

单词 二阶
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PART〕We saw a video showing the second stage in the development of a human embryo. 我们看了一部人类胚胎发育第二阶段的录像片。朗文写作活用〔ahead〕The home team was ahead in the second period. Your company is ahead in developing the new technology.主队在第二阶段的比赛中处于领先。你们的公司在发展新科技方面处于领先地位美国传统〔all〕You have followed the explanation so far? All right, now we come to the second stage.到此为止你们听得懂我的解释吧?那好,现在让我们讨论第二阶段的内容。英汉大词典〔antithesis〕The second stage of the Hegelian dialectic process, representing the opposite of the thesis.反题:黑格尔辩证过程中的第二阶段,体现主题的相反面美国传统〔discussion〕The outcome of the discussions is a decision to proceed with Phase 2 of the project.讨论的结果是决定继续进入该项目的第二阶段。牛津搭配〔dol〕The pain in the second stage of childbirth registers ten and a half dols.分娩的第二阶段阵痛达10½痛单位。英汉大词典〔overlap〕The second phase of development overlaps the first.发展的第二阶段和第一阶段有重叠。朗文当代〔priest〕In many Christian churches, a member of the second grade of clergy ranking below a bishop but above a deacon and having authority to administer the sacraments.司铎,司祭,神甫,神父,牧师:在许多基督教教堂中,位于主教以下助祭以上的第二阶层的神职人员,并有权执行圣事美国传统〔secondary〕In the secondary stage the effluent flows into another tank.在第二阶段, 废水流入另外一个水箱。外研社新世纪〔second〕The program is shifting into second gear now that all the proposals have been approved.现在所有提议都通过了,计划进入第二阶段。韦氏高阶〔tier〕The second tier of the programme is in-house training.该计划的第二阶段是公司内部培训。朗文当代




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