

单词 低级
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔POSITION/RANK〕The scandal involved a number of low-ranking officials in the government. 丑闻涉及一些低级政府官员。朗文写作活用〔abysmal〕His taste is abysmal.他的趣味十分低级。文馨英汉〔abysmal〕His taste is abysmal.他的趣味十分低级。英汉大词典〔accident〕It is no accident that men fill most of the top jobs in nursing, while women remain on the lower grades.男性在护理行业中占据了大多数的重要职位,而女性仍处于较低级别,这并非偶然。朗文当代〔anterior〕Located near or toward the head in lower animals.头部附近的:位于或朝着低级动物头部附近的美国传统〔banneret〕A feudal knight ranking between a knight bachelor and a baron, who was entitled to lead men into battle under his own standard.方旗爵士:一种封建骑士爵位,其勋位在最低级爵士和男爵之间,有权率领随从在自己的方旗下上阵作战美国传统〔baron〕A British nobleman of the lowest rank.男爵:不列颠贵族最低级的成员美国传统〔barrelhouse〕A disreputable old-time saloon or bawdyhouse.低级酒馆,妓院:早期低级的沙龙或妓院美国传统〔bawdy〕Vulgar; lewd.低级下流的;猥亵的美国传统〔chevalier〕A French nobleman of the lowest rank.骑士:法国最低级的贵族美国传统〔cloaca〕The common cavity into which the intestinal, genital, and urinary tracts open in vertebrates such as fish, reptiles, birds, and some primitive mammals.泄殖腔:脊椎动物(如鱼、爬行动物、鸟和某些低级哺乳动物)的肠道、生殖道和泌尿道口通往的共用体腔美国传统〔deadhead〕To bypass a senior employee in order to promote a more junior employee.破格提拔:为了提升更多的低级职员而越过一些高级职员美国传统〔depth〕The story plumbed the depths of tabloid journalism.这个故事完全迎合了小报的低级趣味。牛津搭配〔diabolically〕It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error.那是个十分低级的错误,一个小学生才会犯的错误。柯林斯高阶〔disrate〕To reduce in rank or rating; demote.使降级:降低级别或降级;使人降级美国传统〔dive〕Slang A disreputable or run-down bar or nightclub.【俚语】 低级酒馆,低级夜总会美国传统〔dive〕We went into a smoky dive for a cheap lunch.我们到烟雾弥漫的低级酒吧吃了顿便宜午餐。外研社新世纪〔dive〕We've played in all the little pubs and dives around Liverpool.我们在利物浦所有的小酒吧和低级夜总会演出过。柯林斯高阶〔dive〕We've played in all the little pubs and dives around Liverpool.我们逛遍了利物浦所有的小酒馆和低级酒吧。外研社新世纪〔do〕You're still only a junior employee in this business, and you'd do well to remember that.你还只是这家公司的一个低级雇员,你最好还是记住这一点。麦克米伦高阶〔elementary〕The researchers made an elementary error.研究人员犯了个低级错误。韦氏高阶〔excusable〕I then realized that he had made a simple but excusable historical mistake.然后我意识到他犯了一个低级但可以原谅的历史性错误。外研社新世纪〔gaff〕A public place of entertainment, especially a cheap or disreputable music hall or theater.低级娱乐场所:一种尤指廉价或低级音乐厅或戏院等的公共娱乐场所美国传统〔godling〕A minor god.低级的神,小神美国传统〔greasy spoon〕A small, inexpensive, often unsanitary restaurant.低级小饭馆:一个小的、廉价的,通常较脏的饭馆美国传统〔growth〕Development from a lower or simpler to a higher or more complex form; evolution.发展,进化:由低级或简单的形态向较高级或复杂的形态发展;进化美国传统〔gunroom〕The quarters of midshipmen and junior officers on a British warship.军舰上的军官室:英国军舰上供见习军官和低级军官住的舱房美国传统〔gutbucket〕An early type of jazz characterized by a strong beat and rollicking delivery, similar to barrelhouse.低级爵士乐:一种早期的爵士乐,节奏强劲,表演喧闹,与低级酒店爵士乐类似美国传统〔hike〕TV channels are trying to hike up their viewing figures by broadcasting cheap game shows.电视频道都在试图通过播放低级的电视有奖竞赛节目来提高收视率。麦克米伦高阶〔honky-tonk〕For several years, Bill Wirtz has been performing in small clubs and honky-tonks from Maryland to the Carolinas.几年来,比尔·沃茨一直在马里兰州和南北卡罗来纳州之间的小型俱乐部和低级酒吧里表演。柯林斯高阶〔honky-tonk〕These honky-tonks ran wide open twenty-four hours a day.这些低级娱乐场所一天24小时营业。英汉大词典〔hourly〕Lower-level workers were paid hourly while executives were paid annually.低级别工人按小时付酬, 而主管们则是按年付酬。外研社新世纪〔howler〕I felt as if I had made an outrageous howler.我觉得自己似乎犯了个不可容忍的低级错误。柯林斯高阶〔humour〕You shouldn't write such obscene things to humour their dirty interests.你可不应该为迎合某些人的低级趣味而写这些乌七八糟的东西。21世纪英汉〔ignoble〕Coal is an ignoble fuel.煤是低级燃料。外研社新世纪〔infrahuman〕Of a lower order than human beings; subhuman.比人类低级的;低于人类的美国传统〔intermediate〕There are three levels of difficulty in this game: low, intermediate, and high.这个游戏有3个难度级别:低级、中级和高级。剑桥高阶〔in〕The joke is in poor taste.这个笑话趣味低级。英汉大词典〔lam into〕Reviewers lammed into the film for catering to low tastes.评论家们抨击这部影片迎合低级趣味。21世纪英汉〔low comedy〕Comedy characterized by slapstick, burlesque, and horseplay.低级喜剧:以动作打闹,杂耍,胡闹为特色的喜剧美国传统〔low-level〕Both sides sent low-level delegations to the talks.双方都派低级别的代表团参加会谈。麦克米伦高阶〔lowbrow〕Critics have dismissed him as a lowbrow.评论家们视他为趣味低级的人。韦氏高阶〔lower〕Below another in rank, position, or authority.低级的:在衔位、职位或权力上比别人低的美国传统〔lowly〕He took a lowly job in an insurance firm.他在保险公司得到了一个低级职位。剑桥高阶〔low〕Biology Of relatively simple structure in the scale of living organisms.【生物学】 低级的:有机物的等级中有相对简单结构的美国传统〔low〕Humble in status or character.卑贱的:在地位或性格上比较低级的美国传统〔low〕She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of 'legal adviser'.她拒绝把科林由“法律顾问”这一低级别往上提。柯林斯高阶〔magistrate〕A minor official, such as a justice of the peace, having administrative and limited judicial authority.治安官:一个低级别的官员,例如保安官,拥有行政权力和有限的司法权美国传统〔mean〕Low in quality or grade; inferior.品质或等级低劣的;低级的美国传统〔menial〕Many of them are menial workers.他们中的许多人都是低级工人。外研社新世纪〔menial〕She accused university-educated nurses of not wanting to carry out menial tasks.她指责那些受过大学教育的护士不愿做低级工作。外研社新世纪〔middle management〕A group of persons occupying managerial positions intermediate between lower and higher executives.中级管理阶层;中级管理人员:职位位于低级和高级管理人员之间的一群管理人员美国传统〔minor suit〕The suit of clubs or of diamonds in bridge, both having a lower scoring value.低级花色:桥牌中的方块或梅花,两者的分值都较低美国传统〔munchkin〕Informal A minor official.【非正式用语】 低级官员美国传统〔onslaught〕He praised his wife for her dignity under the onslaught of the tabloid press.他称赞妻子在遭到低级小报的攻击时保持了尊严。朗文当代〔panderer〕One who caters to or exploits the lower tastes and desires of others.迎合他人淫欲者:迎合或利用别人的低级趣味或欲望的人美国传统〔peon〕The boss just never talked to peons like us. It was beneath her.老板从来不会和我们这些低级工人说话,有失她的身份。剑桥高阶〔pit〕That restaurant is the pits.那家餐馆是最低级的。文馨英汉〔pollute〕Many complain that broadcasters pollute the airwaves with sensationalism and sleaze.许多人抱怨说广播公司用耸人听闻的题材和低级庸俗的内容污染了无线电波。剑桥高阶〔postcava〕A large vein that returns blood to the heart from the lower half of the body; the inferior vena cava.(畜类的)后腔静脉:将血液从下半身送回心脏的大静脉;低级腔静脉美国传统〔power〕A high court has power to overturn the lower court's decision.高等法院有权推翻低级法院的判决。麦克米伦高阶〔primitive〕One that is at a low or early stage of development.初期发展:处于低级或早期发展阶段的事物美国传统〔prize〕I felt a prize fool for making such a stupid mistake.犯了一个如此低级的错误,我感到自己真是个大笨蛋。韦氏高阶〔pulp〕A publication, such as a magazine or book, containing lurid subject matter.低级杂志,恐怖书刊:载有耸人听闻事件的杂志或书等出版物美国传统〔pulp〕He used to write sci-fi for the pulps.他过去常为末流低级杂志写科幻小说。英汉大词典〔quartermaster〕A petty officer responsible for the navigation of a ship.舵工:负责船只航行的低级官员美国传统〔ranker〕An enlisted soldier.士兵,列兵:招募的低级士兵美国传统〔remand〕To send back (a case) to a lower court with instructions about further proceedings.将…还押候审:将(案件)随进一步审理的命令送回较低级别的法庭美国传统〔retrograde〕To decline to an inferior state; degenerate.退步:降至较低级的状态;退化美国传统〔retrogress〕To return to an earlier, inferior, or less complex condition.后退,倒退:回到先前的、较低级的或较不复杂的状况美国传统〔scale〕We cannot hire union labor for less than scale.我们不能以低于最低级别的工资雇用工会会员。英汉大词典〔scold〕Critics reviled the novel as unsophisticated pulp.批评家把这部小说贬为不成熟的低级品。美国传统〔secondary〕One that acts in an auxiliary, subordinate, or inferior capacity.副手:位于附属、从属或低级地位的人美国传统〔seedy〕There was something a little bit seedy about the hotel.这家酒店有点儿低级下流。麦克米伦高阶〔strewn〕Their work is invariably messy and strewn with simple errors.他们的作品总是很散乱, 随处可见一些低级的错误。外研社新世纪〔stunt〕Their marriage was just a cheap publicity stunt.他们的婚姻不过是低级的宣传噱头。剑桥高阶〔subordinate〕To put in a lower or inferior rank or class.把…列入下级,使…位于较低级别美国传统〔superstition〕Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition.算命是一种非常低级的把戏, 充满了迷信色彩。外研社新世纪〔superstition〕Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition.算命是一种非常低级的把戏,充满了迷信色彩。柯林斯高阶〔ticky-tacky〕Tawdry; tacky.低级的;破旧的美国传统〔trench〕His remarks were trenching on poor taste.他的话近乎低级趣味。英汉大词典〔turn〕He had succeeded in turning a minor official in the embassy.他成功策反了大使馆的一名低级别官员。外研社新世纪〔upheld〕The high court upheld the lower court's decision.高级法院维持低级法院的判决。21世纪英汉〔venter〕Zoology A part in lower forms of animal life corresponding to the abdomen of mammals.【动物学】 腹腔:动物生命低级形式的一部分,与哺乳动物的腹部相对应美国传统〔write〕To reduce in rank, value, or price.贬低、降价:减低级别、贬低价值或价格美国传统〔yeoman〕An attendant, a servant, or a lesser official in a royal or noble household.侍从,仆人:皇室或贵族家庭中的随从、仆人或低级军官美国传统He was well known for making quite fruity jokes.他以爱讲十分低级趣味的笑话而出名。剑桥国际I know this place is a bit of a dive, but the drink's cheap and the food's great.我知道这地方有点像低级酒馆,可这里的饮料便宜,食物又棒。剑桥国际Jill has just started work as an office junior.吉尔从低级办事员做起。剑桥国际My son mucked up the car engine by using cheap, low grade gasoline. 我的儿子使用便宜的低级汽油,汽车引擎损坏了。译典通Pop videos offer a heady cocktail of sex, love, low morals and larger-than-life characters.通俗影碟会提供溶性、爱、低级趣味和夸张感的角色为一体的诱人的大杂烩。剑桥国际She enjoys going to lowbrow action movies once in a while.她喜欢偶尔看些低级的动作片。剑桥国际The politician played to the gallery shamelessly. 这位政客无耻地迎合低级趣味。译典通They live in a rather raffish part of town.他们住在镇上的低级区域。剑桥国际This magazine is criticized for pandering to the vulgar taste of some readers. 这家杂志因迎合某些读者的低级趣味而遭到批评。译典通Those newspapers cater to the lowest tastes. 这些报纸迎合低级趣味。译典通Those newspapers cater to the lowest tastes. 那些报纸迎合最低级的趣味。译典通Three levels of waste are produced :low, intermediate and high.产生了三级不同废料: 低级的、中级和高级。剑桥国际We stayed in a real fleabag when we went to New York.我们去纽约时住在一家肮脏低级的旅馆中。剑桥国际We stopped at an awful lumpen cafe where all they served was greasy food and lukewarm tea.我们进了一家只供应油腻食物和温茶的低级餐馆。剑桥国际




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