

单词 伴随着
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASHAMED〕Even when someone has been found innocent of a crime, the stigma often remains. 一个人即使已经被证明无罪,但是耻辱往往会一直伴随着他。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕Half a dozen couples were twirling about to a waltz. 有六对舞伴随着华尔兹舞曲在快速旋转。朗文写作活用〔accompaniment〕He entered to the accompaniment of loud cheers.伴随着欢呼声, 他走了进来。外研社新世纪〔accompany〕Low rates of unemployment are often accompanied by high inflation.低失业率常常伴随着高通货膨胀。韦氏高阶〔agonizingly〕Death came quickly and agonizingly.死亡迅速降临, 伴随着剧烈的疼痛。外研社新世纪〔attach〕The stray dog attached itselfto me all the way.那只野狗一路伴随着我。英汉大词典〔attend〕The speech was attended by wild applause.演说伴随着热烈的掌声美国传统〔consciously〕He is acutely conscious that this transition will bring with it the risk of social unrest.他非常清楚这种转变伴随着社会动乱的危险。柯林斯高阶〔contingency〕Something incidental to something else.附带情况:伴随着别的事情发生的事情美国传统〔egoism〕Excessive preoccupation with one's own well-being and interests, usually accompanied by an inflated sense of self-importance.利己主义:对自己的安乐和利益过分的关注,通常伴随着极度的妄自尊大感美国传统〔emerge〕Large-scale industry emerged only gradually as technology evolved.大型工业是伴随着技术的发展逐渐兴起的。外研社新世纪〔fancy dance〕A fast, elaborately choreographed Native American powwow dance performed by a costumed male dancer to a drum accompaniment.印第安祈祷舞步:一种快速、精巧、精心设计美国印第安原住民的祈祷舞步,通常由穿着特殊传统服饰的男性舞者伴随着鼓声起舞美国传统〔flush〕A reddening of the skin, as with fever, emotion, or exertion.脸红:伴随着发热、情感或用力的皮肤变红美国传统〔forehand〕With a forehand stroke or motion.正手一击地:伴随着正手打或正手动作美国传统〔fret〕Dust was an increasing problem as the wind fretted the land.伴随着风对地面的不断侵蚀, 沙尘问题变得愈发突出。外研社新世纪〔go〕Alcohol abuse and eating disorders often go together.酗酒往往伴随着饮食紊乱。朗文当代〔handclap〕A beating together of the palms of the hands to indicate applause, attract attention, or provide a rhythmic accompaniment to music.拍手,击掌:两手手掌相击以表示喝彩或引起注意或伴随着音乐打节拍美国传统〔hip〕Her hips were swaying seductively in time to the music.她伴随着音乐的节奏卖弄风情地扭着屁股。牛津搭配〔hoopla〕The usual hoopla surrounded the arrival of the pop star.流行歌星的到来伴随着惯常的喧闹声。剑桥高阶〔impressionistic〕His paintings had become more impressionistic as his eyesight dimmed.伴随着他视力的下降,他的画作变得更富印象派风格。柯林斯高阶〔lap〕To wash against something with soft liquid sounds.击打:伴随着轻柔的液体声音冲洗物体美国传统〔live〕The memory of that will live with me for many years to come.对那件事的记忆会在未来许多年伴随着我。外研社新世纪〔low-pitched〕With a low-pitched rumbling noise, the propeller began to rotate.伴随着低沉的隆隆声, 螺旋桨开始旋转起来。外研社新世纪〔low-pitched〕With a low-pitched rumbling noise, the propeller began to rotate.伴随着隆隆的低沉噪声,螺旋桨开始旋转起来。柯林斯高阶〔medicide〕Suicide accomplished with the aid of a physician.医疗自杀:伴随着治疗者的协助而来的自杀美国传统〔never-never land〕The conservative parties live in a never-never land where top-quality services always go with low taxes.在保守党生活的乌托邦里, 高质量的服务总是伴随着低税收。外研社新世纪〔overhead〕Sports A stroke in a game, such as tennis or badminton, that is made with a hard downward motion from above the head.【体育运动】 过顶扣球:如网球或羽毛球比赛中的一击,伴随着从头顶猛烈向下的动作美国传统〔palsy〕Complete or partial muscle paralysis, often accompanied by loss of sensation and uncontrollable body movements or tremors.瘫痪:全部或部分肌肉麻痹,经常伴随着失去知觉和失控的运动或颤动美国传统〔peal〕The bishop was welcomed to the church with a peal of bells.伴随着响亮的钟声,主教被迎进教堂。牛津搭配〔play〕His career as a writer was played out against a background of alcoholism.酗酒一直伴随着他的写作生涯。麦克米伦高阶〔plop〕To fall with a sound like that of an object falling into water without splashing.扑通地落下:伴随着象一个落入水中而未激起水花物体的声音落下美国传统〔rambling〕His actions were accompanied by a rambling monologue.他的行动伴随着一串冗长含糊的独白。柯林斯高阶〔reciprocal〕Physiology Of or relating to a neuromuscular phenomenon in which the excitation of one group of muscles is accompanied by the inhibition of another.【生理学】 交互神经的:属于或关于这样一种神经肌肉现象的,即一组肌肉的兴奋总伴随着另一组肌肉的抑制美国传统〔rejoice〕Fireworks were let off across the city as the victors rejoiced.烟花伴随着胜利者的喜悦在全城绽放。外研社新世纪〔return〕Higher returns and higher risk usually go hand in hand.更高的收益通常伴随着更高的风险。柯林斯高阶〔screech〕With a loud screech, she smashed the plate against the wall.伴随着一声尖叫,她把碟子砸向墙壁摔得粉碎。韦氏高阶〔sear〕The date was seared in his memory with self-reproach and anguish.这个日子伴随着自责和痛苦深深烙在他的记忆里。英汉大词典〔sharpen〕With urbanisation the antagonism between rich and poor sharpened.伴随着城市化的推进, 贫富间的对立情绪也加剧了。外研社新世纪〔sharpen〕With urbanisation the antagonism between rich and poor sharpened.伴随着城市化的推进,贫富间的对立情绪也加剧了。柯林斯高阶〔shudder〕There was a screech of brakes and the bus shuddered to a halt (= shook violently and stopped).伴随着一声尖厉的急刹车声,公共汽车剧烈地晃动着停了下来。剑桥高阶〔sinister〕Attended by or causing disaster or inauspicious circumstances.灾难性的:伴随着或造成灾难或不祥的气氛美国传统〔smash〕With a sudden, violent crash.哗啦一声地:伴随着突然,猛烈一击地美国传统〔squall〕A brief, sudden, violent windstorm, often accompanied by rain or snow.飑:短暂、突然且猛烈的风暴,通常伴随着雨或雪美国传统〔stretch〕This gesture is often accompanied by a yawn or a stretch.这一姿势通常伴随着打哈欠或是伸懒腰。外研社新世纪〔temperature gradient〕The rate of change of temperature with displacement in a given direction from a given reference point.温度梯度:从一给定的参考点,伴随着在给定方向上温度变化的速率美国传统〔throb〕The music throbs with a Caribbean beat.音乐的律动伴随着加勒比风情的节拍。韦氏高阶〔wind〕The storm was accompanied by northerly winds.暴雨伴随着北风。韦氏高阶〔with〕The car roared down the drive with a screech of tyres.伴随着轮胎发出的尖锐刺耳的声音,汽车沿着车道疾驰而去。麦克米伦高阶〔writhe〕To move with a twisting or contorted motion.苦恼不安:伴随着扭曲或歪曲的动作移动美国传统A lot of hoopla surrounded the arrival of the pop star.一片喧闹声伴随着流行歌星的到来。剑桥国际Brilliant piano solos punctuate the songs.美妙的钢琴独奏伴随着歌曲。剑桥国际Each change of regime has been accompanied by bloodshed, culminating in the permanent (reign of) terror (= violent action causing fear) of the present government.每一次政权的更迭都伴随着流血事件,以掌权政府的暴力统治达到其顶点。剑桥国际Great wealth often goes hand in hand with meanness.巨富常伴随着吝啬。剑桥国际High inflation coupled with low output spells disaster for the Government in the election.高通胀伴随着低产出意味着政府在选举中会彻底失败。剑桥国际Lying naked in the grass, among the trees and birds, he felt he had communed with nature.全身赤裸地躺在草地上,伴随着的是四周的树木和小鸟,他觉得自己和大自然融为了一体。剑桥国际Over the south-east of the country winds will be high with the occasional squall of rain or even hail.在这国家的东南部,含雨和冰雹的飑经常伴随着大风一起到来。剑桥国际Prostitution often goes with drug addiction.卖淫常伴随着吸毒。剑桥国际Researchers have discovered that short-sightedness and high IQs seem to go together in children.研究发现儿童的近视似乎伴随着高智商。剑桥国际She arrived at the airport without the pomp and ceremony that usually accompanies important politicians.她到达机场,没有通常伴随着重要政治家的盛况和礼仪。剑桥国际The political reforms have been accompanied by an easing of restraints on the press.政治改革伴随着对新闻界约束措施的放松。剑桥国际The spread of Arabic outside the Arabian peninsula was concomitant with the spread of Islam in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.阿拉伯语向阿拉伯半岛以外扩散是伴随着七、八世纪伊斯兰教的传播出现的。剑桥国际With the news of the scandal came the call for his resignation.伴随着丑闻传来了要他辞职的要求。剑桥国际




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