

单词 backdrop
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEHIND〕The snow-covered Rocky Mountains made a wonderful backdrop for the concert. 白雪皑皑的落基山脉为这场音乐会做了绝佳的背景。朗文写作活用〔against〕The profits rise was achieved against a backdrop of falling metal prices.在金属价格下跌的背景下,利润提高了。柯林斯高阶〔against〕The rise in profits was achieved against a backdrop of falling stockmarket prices.利润的增长是在股票市场价格下跌的背景下取得的。外研社新世纪〔backdrop〕Her new novel has 19th-century China as its backdrop.她的新小说以19世纪的中国作为背景。麦克米伦高阶〔backdrop〕I'm not impressed by the promise of tax cuts against the backdrop of a public-spending deficit.在公共开支不足的背景下, 我对减税的许诺心存疑虑。外研社新世纪〔backdrop〕Indochina is the backdrop for this story.这个故事的背景在印度支那。英汉大词典〔backdrop〕It was against this backdrop of racial tension that the civil war began.这场内战肇端于种族之间的紧张状态。牛津高阶〔backdrop〕Leeds Castle will provide a dramatic backdrop to a fireworks display next Saturday.利兹城堡会成为下周六焰火表演的绝好背景。外研社新世纪〔backdrop〕Leeds Castle will provide a dramatic backdrop to a fireworks display next Saturday.利兹堡将为下周六的烟花燃放提供美妙的背景衬托。柯林斯高阶〔backdrop〕Light colours provide an effective backdrop for pictures or a mirror.浅色是挂放图画或镜子很有效果的衬托。柯林斯高阶〔backdrop〕Negotiations were carried out against a backdrop of continued fighting.谈判是在战斗仍在继续的背景下进行的。麦克米伦高阶〔backdrop〕She painted the backdrops for school plays.她为校园剧绘制背景幕布。牛津搭配〔backdrop〕The beautiful gardens provided a scenic backdrop for the wedding ceremony.美丽的花园成了婚礼风光迤逦的背景。牛津搭配〔backdrop〕The château is located in its own grounds, against a backdrop of green hills.庄园坐落在独立的土地上, 背景是绿色的群山。外研社新世纪〔backdrop〕The city provides the backdrop for the love story.那个爱情故事就发生在这座城市里。韦氏高阶〔backdrop〕The conference begins this week against a backdrop of unmitigated gloom.会议于本周在一片愁云惨雾中开始。牛津搭配〔backdrop〕The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability.选举将在愈加动荡不安的局势下举行。柯林斯高阶〔backdrop〕The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability.选举将在日趋动荡的背景下进行。外研社新世纪〔backdrop〕The lake and mountains provided a dazzling backdrop for the ceremony.湖光山色为典礼增添了光彩夺目的景致。麦克米伦高阶〔backdrop〕The large bay has a superb backdrop of mountains.大海湾背靠着巍峨的山脉。牛津搭配〔backdrop〕The mountains form a dramatic backdrop to the little village.群山如画,映衬着小山村。剑桥高阶〔backdrop〕The mountains provided a dramatic backdrop for our picnic.群山如画,给我们的野餐平添景色。牛津高阶〔backdrop〕The mountains provided a perfect backdrop for the wedding photos.这些山是婚纱照的绝佳背景。韦氏高阶〔backdrop〕The novel unfolds against a backdrop of war.小说以战争为背景展开。韦氏高阶〔backdrop〕The ocean provided the perfect backdrop for a romantic dinner.以大海为背景的浪漫晚餐真是再完美不过了!牛津搭配〔backdrop〕The photographer poses his subjects against painted backdrops.摄影师让他的拍摄对象在绘制的背景布前摆好姿势。牛津搭配〔backdrop〕The sea made a splendid backdrop to the garden.大海就是花园的背景,十分壮观。朗文当代〔backdrop〕Their lives played out against a historical backdrop of conflict.他们的生活在冲突的历史背景下展开。牛津搭配〔backdrop〕Their love affair began against a backdrop of war.他们的爱情故事开始于战争年代。剑桥高阶〔backdrop〕War is more than just a dramatic backdrop to the novel.战争对这部小说来说不仅仅是个跌宕起伏的背景。牛津搭配〔backdrop〕Worsening economic conditions have created an unfavorable backdrop for global markets.每况愈下的经济情况使全球市场环境不妙。牛津搭配〔curtain〕The movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop.幕布:在剧院或大厅内隔开舞台和观众或作为背景幕的可移动遮蔽物或帷幕美国传统〔figure〕She waited, standing on the bridge, until his figure vanished against the grey backdrop of the Palace.她站在桥上,一直等到他的身影消失在宫殿灰色的阴影中。柯林斯高阶〔imbue〕The backdrop buildings imbue the film with an air of antiquity.背景建筑物使影片充满古色古香的气氛。外研社新世纪〔play〕Their love affair was played out against the backdrop of war.他们在战争的背景下发生恋情。牛津高阶〔scenery〕The painted backdrops on a theatrical stage.舞台布景:剧院舞台上绘画的背景美国传统〔set〕All this romance is set against a backdrop of rural Irish life.整个爱情故事以爱尔兰的乡村生活为背景。朗文当代A moonlit sky was painted on the backdrop for the second act of the ballet.芭蕾舞剧第二幕的背景幕布上画的是洒满月光的夜空。剑桥国际




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