

单词 分出
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bang-up〕do a bang-up job 把工作做得十分出色英汉大词典〔branch off〕the series of massive mountains branching off from the Table Mountain ridge从桌山山脉分出的巨大山系外研社新世纪〔branch off〕to branch off the old railroad从旧铁路分出新支线21世纪英汉〔congregational〕the Congregational Church (基督教的)公理教会(由英国国教分出之一派,为独立教会之联盟,各教会自行处理其事务)文馨英汉〔disentangle〕to disentangle the truth from the lies把真理从谎言中分出来21世纪英汉〔dissepiment〕saepīre [hedge off] from saepēs [hedge] saepīre [用树篱把…划分出(或隔开)] 源自 saepēs [用树篱隔开(或围住)] 美国传统〔nuclearly〕occur nuclearly in a verbal phrase 在一动词短语中作为核心成分出现英汉大词典〔outgrowth〕an outgrowth of new shoots on a branch. 枝条上分出的一个新枝美国传统〔propaganda〕sort the truth from the propaganda 区分出宣传中所含的真实成份英汉大词典〔separate〕to separate out different meanings 区分出不同的意思牛津高阶a partial sale/merger/payment 部分出售/合并/支付牛津商务a standout product 十分出众的产品牛津商务




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