

单词 九天
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVOID〕Police were anxious to avoid any ugly scenes when the two boys made their first appearance in court nine days ago. 九天之前这两名男孩首次出庭,警方想尽力避免有任何混乱的场面出现。朗文写作活用〔UP〕The space shuttle is set to blast off on a nine-day mission tomorrow at 4:18 a.m. 航天飞机定于明天凌晨4点18分发射,执行为期九天的任务。朗文写作活用〔consecutive〕She was absent for nine consecutive days.她一连缺席了九天。牛津高阶〔novena〕A recitation of prayers and devotions for a special purpose during nine consecutive days.(天主教)连续九天为了特定目的的祷告式美国传统〔sky〕My philosophy has always been to reach for the sky.我的人生哲学向来是要去完成九天揽月之举。牛津搭配〔tour〕The band is currently on a nine-day tour of France.这支乐队目前正在法国进行九天的巡回演出。牛津高阶




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