则政府不希望开战。牛津高阶〔while〕Your letter, while complete in other regards, avoided the subject of cost.你的信虽然在其他方面很完整, 但回避了成本问题。外研社新世纪Her hearing is going, but otherwise she's remarkably fit for a 95-year-old.她的听力在丧失,但在其他方面对一个95岁的人来说已很健康了。剑桥国际People who spoke out against the regime were executed, jailed or otherwise persecuted.公开反对当局的人被处死,被捕入狱或受到其他方式的迫害。剑桥国际The irrational consumer is one who fails to respond to a cheap price even when goods are identical in all other respects.甚至当商品在其他方面都相同时对便宜的价格无动于衷的人是无理性的消费者。剑桥国际The pictures showed cracks and other irregularities in otherwise perfectly regular crystals.这些图片显示出在其他方面都很规则的晶体中的一些裂缝及其他的凹凸不平。剑桥国际The poor sound quality ruined an otherwise splendid film.糟糕的音质毁了一部在其他方面都很优秀的影片。剑桥国际The rent is a bit high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory. 这所房子租金贵了点,但在其他方面倒是令人满意的。译典通They're considering scrapping the tax and raising the money in other ways.他们正在考虑废除税收,用其他方法募集款项。剑桥国际You may need to consider whether you are using work to compensate for your difficulties in other areas.你也许有必要想想你是否是用工作来抵消在其他方面的困难。剑桥国际




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