

单词 伊迪
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cluck〕Edith clucked her tongue impatiently.伊迪丝不耐烦地咂着舌头。朗文当代〔conniving〕Edith was seen as a conniving, greedy woman.人们认为伊迪丝是一个诡计多端的贪婪女人。柯林斯高阶〔conniving〕Edith was seen as a conniving, greedy woman.人们认为伊迪丝是个很会算计的贪婪女人。外研社新世纪〔dingbat〕Edith may seem like a dingbat, but she's actually pretty clever.伊迪丝或许看起来有些笨,但实际上却非常聪明。剑桥高阶〔heart〕Edith loved her boy with all her heart and soul .伊迪丝全心全意地爱她的儿子。朗文当代〔much〕Aunt Edie laughed so much that her sides ached.伊迪婶婶笑得两肋都痛了。麦克米伦高阶〔portfolio〕After dinner that evening, Edith showed them a portfolio of her own political cartoons.那天吃过晚饭,伊迪丝向他们展示了她的一组政治漫画作品。柯林斯高阶〔portfolio〕Edith showed them a portfolio of her own political cartoons.伊迪丝给他们看了一套她自己的政治漫画集。外研社新世纪〔regard〕Edith was widely regarded as (=considered by many people to be) eccentric.许多人认为伊迪丝是个怪人。朗文当代〔serve〕Aunt Edie served up a lovely roast leg of lamb for dinner.伊迪舅妈晚餐时端出了一盘香喷喷的烤羊羔腿。麦克米伦高阶〔take off〕In 1944, he met Edith Piaf, and his career took off.1944 年,他结识了伊迪思·比阿夫,从此他的事业开始腾飞。柯林斯高阶〔this〕Based on Edith Wharton's novel, this latest film stars Gillian Anderson.这部根据伊迪丝·沃顿的小说改编的最新电影是由吉莲·安德森主演的。麦克米伦高阶〔upset〕Edie is pregnant. I don't want her (to get) upset.伊迪怀孕了,我不想让她烦心。英汉大词典〔with〕And what's with Eadie's weird beard?还有伊迪怪异的胡须是怎么回事?外研社新世纪Aunt Edith is worried about being put away (in an old people's home).伊迪丝阿姨担心被送往养老院。剑桥国际Edith Piaf made the song “Je ne regrette rien” (all) her own (= She was famous for singing it and people thought of it as belonging to her).伊迪丝·皮阿夫把《我永不悔》这首歌变成她的专利。剑桥国际Edith may seem like a dingbat, but she's quite clever really.伊迪丝看上去可能像个糊涂的人,可实际上相当聪明。剑桥国际Every week I go round to Aunt Edie to have/keep a check on whether (=make certain that) she's alright.每星期我去伊迪姑姑那儿一下看她是否一切都好。剑桥国际Oedipus Rex is considered as the archetype of tragedy in Western literature. 在西方文学中,「伊迪帕斯王」被认为是悲戏的原型。译典通




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