

单词 低落
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔black〕a black mood 低落的情绪麦克米伦高阶〔black〕be in a black mood 情绪低落英汉大词典〔blah〕a case of the winter blahs 冬季情绪低落的情况朗文当代〔blah〕sat around all day feeling blah. 整日坐着,情绪低落美国传统〔dampen〕dampen sb.'s mood 使某人的情绪低落英汉大词典〔deject〕to deject someone's spirits令某人情绪低落21世纪英汉〔demoralized〕legitimate grievances raised by a demoralized police force. 士气低落的警察队伍提出的合理申诉柯林斯高阶〔depressed〕depressed by the loss of his job; 由于失去了工作而情绪低落;美国传统〔depressed〕in a depressed mood 情绪低落韦氏高阶〔dispirited〕a dispirited army 士气低落的军队英汉大词典〔dull〕dull moods 低落的情绪英汉大词典〔fall-off〕the fall-off in viewership 收视率之低落文馨英汉〔flagging〕flagging energy/enthusiasm 渐渐低落的活力/热情剑桥高阶〔flagging〕flagging morale 低落的士气英汉大词典〔flag〕flagging support/enthusiasm 日益减少的支持;渐渐低落的热情牛津高阶〔literacy〕lowering of the level of literacy 文化水准的低落文馨英汉〔mope〕mopes Low spirits; the blues. Often used withthe. mopes 情绪低落;忧郁。常与the 连用 美国传统〔morale〕low staff morale 低落的员工士气朗文当代〔overwhelmed〕the demoralized, overwhelmed staff of the NHS士气低落而不堪重负的英国国民医疗保健系统职员外研社新世纪〔perturbation〕mental/emotional perturbation 精神上的焦虑;情绪上的低落韦氏高阶〔shrinkage〕a shrinkage in market values 市价的低落英汉大词典〔signal〕a demoralised party which its leader signally failed to reassure. 该政党士气低落,而其领袖丝毫未能安定人心柯林斯高阶〔spirited〕high-spirited; low-spirited. 情绪高昂的;情绪低落的美国传统〔spirited〕low-spirited (= sad) 情绪低落的剑桥高阶〔spirit〕in poor (或 low) spirits 情绪低落英汉大词典〔spirit〕to be in high/low spirits 情绪高涨╱低落牛津高阶




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