

单词 人马
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔formidable〕the formidable army of brains that are at the Prime Minister's disposal 首相手下智囊团的大队人马英汉大词典〔outfit〕the BBC's Open University outfit 英国广播公司开放大学节目的全班人马英汉大词典〔partner〕her business partner Max Hampshire. 她生意上的合伙人马克斯·汉普希尔柯林斯高阶〔private〕a private carriage 私人马车英汉大词典〔prong〕a prong attached to the back of a rider's boot. 骑马人马靴后跟上镶着的马刺柯林斯高阶〔prong〕a prong attached to the back of a rider's boot骑马人马靴后跟上镶着的马刺外研社新世纪〔retreat〕cover (intercept) the retreat of a division 掩护(拦截)一师人马的撤退 英汉大词典〔soap〕soap sb. up (或down) 拍某人马屁英汉大词典〔trail〕order sb. to hit the trail 命令某人马上走开英汉大词典〔unheralded〕the unheralded 22-year-old German qualifier Marc Gollner名不见经传的入围者——22岁的德国人马克•格尔纳外研社新世纪




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