

单词 亮丽
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blaze〕a blaze of color in the autumn leaves 秋天树叶亮丽的色彩韦氏高阶〔bloom〕in the flower of her womanhood; 她的亮丽的成年期;美国传统〔cheerful〕walls painted in cheerful(= light and bright)colours 用亮丽色彩涂饰一新的墙壁牛津高阶〔colour〕a splash of colour (=a small area of a bright colour) 一点亮丽色彩朗文当代〔coral〕brightly colored fishes swimming among the coral 在珊瑚中悠游的色彩亮丽的鱼类韦氏高阶〔fresh〕the crisp freshness of laundered clothes. 洗后衣物的干爽亮丽柯林斯高阶〔gaily〕gaily dressed crowds 衣着亮丽的人群韦氏高阶〔gaily〕gaily painted front doors. 刷有亮丽油漆的前门柯林斯高阶〔glitter〕the glitter and glamour of her life她光鲜亮丽的生活外研社新世纪〔plumage〕the parrot's brilliant blue plumage 那只鹦鹉亮丽的蓝色羽毛朗文当代〔slashing〕slashing colors. 亮丽的颜色美国传统〔tail〕the bright tail feathers of a peacock 孔雀亮丽的尾羽麦克米伦高阶〔voluptuous〕a voluptuous, well-rounded lady with glossy black hair. 头发乌黑亮丽、身材丰满性感的女士柯林斯高阶




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